Exp rates fix

Discussion in 'General TLE Discussion' started by Vulaz, Oct 31, 2017.

  1. Vulaz New Member

    I was one of those people with not a ton of playtime, but love the tle experience. When the exp hit the floor, I pretty much left because it was not worth playing at all to me. Just heard the exp was fixed, logged in this morning a bit before work to check it and exp gain seems to be great now.

    An even con mob gave 0.7% and a yellow gave 0.9%, which feels great now.

    Just wanted to give a thanks from at least one player >< and to let other know that we’re in my boat it’s a good time to come back!
    Ceyllynn likes this.
  2. Atan Well-Known Member

    Good to hear.

    I was thinking about it this morning, and it sure would be nice as the population becomes more top heavy to have bonus xp zones for lower levels. In that way bonus can be given where people generally aren't available to group as to not discourge late comers. This would also congregate the limited population at those levels to the same spaces to give a more lively play experience.

    Froglok likes this.
  3. Pierce New Member

    I knew something was off, seemed waay too slow when I played. I started on the tail end of an XP weekend, which felt good. Then the XP reverted to normal (bugged) and I only made it to the mid 30's before throwing in the towel, the grind was too steep and boring without throwing money at xp pots.

    Haven't logged in for 2 weeks because I was hoping they would wise up and change it. Can anyone else chime in about how the XP rate feels now after the fix? Worth coming back or not much different?
    Ceyllynn likes this.
  4. Atan Well-Known Member

    I leveled a new alt 1-30 over the weekend, but its still a hell of a grind. Its hard to say if it is better or worse. I have bonus illusion, and mentoring from 2 characters helping me along.

    I do wish we got bonus for having other characters on the account at max level for the TLE, like veteran bonuses on live. It would make the alting a bit more fun from my perspective.
    Draknox likes this.
  5. Rolien Active Member

    While I agree vet bonuses specific to TLE characters would encourage higher levels to level up alt's on TLE. It doesn't encourage new players to level on TLE.

    Some people enjoyed specific expansions such as myself loving KoS and EoF however the exp rates for getting to the current expansion are very harsh to new players to TLE.

    Don't misunderstand what I'm saying if you can find a group they aren't bad but solo they are brutal. The problem is there are so few people in the lower levels to group with. You can spend legitimate hours trying to form/find a group for dungeons and still have no avail.

    You can level to max by solo grinding and getting .2% per kill but lets be honest it's not fun.

    People might say I just want it easy mode but in my opinion if they could double the exp rate from 1 to 10 levels below current max it would encourage people a lot more. Doing this would allow people to catch up to where the majority of people are.

    TLE needs something to draw people in, the current method doesn't do that.
    Froglok and Ceyllynn like this.
  6. Cheallaigh Well-Known Member

    my hubby is making a new tank for our guild... yeap he wasn't happy soloing a guardian.
  7. Froglok Member

    I'm currently raising a Paladin. It is a nightmare.
    Ceyllynn likes this.
  8. Zenji Well-Known Member

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with the current XP rates, I just leveled an alt from 50 - 60 in about 8 hours of gameplay only using 1, 2 hour xp pot. If you want it faster than that, go play on live.
    Atan and dirgenoobforreal like this.
  9. Froglok Member

    I never said there was? I was saying Paladins and Guardians solo slower than damage classes?

    I think you are reading in to others words with a biased perspective.
    Sixgauge, Dude and Ceyllynn like this.
  10. Cheallaigh Well-Known Member

    heh, like frog said, we were referring to the classes, not the xp per say... though if the xp was still bad, yeah he never would be working on a slow toon to raise. also not everyone is willing to pay dgb to support their screw ups with xp.
    Mizgamer62 and Froglok like this.
  11. Rolien Active Member

    50 to 60.

    Hmm majority of population is in the 50 to 60 range....

