Removing Housing Access - Comments & Issue

Discussion in 'Test Server Forum' started by Niami DenMother, Aug 5, 2016.

  1. Niami DenMother Well-Known Member

    I was really excited when I saw in the Test/Beta patch notes that you could remove yourself from access to other people's houses. There's also now a filter option on the guildhall housing portal list. (Yay!)

    It is great to have the option to remove yourself, but I had some issues that make it ... kludgy

    First, if you have a ton of folks who have added you to their homes you're going to want to sit at a guild housing portal and painstakingly make a list of locations/owners. You'll see why in a moment.

    Here's how the various options work out:

    • Prestige housing from the guild hall housing portal: visit the house, then exit, THEN remove yourself from outside once you locate the right house/playername from the city prestige housing portal - thankfully, there were no guards too close to the housing portal in Freeport when my good squishie appeared outside the door there.
    • From rent-due places: EITHER Find the name on the guild housing portal, take notes, physically run there, remove your access from the front door. OR Find the name on the guild housing portal, pay the rent due(!!), enter, exit, remove yourself from the front door.
    • From the prestige housing portals in Qeynos/Freeport. IF you remembered to make a list while at a guild housing portal, you can right-click to get the visit option, select the house type, find the first name on the list, select it, remove your access, right click to get the visit option, select the house type, find the next name on the list, etc. You have to repeat several steps each time.
    I then wanted to test the fact that the "remove access" button is visible even on homes you own ... and your guildhall. Yeah, my mind had things going all kinds of messed up with that one, so it needed testing. Thankfully, someone was thinking ahead. :D
    Tried "remove access" on the guildhall. (I had trustee access, with Breu standing by to fix my access if I broke it). No message. It didn't remove my access, but it also didn't give me a failure message. Feedback: Give removing your access from the guildhall an error message, so folks know it failed, and why? :D
    Tried "remove access" on a home that I owned, and got a message that I cannot remove my access from a home that I own. This is a happy thing. :)

    Before other folks chime in with kibbitzing and suggestions that may/may not be feasible, I want to say a huge THANK YOU for adding the option at all, no matter how kludgy it may be. Over the years a lot of players have given me access to their homes on Test, and then disappeared. It was a happy thing to be able to trim the list down.

  2. Jamiss Developer

    I'll look at getting rid of the button for guild halls. It shouldn't show up at all if it's a home you own, so I'll look into that as well. I will also investigate the possibility of streamlining it from the guild hall housing portal.

    Thank you for the feedback!
    Ocarinah, Livejazz, Gracey and 6 others like this.
  3. Niami DenMother Well-Known Member

    Thanks much! It was lovely to clear a dozen-ish homes off my list, and being able to do more from the guild housing portal would be fabulous, if it is feasible.
  4. suka Well-Known Member

    how is this different from the way it works already? people are wanting a way to clean their access list from the guild hall. if the way it works is the way shown by Niami, then there really is no change.

    at the moment, the way it works:
    you can check at the guild hall for houses you have access to. in towns, open your housing and select the filter to access- the trustee houses in that town including prestige houses in freeport and qeynos will now be filtered and you will see a list of houses you are trustee on.
    just go to their houses and while in the house (you don't have to exit to do it) remove your access. once you have done that you no longer have access. it won't kick you out, but you won't be able get access again without help from someone with access. same on guild halls.

    also same on dungeons. just check your dungeon list to see where you have access.

    from all accounts you still have to go to the house- which is time consuming and can already be done. and no Niami, you don't need to leave the house. Just open the Access tab on the house and remove your name.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  5. suka Well-Known Member

    also, i know you are working on allowing us to remove our names faster, but could you consider asking those working on this project to also give us an easy way to clean our access lists on our houses and dungeons? right now, if i want to remove access to a house, i have to manually choose each name and delete it. if i accidentally load the wrong list and for instance get the list from the houses shared by all guild members to load, then i have to manually remove over 100 names. this can get tedious and time consuming. i would like to be able to simply erase the access list and start over on some houses. is there a way to do this simply?
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  6. Kittybock Well-Known Member

    Hmm, sell a Norrathian Real Estate Guide--for DBC-- that allows user to manage Home access from any location? Basically, a personal version of the Guild Hall Housing Portal.

