New Daybreak Game Cards Coming Soon!

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Dexella, Oct 2, 2015.

  1. Hexalobular Well-Known Member

    That depends on why you didn't include the 500 bonus DB in your second example.
  2. Stabaholic Active Member

    suka likes this.
  3. Pharasta New Member

    Most definitely ticked that they will not be available outside of U.S. - I would like to remind Daybreak Games that there is a sizable contingent of gamers outside of that country that help push your profit margin in the right direction.
    suka and Pipsissiwa like this.
  4. Alenna Well-Known Member

    I wish DBC had of remembered that some of us are on tight budgets $15 a month is duable for some of them 25 a month or $50 every three months is not. there are some of us who do not use credit cards and have bought the $15 game cards to keep our subs which was duable this change may be the end for some folks and you may lose more then you gain.
    Baphmistra and suka like this.
  5. Hexalobular Well-Known Member

    Yes, but the one month's membership includes 500 DB doesn't it?
    So that's 1000 DB left over from the card and 500 DB from the bonus = 1500 DB?

    I think there was a time when the bonus DB Station Cash only applied to recuring memberships but is there any such rule now?
  6. Xevran Well-Known Member

    So I would literally be getting screwed over by buying these cards over just using a prepaid debit and paying a $6 fee. OK, sounds like a good plan Daybreak. Again, let me know when you wanna sell me sub in a card and I'll buy it.
  7. Angrypants New Member

    Are these cards going to be offered at walmart in the future? How about the 500 bonus?
    suka likes this.
  8. DK2759 New Member

    I also want to know if it will be in Walmart as well.. I have a GameStop next door to my Walmart but I would rather get them at Walmart not GameStop
  9. suka Well-Known Member

    no you would still get the monthly sub 500 sc - i don't think it matters how you pay- card or credit card or krono.

    my question however, will these be available at walmart and when?
  10. suka Well-Known Member

    please address the questions about the 500 sc that you get for subbing and also do you plan to offer these at walmart?
  11. Cuelaen Well-Known Member

    I would have liked to see them for sale at 7-11, and cvs, like the old soe ones were. There is a best buy, and a toys r us in the next town over, but i will miss the convenience of going down the street and getting them, and not have to go out of my way. Then again, the only time i really do buy the physical cards, is when there is a sale that requires buying the cards, so i guess it is what it is.
  12. Baphmistra Active Member

    I'm just happy when I first played the game it was $15.00 a card. If it had been that expensive I never would have bothered. So DB be happy I'm still playing, but I'm not adding money to the game this year. I thought when SOE gave up and someone else took over there would be improvements. So far all I've seen is the prices go up, and up. I'll give it a few months, and just one other point, I have more than one station account, all of mine have prestige houses. Maybe for a Frostfell present we can have $10.00 cards? Or triple SC bonuses?
  13. Kelvmor Active Member

    Just a little note to people who say DBG's done nothing but raise prices:

    When SOE was around, you could pay $15 per month per SOE game you played. So if you wanted to play EQ, EQ2, and DCUO, you'd pay $15 a month *per game*. If you wanted a flat rate for all three games, you had the option to pay around 17 additional dollars per month (my last SOE All-Access Bill was $32) for All-Access. Then, they left Sony, became Daybreak. Suddenly All-Access was the norm, and for a flat rate of 15 bucks you could play all of their games. Boom!
  14. suka Well-Known Member

    i don't see where they went up. these are simply cards. you can buy the same rates as always on the sc link that is posted in a previous post. there are $5, $10, $15 and up in increments. it comes out to $1 per 100 sc point- as it always has. the only break we got was from walmart, who had a deal with soe where if you bought a $15 card you got 500 sc free. that was a great deal. the only difference now is they have decided it wasn't worth it to let the stores sell anything less than the $25 increment. probably has something to do with the wholesale price of the item. i usually buy in $20 increments.

    now if they come back around with the 500 sc bonus when they start selling to walmart again, i will be pleased as punch. that will be not because they decreased the price but because the bonus walmart gave was a really good deal. however, if they choose not to, i will totally understand and be happy there was no increase in prices.
    avashi, HaphazardAllure and Xianthia like this.
  15. Ecugia88 Active Member

    i wanted game cards to come back so i didnt have to waste my CC on these people due to all of the problems that ensue on people who use CCs. These new people with their stupid ridiculous prices are going to drive the rest of the population away slowly but surely. $15 game card at walmart used to give 1500 SC + an extra 500 SC if bought from walmart. If there was anything actually useful on the SC shop, I'd just might want that 2500 sc, but there isnt, so no. Nobody will "want" to buy it.
    Anyone else see that the CE and PE prices for the next xpak are a BIT over priced as hell? $140 for premium edition. Anyone who buys into that is a friggin moron.
  16. Aldrix Member

    Prices to play now are cheaper than they were when SOE was in charge. So I fail to see how lower prices will drive anyone away. The pre-purchase card is in a higher denomination, so what? Don't like it? Use a regular credit card and shut up.

    Speak for yourself. If I want to spend my own $140 that I worked for, that's my choice. Doesn't make me a moron. You stating this like you know everyone's situation without knowing anything makes you the moron. Some of us have plenty of disposable income and always buy the higher priced expansion editions.
  17. Filly67 Well-Known Member

    Very true. It's always so nice when people decide how and why people should spend their money. If we thought it was worth it, we would buy all four of our accounts the premium edition. It's not the money holding us back. It's the game play and value. For us it's not even worth buying the expansion at all, at any price. I can't see the value or worth. I wish people would see it the same way as me but that is not how the world works. I hope that those who buy it enjoy it and feel that they get their monies worth. For us that could never happen so we will choose to abstain.
    suka likes this.
  18. Ecugia88 Active Member

    Using a credit card is going to be cheaper now than using Game cards. 14.99 for a month using CC. $25 game card can either be used for a month or give SC.

    It does make you a moron if spend $60 more for just 3 more useless items.
  19. suka Well-Known Member

    you have it all wrong. it is not cheaper really, it is the same. round that 14.99 off to $15. if you use a game card, you spend $15 on the game and $10 on the sc. that adds up to $25. don't know where you get that it would cost you the entire $25 for the game. you need to read more carefully so you can make logical and informed decisions.

    as for spending $60 on three items, each person should be allowed to make their own decision on what is useful and worthy to them without people going around calling them names. it really isn't anyone's business how other people spend their money. i might think it would be kind of dumb for me to spend $45 on baby shoes that a baby would grow out of in two months, but plenty of grandparents spend more than that on baby shoes without blinking an eye because 1. they can afford it and 2. they want it and 3. they think it is worth it. that is their choice and i would have no right to criticize, just as you have no right to call people names and slam them for what they choose to spend their own money on.

    if it is the wrong choice for you, so be it. but you have no right to decide on what is right for any other person. period.
  20. Gramma Active Member

    That seems unnecessarily insulting. You're saying that if someone has the disposable income and the desire to purchase something you can't afford, that makes them stupid.

    It sounds like you're crying sour grapes to me. I can afford the PE atm, but didn't like the extras that came with it, so I'm getting the CE. I don't resent other players who actually might like the extras and decide to buy them. I certainly don't think I have a right to judge someone as stupid just because they don't share my likes or dislikes.
    avashi, Livejazz, Finora and 3 others like this.