Change voting on Expansion Unlocks from 30+ to something else

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Regolas, Jul 29, 2015.

  1. flameweaver Well-Known Member

    Just a thought, but probably the lack of players on the live servers, with mass voting of yes to each expansion, they would expect TLE's to reach the current end game sooner rather than later and therefore bring the players back to the live servers.
  2. Alenna Well-Known Member

    then they would be shooting themselves in teh foot becuase a lot of the people on the TLE servers came back just for those do those people think that it will bring them back? I'll give them a clue nope it would only make them leave again.
  3. Gninja Developer

    We are discussing the specific rules for who gets to vote internally. We will let you guys know what is decided before the voting time comes.
    Kelvani and flameweaver like this.
  4. Adevil Well-Known Member

  5. Cheallaigh Well-Known Member

    you'd've thought they would have learned from the last few months on eq1's tlp.... but nope. btw the votes on there are level 10.
  6. Mowse Well-Known Member

    what do you mean.. learn what? Voting works or its messed up?
  7. Hammdaddy Active Member

    I worked 30 hours the first week the server came out, and i played a lot in a week. And i'm personally sorry that you can't dedicate any time to this game, perhaps try a single player game?
  8. Hammdaddy Active Member

    I did quests from 30-50 basically and did it in four days, (of course i used stupid collections as well).
  9. Hammdaddy Active Member

    I also hope that they will wisen up and filter out all of the voters below level 45.
    Disclaimer: I'm voting no the moving up the first time because i think one month at 50 is too little.
  10. SeaJae Member

    That's cute, because being the 6th person to hit 50 (did it about 10 hours after Behmoth and Sabxx), I can say that questing is much, much better than dungeon grinding.
    Hammdaddy likes this.
  11. Wabit Active Member

    I've basically quested to 30. Didn't even finish all the TS quests, barely did anything in NF. Heck doing jboots (solo, horse + sprint, no evacs) got me at least 2 levels (disco's + quest exp). Completed a few of the lowbie collections. Spent a couple hrs in SH (offset that exp gain by mentoring).

    I have a lot of played time, but I harvested alot, chatted more than I should, and picked some really bad timesink quests (20 griffawns anyone).

    Getting to level 30 really shouldn't be much of a problem, every 8 days would equal about 100% vita. So if you don't let it just sit at 100% vita you'll accumulate over 300% total. That is a lot of levels in bonus exp.

    I also think crafting level should get to vote if that is above 30. The real timesink there is the harvesting, if you do your own.

    The better progression would be 30 day vote:
    1. no unlock
    2. unlock splitpaw & vamp packs
    3. unlock DoF + adventure packs. (a vote for 3 is also vote yes vote for 2)

    I don't want to see DoF after 30 days, but I'd vote for the adv packs (didn't really like either of them), But this seems like the happy middle ground, gives 50's something to do for a couple weeks and lets those not 50 have another month to get there and do some raids. And it's not like anyone is really going to want to hold up DoF if they don't complete the Adv Pack raids. But it does allow most to have a decent chance of getting their Prizzy's (Great quest), and run SotL more than once.

    T5 raiding isn't that great (the contested are), most are one and done instances. But if you work it right there is 3 nights of raiding (and lots of walking) a week.
    Papablaze likes this.
  12. Nuhvohk Active Member

    why would crafters want to vote anyway? people who only craft and don't adventure (kinda pointless to me imo, but whatever) aren't going to be reaching endgame, so why should they have any say in whether or not we move on to the next expansion?

    "oh but muh new recipes"
    to make stuff you're not going to use anyway. really, aside from maybe decorators, why do some people only craft and do nothing else? what's the point?
  13. Nuhvohk Active Member

    not everyone is here for nostalgia. for some people, the appeal of TLE is a new server, so these people "rush" because they're interested in server firsts and discos. not to mention there are lots of people who joined later and never got a chance to do old raids because nobody on live does them. these people aren't "nostalgic" about most of the game but just want to do the stuff they never could.

    other people might want to "rush" because they aren't particularly fond of the current expac, but really want to relive a different one. i'm in that boat. I joined during KOS, and I couldn't give two sh!ts about vanilla. Imma be voting yes until KOS, then i'll join the "take it slow" crowd, maybe. not everyone here is nostalgic about the same content as you, perhaps you should consider that.

    i also think it's funny that everyone is scared of old content running out with a new expac. news flash: most people don't "rush" or "grind" or whatever you call it, so there will still be plenty of people for groups in the lower levels while the high levels do their thing. the reason old content is dead on regular servers is not because of the level cap, but because of things like Heroic Characters, easy powerleveling, fast XP rates, etc, which allow people to skip content easily. on TLE we have none of that, so altaholics will always be providing a steady stream of lowbie toons. the few of us who want to move on won't cause the whole server to suddenly die out like you think it will.
  14. Rhodris EQ2Wire Ninja

    So when you're at level 50 and raiding but still using level 10 or 20 arrows, will you not be concerned about that? Or vendor bought food and drink? Or vendor bought poisons and potions? None of the consumables you can buy from the vendors is anywhere near as good as crafted. So wouldn't it be kinda good to know that there are dedicated crafters out there who may not be high adventuring level but who can make these products for you to use when you are raiding at level 50? Crafting takes time and effort - in a different way to adventuring, but just as valid. When they get to level 50 in crafting, they will catch up with their adventuring levels. After all, they do have to harvest materials, and it's a lot easier when you're at level for the zone. I think they are quite as justified in having a say on the server's progression. They are also paying their sub like everyone else.
  15. Alenna Well-Known Member

    Just because it is not your playstyle does not make it invalid EQ2 has been a game for myriad of playstyles including crafting and decorating. Just because it is not your playstyle does not mean they don't deserve a vote. How selfish of you for thinking that only those who play the game the way you do deserve a vote.
  16. Adevil Well-Known Member

    Crafting levels faster than adventuring. I'm still slogging away at 23 adventure level, but 30 crafting.

    Don't assume crafters aren't also adventuring. What you can assume is that they don't level adventuring quite as fast because...."Oooh! Harvest node!!!"
    Ceyllynn and Ruallin Ebonhammer like this.
  17. Nuhvohk Active Member

    i'm not saying they don't deserve a vote because it "doesn't fit my playstyle". they don't deserve a vote because they aren't doing anything that would require newer content. perhaps i am bitter because it seems most of the people who whined about the level 30 requirement were tradeskillers who don't go past lvl 20 at all unless they need to for more harvests.
  18. Nuhvohk Active Member

    I'm not assuming. i'm specifically talking about crafters who do nothing but craft. i personally think it's most advantageous to do both, and i think that was how the game was designed. i don't understand people who only craft, because what's the point of making things 30 levels above you? to sell them? what are you going to do with the money? maybe you're going to donate them to guildies, that's the only reason i could see that legitimizes such behavior.
  19. Adevil Well-Known Member

    Nowadays...hint, hint....Krono.

    Edit: That's not my reason for crafting, though...and it really isn't lucrative enough at lower levels to make anywhere near enough to buy a krono. I just like to do both adventuring and crafting.
    Alenna likes this.
  20. Charlice Well-Known Member

    One could also say to you, perhaps try a full time job?