What's the highest sustained HPS you;ve ever seen on a single target?

Discussion in 'Priests' started by Montag, Apr 25, 2014.

  1. Montag Well-Known Member

    Like, one tank/one healer sustained over at least several minutes (duo so no group heals).
  2. Mermut Well-Known Member

    2 people is still a group.. and if damage came in on both people I would cast a group heal, not two pt heals..
    I don't have any numbers, though, because I don't generally pay attention to parses on quick duo stuff.
  3. Koko Well-Known Member

    I don't really understand the question, but it is an odd one. Heal parses (in my opinion) don't really "mean" anything other than damage was dealt and it was healed. So the question is 'really' asking "what was the most damage a tank managed to get hit by over an encounter?" which is a rather interesting question to ask!

    Realistic ST EncHPS ~ 200~300k ish
    -A tank will take about this much damage (on average)/second in high encounters
    -However auto attacks hit for 500k~1.4m so this isn't really ever applicable...
    Realistic GW EncHPS ~ 200~300k ish
    -'Cause Merig/Geric/Herig are dumb
    Unrealistic ST EncHPS ~ 1.4m
    -Complete heals on charmed pets, hahahahahahaha...

    The 'tug o war' of heals isn't a reality until temps are gone. Without temps, healing through 1m+ hits simply is feasible. Yet with temps, stuff needs to hit that hard or encounters become trivial. ='(
    Mermut likes this.
  4. Mktavish01 Member

    It would hands down be the warden. And anything group still counts to the single target albeit only a portion. Which that only really matters when power becomes an issue. The amount of hot stacking for the warden is phenomenal just adding up the numbers.
  5. Ciroe Active Member

    I'm not sure this pertains to the OP question exactly, but i can tell you my average, and highs.

    I run a decently geared Channeler.

    I had 276HP on the spider chic fight in Stasis (or is that Stratum), where the group insisted on just AE'ing and everyone was getting the DOT.

    I parsed 411HPS on a failed Ragefire attempt (Have killed him twice tho, but not with that high of HPS) that lasted maybe 2-3 minutes?

    On average tho, on hard encounters, i can sustain around 200k, 250k ish without having too many "Ohh Sh*t" moments. Easy Heroics, i usually run DPS spec, and rarely top 100k

    The only time i heal with a second healer is raiding, and usually (but not always) when i run DOM. Otherwise i am of course, solo healing.

    Not sure if that directly answered your question, but maybe that helps you get near the answer you're looking for?
  6. Silzin Active Member

    I think i have seen over 40 mil HPS on a named fight from our Pall when he was charmed 2 or 3 times on the Snake Named in AS.... Darn Pally healing when charmed.
  7. Buffrat Well-Known Member

    As Koko said, ST HPS doesn't matter at all. The name of the game is healing the tank up to full before they get hit again (if they even survived that first hit, in which case heal them up to full and have one of the 2-3 people in group put up another death save).
  8. Mktavish01 Member

    Well I think the OP specifically states a duo ... so no more people can even be considered in the equation.
    However I myself seemed to forget all the possible combo's between a priest class and any role to fill the tank. And just assuming all heals came from the priest.
    I think the obvious for highest amount and longest sustained would be from a 2 priest duo.
  9. The_Cheeseman Well-Known Member

    Nexus Core: final sig quest instance on my Monk. Percentage-based heals are nice when you have millions of HP!

    But seriously, this question is pointless. High sustained HPS just means you're carrying and under geared tank.
  10. Koko Well-Known Member

    Hahahaha you blew charm pets %heals out of the water!
    Berserker mobbing that quest zone likely takes the cake for the highest sustained HPS in game.
  11. Azian Well-Known Member

    On a single target I'm not sure that's quite as clear cut as you are making it. Both druids can knock HPS out of the park with lots of incoming group wide damage on a full group. With one tank and one healer and nothing else, who the heck knows? You'd almost have to test it. I think you'd see templars holding extremely strong. (Don't mistake me, my warden is my primary healer right now and I think they are great. I'm just not sure this exact scenario is aimed squarely at their strength.)

    For what it's worth, the highest spikes of HPS I've seen in heroic content have come from a channeler.