    How long will it take you to get from 1 to 50 now days without using potions.
  12. Zenji Well-Known Member

    I havent leveled from 1-50 in a while, I just buy some collections and get to 30 ish then spend about 6 hours doing RoV / Bloodline / RE then to One Rock
  13. Atan Well-Known Member

    This is pretty much the best path right now due to lack of grouping availability in lower tiers. A difficult or expensive proposition for someone without well funded mains.
  14. Cheallaigh Well-Known Member

    have you seen the costs of collections lately?
    Froglok likes this.
  15. Zenji Well-Known Member

    yes I have, if you have a level 60 main already. It is very easy to farm plat soloing ring events in sinking sands. with little effort or attention you can farm 10+ plat of vendor loot in 2 hours.
  16. Rolien Active Member

    If I didn't wanna get reported I would call you stupid because that's honestly what that statement you made is.

    So instead I'll just say that is by far the worst response I have seen.

    Please inform me what new player on the server is going to have plat to buy those collections?

    All 3 zones you listed also require groups which are in short supply.

    I just....I don't even.

    Excuse me I have to go get an ice pack I face palmed so hard I gave myself a black eye.
    Sixgauge, Froglok and Ceyllynn like this.
  17. BulletCatcher66 Active Member

    Krono Rollien... players can buy krono to start on a new server with.

    Dont leave the ice on your head to long though. could cause cold injury.
  18. Zenji Well-Known Member

    You asked a question, I answered that question. You apparently didn't want to know how long it would take me to get to 50 now a days.

    You wanted me to speculate on how long it would take a brand new player with no friends and in a guild that didn't have anyone else leveling characters. I can not answer that, because I would not level a character from 1-50 solo. This is a MMO, it is by design to be played with others.

    For example, just last night we had a person join our guild who was brand new to the server. He was level 32, he joined discord and we talked for a few minutes. He seemed like a player that shared our interests in the game. So we got him some collections to get him to 38 so he could start doing One Rock Isle. Since we don't raid tonight many of us will mentor and help him level up.

    If you want I can give you updates on how quickly he levels.
  19. Cheallaigh Well-Known Member

    missing the point drak...

    you list places that req groups, expect people to have a lot of plat already etc. I'm running/crafting 6 toons myself and hubby has 3... we really don't have more than a few plat each, crafting costs. while I have a lot of time, what I can physically do in game is sadly limited for a few months.

    people like my hubby, who is a business owner(we own a 2 bay car repair garage, which is about to be open mon through sat now during tire season here in the great white north), really only has an hour or two a night to play before exhaustions takes over and he needs to sleep. he's just an example, but there are a lot in similar positions. getting a group together can take a half hour, so what? he's supposed to spend all his time farming stuff to raise by collections instead?

    I get that for some the game is easy, some of us though are new or newish. rather than claiming crap is easy disparaging people. how about some decent suggestions?

    oh and shinies aren't cheap, 10p won't go as far as it did before dof opened.
    Dude, Mizgamer62 and Froglok like this.
  20. Zenji Well-Known Member

    10 plat is 2 hours of farming, you do that 4 or 5 times, you have enough plat to boost a toon from 1- 30, and that is only 1 way to make easy money. If you have 9 crafting toons between the two of you, idk how you struggle to make plat. There are a slew of ways to make plat in the game, and having crafters makes it even easier.

    I work 6 days a week, (about 40-50 hours) and raid 9 hours a week. I still go out and farm once or twice a week for a couple hours, to keep my plat where I am comfortable with it. I also harvest nodes while I am out and craft to sell potions. I also "play the market" when I see stuff on the broker for what I think is cheap, I buy it and resell it. I also buy 1 or 2 Krono when they are lower price and sell them when they spike. MMOs have an economy, to prosper in it, pay attention to what is going on or what is coming soon.

    For those who struggle finding a group, I am sorry. But there are guilds and communities out there. Find one that fits your playstyle, or make a few friends and start/create one that you think others maybe interested in. If you are already in a guild and they don't play with you, why are you there?

    As far as the few zones I listed, yes you do not want to solo those. On the same note you do not need a full group of 6. Like I have said in many posts, you can run a dungeon or at least most of it with 3-4 of any class and a healer.
    Bekkr likes this.