
Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Lea Plath, Apr 28, 2016.

  1. Kander Developer


    Just wanted to drop by and address this thread. We are indeed watching feedback and discussing this internally.

    We do not have any current plans to adjust or change the buff that is offered, but we will keep monitoring feedback.

    Thanks for everyone's patience.
  2. RadarX Community Manager

    Folks this thread is still open because there is still constructive discussion happening. As long as that continues, we'd like to keep it that way.

    For those of you who don't see a post you made, please consider that a reminder to stay on topic and in compliance with our forum guidelines. Thanks!
    Kittybock, Deago and Prissetta like this.
  3. Ummmyeh Active Member

    I must say I like having the extra 30 pot on TLE. My suggestion if you don't think it belongs just don't use it. Really it is that easy.
  4. Torvaldr Well-Known Member

    I've been searching Halls of Fate far and wide for Deago, but he's nowhere to be found. :D

    Plus the whole idea of heartbinding makes me uncomfortable. When did we all get so touchy feely huggy wuggy?
    Arielle Nightshade and Deago like this.
  5. Torvaldr Well-Known Member

    No because the buff doesn't exist in a vacuum. It would be better to just add it as a straight subscription perk. That would be a powerful perk that would encourage anyone to sub, not just if you find another player to "heartbound" to. I would much rather see this sort of thing for a sub than gating content like GU100 and such. Stuff like heartbinding and renewing are just too convoluted and detract from gameplay.

    Keep heartbound as a couple buff to make it easy for two players that enjoy duoing easy to get together and play.
    Arielle Nightshade and Lea Plath like this.
  6. Xillean Well-Known Member

    I guess im the only one who thought getting the suffix titles Heartbound of _______ was a nice and cool enough perk to the in game marriage. Then again I really thought the in game marriage thing would be just some rp fluff.

    Regardless I am grateful Kander said something and at least the devs are considering our feedback.
    Prissetta and Lea Plath like this.
  7. Kari Well-Known Member

    I find it somewhat ironic that I get a bigger heartbound buff when my husband isn't playing than when he is. Because I just log him on and leave him at the heartstone so I can use him to click every 30 minutes. But when we are playing together as a couple we are both away from the heartstone and lose the double buff.
  8. Shauwn Active Member

    I was surprised heartbound wasn't done similar to the Fellowships in EQ1. The 30 Fervor is fun to a point, but yea it's a little ridiculous honestly.
  9. Shurrikan Member

    This buff does not belong as is. It comes from a instance that awards appearance gear, and you make it the most powerful buff in the game. This should be something along the same lines as the gear from the zones.

    Giving 9 or 10 items worth of potency on TLE is really, really silly. I won't comment on Live, since I quit playing it.
  10. Lateana Older than Dirt, Playing EQII since 2004

    I sincerely hope that Kander and crew don't nerf this buff. Many folks who duo out there aren't reading this forum and are happy that they have a little extra boost. Folks you are taking this all too seriously.
  11. Feldon Well-Known Member

    Fervor is Final Ability Damage. Rather than one of the many many base modifiers we already have, Fervor comes after all the other math has been done and compounds on top of that. A person doing 10 million damage with 30% Fervor does 13 million damage. +30% Fervor is nearly 4 times as powerful as the most powerful raid belt last expansion. Every raid force out there is now requiring its members to become Heartbound to each other to have this balance-shifting buff.

    Heartbound was supposed to be a nice in-game recognition of the relationships people have built inside and outside the game. I don't think it was supposed to jump us forward an entire year in Power Progression. If there is specific solo or duo content that you feel needs adjustment, I'd file a bug report/feedback.
    Torvaldr, Mermut, Prissetta and 4 others like this.
  12. Lateana Older than Dirt, Playing EQII since 2004

    I have nothing specific to complain about with solo or duo content. The new buff just makes things a little easier overall. Not everyone is a raider and those who are shouldn't begrudge the rest of the players an extra boost. If raiders are unhappy about it then don't use it. If your guild is forcing you to use it against your will then you should probably be looking for a guild that is less authoritarian.
    Meneltel and Arielle Nightshade like this.
  13. Kittybock Well-Known Member

    When running groups, Heartbound is a powerful tool! Most in our guild don't use Heartbound for one set character...we use it for the Buff. We do have a couple folks that bind to their spouse, but they play together all the time, questing n' such.