    I think we'd almost have to know the reason for the OPs question? Are they forming a duo and looking for the best tank/healer combo? Or, just random musing in which case the 2 character limit makes the question kind of pointless.
  12. Ragna Well-Known Member

    Hehe :)
    Doesn't beat the charmed pally LoHing the boss at less than 10%. :cool:
  13. Tayz Member

    HPS don't mean jack as long as people survive....lol
  14. EQAditu Member

    Despite finding the restrictions of the questions kind of odd, I couldn't resist finding a controlled case for it.

    The answer seems simple... merc and a GH x4 summon. For me, it was specifically the new paladin merc Lady Liae Croae and an Amygdalan Guardian (x4). At the least, good side players can get the merc, if not everyone... and Creature Conjuror should be available to everyone. But again HPS is capped on mob damage output. Though it's an interesting benchmark to solo-heal a heroic merc vs an epic x4. (Fine Tuning Tip: make sure to enable/disable raid buffs/debuffs from the summoner)

    So about 102k in normal healing, 18k in theoretical stoneskins and 48k in theoretical Shield Ally.


  15. Arielle Nightshade Well-Known Member

    How much sustained HPS any healer can put out also depends on how much damage the single target is taking. That depends on a lot of things, too...role, skill, gear (is your single target in an offensive stance wearing a paper bag?). All healing is only 'chance you got to heal' vs. DPS which is 'how much damage can you do?'.
  16. Naneel Member

    There are just too many variables that factor into heal parses for them to be comparable without highly controlled test environments.

    To answer the OPs original question, it would require a battery of tests in highly controlled environments that would not be very representative of the "real world".

    The only tests that matter are: did you succeed in killing the mob? And, did you do it with minimal deaths in your group?

    If the OP is wondering which healers are the best healers with best healers defined as those capable of healing through burst damage and sustained damage and preventing deaths? The answer is Templar. The second is Warden. The third is Fury. Then, Inquisitor, then mystic/defiler. Not sure where channelers are on the scale because I haven't played mine much but I've raided/grouped for years on all other healers.
  17. Montag Well-Known Member

    Hmm I don't get why everyone is so flabbergasted by this question. I'm just asking what's the highest hps you've seen a healer put out on a single target heal situation. Like where only the tank was taking damage. For example using the creature conjures in the guildhall ungrouped and just healing yourself.

    Of course in a real fight it's gonna be dependent on all the obvious variables like tank temps and group heals etc etc.

    Like I've see 300k hps sustained for several mins with a healer just healing himself against a stack of heroic assassins from the creature conjurer.
  18. Mktavish01 Member

    Its because all the information is out there for you to figure it out. All you need is the stats on the spells then the stats and formulas that effect the base spell. And since you mention sustained over several minutes you need to figure in cast times/duration/power cost/pwr replenish.
    What has been done by someones recollection or parse is of little use when you explore what are the possibilities just by crunching the numbers. Doing that will show you the optimal cast orders ... which is something druids need to keep in mind more than other priests.

    Without crunching the numbers ... my money is on the warden for longest/highest sustaining healing.
    And that would need to be a tank with high hps and low mit. while taking moderate evenly sustained dps.
  19. Arieste Well-Known Member

    CAn you give some examples of raid or group encoutners where this is the case? I mean, there are times when the group isn't aking much damage, but they're pretty rare, so I can't come up with a number for. If you tell me which raid or group encounters you're using for benchmark, i'lll go run the zone just for fun's sake and post the result.

    On high group damage encounters, i generally do 200-250k HPS. But as i said, this isn't for single target. I'd probably change my casting order and gear a bit if i had to only heal a single target too, but i just don't find that to be a realistic scenario given the content i'm doing (which is pretty much ALL the raid and group content in ToV).

    It also depends a lot on the tank, a zerker will take a lot more heals, whereas other tanks will be outright immune to damage for long stretches of time, lowering the HPS.
  20. Montag Well-Known Member

    Well the one example I gave was a single target on the creature conjurer. Another would be rage fire when the circles are avoided and the tank never loses adds.

    All I'm asking is what's the highest single target HPS people have seen. Best I've seen is a bit over 300k by a fury healing himself vs conjured mobs.