Merge Downtimes: Crushbone, Butcherblock, and Oasis - Updates Inside!

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Roshen, Oct 16, 2015.

  1. Jrel Well-Known Member

    If I login using Everquest2.exe, and put in the names for my BB toons with Maj'dul, it states there are no servers for them. Still zero toons at character select screen.
  2. Azkadelia New Member

    I am a little bummed that I can't get my Webbie name back. First froglok I made when they were available, her name is Webbie Toed. She was online just a couple of weeks ago...hhmmm
  3. Raisie Member

    Booted before I could try. It said i renamed my guild :NAME: weird
    Gramma likes this.
  4. Feldon Well-Known Member

  5. Dolphinsgal Active Member

    I know they took the server back down, but all my toons say oasis not the new server Maj'dul (on launch char select)...I hope it auto changes if not is there a way to change the server to the new one?
  6. Jsnappy Member

    That appears to be one of the Bugs. Guilds that had a z or z's added to their names all were able to rename back to original name which caused duplicates to appear. There appeared to be no restriction preventing what name you could change the guild to so duplicates could exist on same server. Im sure they will reset all the name changes and potions once re-launch
    Juraiya, suka and Azkadelia like this.
  7. Favorlock New Member

    have you been able to even log in to see any toons ?
  8. Zenovia New Member

    I'm sure it will auto change. :)
  9. Raisie Member

    I hope so Snappy! Id love to have Solstice back but id rather have anything then the guild called NAME. .lmao!
    Kurisutaru and Juraiya like this.
  10. suka Well-Known Member

    i saw that. but they will be renamed again i am sure. you can go to and look up the guild name. then you can see who all is in the guild and when they logged in last, provided they elected to share their statistics and didn't block them.
  11. Feldon Well-Known Member

    You will need to go to Character Select screen and then quit for your Launchpad to be updated.
    suka likes this.
  12. Raisie Member

    Yes there were a few in guild on. And there were tons renaming of guilds and the text coming across the screen showing it. They were broadcasting that there was issues with guild names. When I went to rename our guild i typed in /guild rename and before I could put in the name it announced to the world our new name was NAME.
  13. suka Well-Known Member

    log into server select without choosing a toon. although they are down now, they will be back up and you will be able to see and log into each toon from there. takes a bit for your launcher to catch up with the changes. also you can try validating the files.
  14. suka Well-Known Member

    so name yours webbietoed. that way it will be unique and you will get it
    Azkadelia likes this.
  15. kluxor Well-Known Member

    from the few moments in game guilds were indeed changing their ZZ names back to the wagering that it wasn't supposed to work that way and possibly what they're fixing
    Feldon and suka like this.
  16. Raisie Member

    That must be the issue then. When I looked up the other Solstice none of the 3 accounts that are in that guild have been on in over a year. Unless they are hiding it.......
    suka likes this.
  17. Lamatu Active Member

    For any guilds that lost their name there is one suggestion if you really liked the name.

    You could put spaces between the letters. For example SolsticeZZ could become S O L S T I C E

    One downside to this is that you can't do a global search of /who for guilds with spaced letters.
  18. Dolphinsgal Active Member

    Ty Feldon and Suka it shows on the char select screen in game Maj'dul...I appreciate the help with that :)
    suka likes this.
  19. Jrel Well-Known Member

    Thanks. Yeah, I've already validated. I'll just keep my fingers crossed.
    suka likes this.
  20. Griffon Lady Well-Known Member

    Well, I lost one name to someone who logged in 2 times for a total of a half hour in the last 2 months. :\ Thank you Smallmedium -.- And yes, I was watching on EQ2wire ever since the merger announcement. Guess they didn't go by played time this time. /sigh I lost on the creation date by 2 days or so, but I had a day or 2 more played time.
    Also, if cross server travel was what they had done, we'd be on our toons with all our houses and have our names with no z, have our guild name, and the people would have the ability to go look on all servers for group mates... /sigh Cross server travel would have been better all around. It would have taken more programing to get it going (assuming the Battle grounds programing couldn't just be expanded on) but there would have been less grief.
    Also, when a merger happens, it's a temporary fix, just like the last 2. Enabling cross server travel wouldn't need to be fiddled with till the TLE server catches up on expansions and needs added in, or new servers were added. Even if there were only 6 people PUGing on separate servers, they'd be able to hop servers and eventually find each other. How was this not the option chosen? (Aside from the whiners that got mergers stuck in their heads and put all their effort into harassing DBG for that instead of thinking of a better option. /sigh)
    Kurisutaru, Juraiya and suka like this.
  21. suka Well-Known Member

    or they could try Solstyce - different spelling but sounds the same
    Juraiya likes this.