Temple of Veeshan: Dreadscale's Maw feedback

Discussion in 'Zones and Populations' started by Clevemo, May 13, 2014.

  1. slippery Well-Known Member

    I'd imagine the comment on the zone being around for a while means the last boss will drop something akin to the hydra helm.

    That's really bad though, since half the loot in the zone is dependent on you doing another zone. So when you're coming in the zone just for that one item off the last boss half the loot in the zone is by default useless.

    This whole itemization plan is bad.
  2. Kiry Active Member

    Oh yay so the rest of the zone is AS 2.0 and just the last boss is hard? Oh please, for a zone that was meant to progress in difficulty it is a farce that 4 mobs have already been killed since 2 days of patch.
  3. Crychtonn Active Member

    Fixed that for ya Kiry :)

    Dem Ruskie's are steam rolling that place.
  4. Snapshot Active Member

    it's because they all use no stamina gear
  5. Kiry Active Member

    Templeof Veeshan: Dreadscale's Maw
    The spell "Melting Soles" should now show up in detrimental window.
    Lady Mirenilla’s Keepers can no longer be stunned.
    Lady Mirenilla’s Keepers buffs should no longer state they can be charmed.
    Lady Mirenilla will more fiercely protect her summoned beast as long as it does her bidding.
    Lady Mirenilla’s beast should no longer remain dazed longer than intended.
    Lord Feshlak’s dancing flames should no longer be targetable.
    Lord Feshlak’s dancing flames should not despawn if they grow too large.
    Lord Kreizenn’s scent of blood ability should be correctly checking for dead players.

    ROFL you serious? OK so gratz guys on kills over the weekend that were so broken easy. This is why Friday patches are stupid.
  6. Ucala Well-Known Member

    I mean, that really doesn't change the fight(s) at all, unless you were doing something like those.
    when I killed lady mirenilla there really was nothing that will change now
  7. Kiry Active Member

    I wasn't talking just about Mirenilla, clearly these changes do make a difference othherwise why patch them, especially death counts.
  8. Snapshot Active Member

    I have 0 doubt all these mobs will be rekilled immediately upon resetting.
  9. Ucala Well-Known Member

    looks like the russians are 6/7 in wing 3 after 6 days :p it's both amazing and fairly sad at the same time
  10. Saddia New Member

    there is absolutely nothing amazing about killing these encounters.
    Kiry likes this.
  11. Clevemo Active Member

    The fixes to Lord Feshlak made the fight rather pleasant. There's enough stuff going on during the fight to keep everyone's attention yet not be completely overwhelming. +1 to Devs.
  12. Gabaron Member

    Last boss is pretty challange btw ;)
  13. Mountbatten Well-Known Member

    I'm saving my DKP for the mythical cloak off the last boss that boosts my crafting by over 9000.

    Edit: Apparently saying the last boss in the zone is broken is non-constructive and gets my comment removed. I'm not sure how pointing out that an encounter is broken in a thread that is intended to provide feedback about the zone it is in is considered non-constructive, whereas an off the cuff sarcastic remark about loot from said encounter is perfectly fine. But whatever.
    Kiry and Le Clown like this.
  14. Koko Well-Known Member

    I will add that I was surprised at the low rate gems were introduced within the zone.
  15. Mountbatten Well-Known Member

    How so? As in the fact that only 1 drops per mob? I suppose that is kind of disappointing, especially since they're applicable to all classes, and not just archetype like the patterns were.
  16. Koko Well-Known Member

    Presuming the zone is cleared once per week, it will take 24 weeks (6 months) to simply 'gem' a raid.

    Taking into consideration that the zone hasn't been cleared, guilds tend to cater for more than 24 players, etc. it is highly probable that the next expansion will be released before a raid finishes 'gearing'. Which in an ideal setting equates to support getting shafted on gear, or in a traditional setting players holding a partially completed set. Neither of which is particularly appealing.

    We've been told that the level 100 gear will 'severely outclass' the current stuff, which supports the current trend. Which poses the question: "if I can't finish gearing my character before the expansion hits, and the expansion will outclass all of my gear when it does, why bother?"
  17. Snapshot Active Member

    Why continue playing if I already have all the best gear? The chase is what the game is about.
  18. Koko Well-Known Member

    Short term bask in glory//help friends get geared too! Can't do either with current drops though. ='(
  19. Chronus Active Member

    Ok my personal feedback:

    Gatekeeper: Great fight as far as setting a standard for a zone goes and the dps checks are good, forcing you to allocate raid properly. The clicky to allow scouts to tank is not nearly effective enough defensively speaking.

    Lady Mirenilla: Also great mob in general and is good for allowing enchanters to be more than bards that top up power. Very stale mob as a dps but that's going tp happen every now and then. Ok mob and not generally very entertaining but not annoying either

    Lord Feshlak: First time we killed it it was really easy but it's now been changed. From a few pulls it seems ok.

    Irdul: Oh my, awesome mob. Seriously. Only thing is once the ice block is killed you can't come down, once fixed it'll probably be my favorite mob for a while.

    Telkeronar: When we killed it I really thought it was a great dps check mob both for the raid and individually for myself, especially when called multiple times in a row. This is the first time in a while I've felt like my dps really meant something rather than just speeding things up while the healers and tanks make sure we don't die and therefore win.

    I wasn't in for Kreizenn.

    Overall one thing I can say though, the loot sucks. The armor gems I can sort of understand, but of course with half the mages not having armor anyway it doesn't matter to me, more of a chain wearer's concern about how many should drop. But all the jewelery is either uninspiring copies of previous stuff or useless (see group cure charm). Maybe Vulak'Aerr or the bonus loot will be better.
  20. Ucala Well-Known Member

    have you guys not checked the recent disco pages? so far what I am guessing is 2 bonus loots found (one from the russians, and one from guk server) it was a small upgraded of the uplifting CB item and an upgraded wrist from legionaires in AS.
    I assume there is a pot and WDB one as part of the bonus loot as well. and % damage increasers