    Buff duration:
    • I would like to see the original 30 extended. A lot of time is wasted getting where we are going or swapping toons. Clock is ticking.
    • If not extended, perhaps give only the 15 on rekindle, then add an ability (similar to scroll of prowess mechanic), so we can start the 30 when needed? Maybe "Strengthen Bond?"
      • Had to add--if adding a clickie activation--it would be super cute if this had a spell effect, on cast, similar to the green brilliance that appears with casting Scroll of Prowess, except it could use rose petals :cool:
    Sure, I bind my spouse when he is running with us on weekends. Otherwise, I pick a guildie that should be in group for the runs/ day and grab them. I must say, it is great fun listening to some of our guys partner up, calling each other hon and such...good times!
    Prissetta and HaphazardAllure like this.
  14. Nkito Well-Known Member

    Regardless of how powerful this buff ends up why the need to go to the guild hall every 30min to refresh it? If people are heartbound and all-access isn't that enough?

    If not, isn't both being online enough? Or if clicking IS a requirement for some unknown reason can it be a locket or something you can carry with you OR can the duration be extended to 3-4 hours if a guild hall trip is required?

    It's just tedious to call to guild hall so frequently, especially for your group members waiting on you. Not to mention the piles of stuff some halls have in them and loading troubles for some people, it just seems needlessly disruptive and potentially frustrating.

    Yeah yeah, I know, don't click it if it annoys you but if you have another 15 fervor available you're GOING to get it to contribute more to the group if you care about being the best you can be.
    Prissetta likes this.
  15. Finora Well-Known Member

    Not everyone who sees this buff as a problem is a raider either.

    And it is a problem. A "little" more powerful is one thing. 30% more powerful is NOT a little bit though. It's far too powerful of a buff and really is a game changer that should never have been put in game as it is.

    Of course there are a lot of people who are enjoying it. There are a lot of people who enjoyed buying items for 1cp and selling it for much more as well. There were a ton of people back in TSO days who loved being able to do gray shard runs. There are people who would love it if they could just buy raid quality gear for DBC. Just because people like it doesn't mean it's a good move for the game.

    A major power buff is not what heartbound should be.
  16. Kittybock Well-Known Member

    I disagree with this comparison. Players buying items for 1cp and selling for more was an EXPLOIT. Utilizing the Heartbound buff--as the game intended--is NOT an exploit!

    This buff encourages players to game together. If they do, they are more powerful for awhile. I don't see this as game-changing. There are new weapons intro'd with GU100 that can make someone pretty darned uber. Does that make said weapons wrong? Nope, not in my dangles a carrot, so that we get out there and explore.
    Prissetta likes this.
  17. Finora Well-Known Member

    I know that was an exploit. That does not change what I was saying. In case you missed it or didn't finish reading my statements, what I was saying was some people really like things to be easy. Like really really easy.

    Do people really not understand what 30% or even 15% fervor does?

    All of the other stuff like potency etc that ever comes that makes your character more powerful, that 30% fervor buff makes it 30% more powerful than it already was. Even the 15% . That is too much for doing nothing. It's not a carrot, it's a blinking beacon sitting on a pot of gold with a sign saying "Godmode ahead" .
    -Soteria-, Mermut, Prissetta and 3 others like this.
  18. Kittybock Well-Known Member

    I do understand how it works. It is a valid buff. If players choose not to use a buff, they can simply not take it.

    God mode ftw ;)
    Prissetta likes this.
  19. Xper Well-Known Member

    It's pretty funny. Right now its a nice buff that makes content easier. But next expac, what, you guys don't think they're going to balance content around people having 30% fervor?
    Torvaldr, RedBB, Mermut and 3 others like this.
  20. sycla Active Member

    According to me this is their way of trying to get the min/maxer's to pay for a second account.
    If the buff could be renewed when both heart bound were logged in and not close to the thinghy it would make sense..but they made it 30 mins so that ppl have to pay for a second account with a alt sitting by the thinghy.
    this is just a money grab thing but i am happy to pay them to keep this game alive..wish they had been less "at loss for right word"..maybe cheesy about this