    • Example: Change access rights for all owned homes.
    • Ability to remove your personal access from homes of others.
    • Enter a home remotely.
      • Reduces the amount of homes which are Published simply as portals, crafting houses, etc. There is so much to dig through on Leaderboards already.
    Another crazy thought, maybe create such an item as a lengthy quest reward?

    So, maybe this is not possible, but doesn't hurt to ask. :)

  7. suka Well-Known Member

    except at this time, the only thing you can do at that guild portal is enter a home remotely. what we want is the ability to remove personal access from homes of others without having to go to the homes, which we don't have right now. that is what they are trying to fix. but yeah, a personal way to access houses that are not published without going to a hall or city would be nice.
  8. Niami DenMother Well-Known Member

    The change is that if you have multiple homes that you need to remove that are all Qeynos prestige homes, for example, you can sit at the Qeynos prestige housing portal and remove access one by one without having to zone in and out from each and every one. It isn't time-saving if you're doing just a single home in a location, but if you're doing multiple, it saves you a lot of zoning wear and tear. There's still room for improvement, though, and Jamiss has already said he'll look into the possibility of streamlining it from the guild housing portal. Here's hoping that he finds it to be easily doable!
  9. suka Well-Known Member

    that will be good then and i do hope he can do it. yeah i have about 50 or so houses i need to remove from mine but i often crash while zoning in and out of houses
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  10. Kittybock Well-Known Member

    Changing access rights was in my suggestion, scroll up.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  11. Tekka Well-Known Member

    Does this include removing yourself from houses who's access list you are on but not a trustee of?
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  12. Jamiss Developer

    Yes, the intention is for it to work on every access level that you can have for a house, except ownership :p
  13. Schmetterling Well-Known Member

    there was a pole on the pvp server to ask if you should get access to houses from anywhere , so that is possible
    That would be how the crowds of houses that are on the Leaderboard just so you can get in your house from anywhere
    could be thinned out.
    If the access to houses from anywhere is only to your house , I would add another option for shops to allow you to go to
    houses in the city of the other faction, or the houses in Maj'Dul.

    Another way would be to tag shops as such on the leaderboard.

    Otherwise I am very happy we can take of the houses of people that long ago have stopped playing
    I have access to 20 houses on one of my toons and at the guild housing portal I can't even find my own houses.
  14. Gracey Well-Known Member

    OMG this is wonderful news! I don't care how cumbersome it is - I need this!! I have access to like 60 or 70 houses I can't remove from my list because I have "friend" or some other access to. The ones I was a trustee on - I eliminated early on. Thanks you Jamiss!!!
  15. Jamiss Developer

    I experimented a bit with moving it to the visit menu, but there were a few problems with doing that. The house access modification requires you to be in the house zone or the zone that the house's entrance is in. Unfortunately, this means that I can't make it work from guild halls.

    I did, however, remove the button from when you're accessing a guild hall, so you shouldn't be able to remove your access from Guild Halls.
  16. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Wait, what? If we have to be in the zone of the house, and, say, a way higher level buddy named you Friend or Trustee to like a Neriak or Freeport place (or Qeynos, if the buddy's good and your toon isn't), wouldn't it be safer for your baby toon (they do exist ;->) to be able to remove such access when the buddy leaves the game (or hasn't been on in eons) while in the Guild Hall? :(

    Or am I misunderstanding and "you shouldn't be able to remove your access from Guild Halls" means you can't accidentally remove YOUR access to A Guild Hall? :confused:

  17. Tekka Well-Known Member

    If I've read this correctly, you will need to go to the house, or the zone the house is in (you have access, so going via the portal amenity works) to remove access to the house(s) you want to remove yourself from.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  18. Jamiss Developer

    This is correct. You can utilize this in either the house zone or the zone in which you access the zone.

    The Remove Access button will not work from a guild hall or ON guild halls. This is due to limitations on modifying the access to a house.
  19. Dude Well-Known Member

    I really appreciate the active feedback and participation on these forums by DBG personnel.
  20. Solith New Member

    I have a deleted characters home still showing up on the access list. I have gone to the home and selected via the door and I was able to remove my access to this home with the remove access button; however it is still showing up in the access list after the removal and I of course have no access to the home now but cant try anything else.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.