Percent Base Healing in PQs

Discussion in 'Zones and Populations' started by Mermut, May 31, 2018.

  1. Earar Well-Known Member

    why ? right now heroics aren't %based as I know off ?
  2. Mermut Well-Known Member

    They aren't.. yet... but, as mentioned before.. the fear and rumor is that devs are -considering- migrating this %heal thing to live for healers.
    Consequently, I'm considering.. and pointing out.. the 'difficulties' such a change would cause.
  3. Mermut Well-Known Member

    At least one of the SoH raid jewelry items (\aITEM -1944739235 398544330: Partially Identified Organ\/a) has an absolutely horrible 'heal' proc.. it charges up when you heal... and when you have 25 charges, you can cast the 'heal'...
    Heals group members for 20.0% of caster's max health
    • Heals group members for 5.0% of caster's max health every 7.5 seconds
    • This effect cannot be critically applied.

    So... a small heal plus 2 tiny ticks 7.5 seconds apart... and it can only be uesd every 2 minutes.

    This is the devs idea of a useful heal proc.. and even more of a hint that they're thinking of bringing this '% based heal'... brainstorm... to live.

    The few healers that are offended by the very suggestion that they might have to dps, perhaps, will love the idea that healers won't have time to do anything besides spam heals.... nobody else will.
  4. Sentrasia Well-Known Member

    I messed around with this charm and, as a mystic, most of the time I wasn't even able to get to the 25 stacks before the fight was over.

    Even when I was spamming healing with the intent to get charges. By the time I got all 25 the mobs were almost dead.

    Also a two second cast time is a bit long on any situation where the heals from the charm might be useful.

    Note: I was testing this in SoH Raid where the fights are longer. If I were to test this in any other raid zone or heroics it would be even more useless than it already is.
    Mermut likes this.
  5. knine Well-Known Member

    I've said this so many times.. the devs don't want you to solo heal lol. they want all healers to feel needed thus the need for 2.. way back when, the game came out with group cures that only cured certain dets and you had to have 2 in each.. then they combined it all.. and players got even better especially with pot. being as high as it is.. great players can solo heal on other classes.. great healers make shaman look easy solo healing.. average players can't solo heal that well.. that's just the way it is as of right now.. and I really have a feeling %based heals are here to stay and will be on live come November....just my 2 cents..
  6. Mermut Well-Known Member

    I can sort of understand that in a raid setting. It doesn't make ANY sense in a heroic setting.
  7. Earar Well-Known Member

    back then .. you usually needed 2 healers in group. because inc damage were too high for a single healer and/or .. mana issues. paladins could help also and chanters, with CC .. help lower inc damage. so 2 healers isn't always a bad thing. it's all about balance and what you want/need.

    Don't know exactly when the single healer came really into play, don't remember. Stopped at the end of TSO and came back at the end of ToT.

    and in raid for a long while (u didn't have pulse damage back then) you needed only 1 healer for dps groups.

    if I remember in KA groups were like MT group with templar, warden, mystic coercer and dirge. OT group with 2 healers and the 2 dps groups with only 1 healer. Right now having 2 healers per groups means you have a full group buffing only 2 real dps :

    scout group for exemple : mystic, warden, dirge, coercer, BL, ranger. while before you could have had 3 dps classes. And in a group as this, the coercer almost gets no buff at all. majority is aimed towards CA and melee.

    now they could decide that you have 3 "main" healers and 3 "support" healers. the support healers aiming towards chanters in buffs/dps while the main healers getting lower dps but increased healing abilities ie wards. so there are a lot of possible ways to "balance". It always depends how you want to balance.

    EQ2 has no PVP, so you just need to have clear clas roles for each class and balance towards PVE and mob's damage/HP. but we have no clear classe roles anymore .. we all assume stuff (that could e right, wrong, outdated .. ) we just don't know.

    and what makes sense is what devs decide what makes sense :) (and sometimes players)
  8. Mermut Well-Known Member

    What the devs decide, is what happens. Just because they decided something, however, does not mean it 'makes sense' in terms of how things work in game vs in theory.
  9. knine Well-Known Member

    Pretty much the last year of EQ2 lol...but here we are
    Tigerr likes this.
  10. Tigerr Well-Known Member

    This. This. This.

    I feel like this has been a problem as of late. Most of the time, it isn't even intentional. Some people do NOT understand the mechanics. I hope to god Devs do not listen to half of the posts on this forum or even suggestions in discord. Instituting balance in a game that currently is dependent on 4 Meshed ascensions will be extremely hard - There are maybe 10 people that the devs should listen to right now and about 6 of them quit right after ToV.
  11. Mermut Well-Known Member

    You do realize this thread is about healing.. which has zero to do with ascensions, right?
  12. slica Active Member

    Oh boy -_-
  13. Airvh Active Member

    Hahahaha, yeah yeah it didn't take long to see someone post the usual *oh I hate it I'm gonna quit!* They never do so their comments don't count.

    A fix for healers has been needed for a LONG time. Having every single heal spell heal for max HP sort of makes things too easy.

    It might start out hard but they will make changes to it so its easier, they always do.
  14. Mermut Well-Known Member

    And the horror of % based healing is already spreading to live...
    From today's patch notes:
    Rosyposy likes this.
  15. knine Well-Known Member

    Told ya a few months ago lol.. The remaining Devs have their "passions" being placed in game now.. final descent for EQ2 incoming :)
  16. Mermut Well-Known Member

    Soon my warden will be totally useless even in solo content.... :(
  17. Earar Well-Known Member

    wardens will still be one of the best healer for solos :) .. don't worry about that
  18. Mermut Well-Known Member

    Not when the incoming damage pulses exceed health pools (like the 80m pulses from the last mob in Torden 1 expert)... and especially not if/when the get around to nerfing the warden tree like they've nerfed shaman and sorc power feeds.
  19. Earar Well-Known Member

    but u mean solo zones ... or solo healing ?

    coz solo zones, wardens are better than most healers
  20. Rebelde Active Member

    After 14 years if I want a new game, I look for another game. Stop saying this is perfect... You can't change the entire game and don't get any consecuences
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