Future Content: A Letter from Director of Development Dave Georgeson

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by RadarX, Jan 31, 2014.

  1. Vicah Member

    Add: cl_load_ui_resources_timeout 0 to your EQ2.ini file.
    DreadRoberts likes this.
  2. DreadRoberts Active Member

    I've tried that. But it always ends up disappearing out of the file. *shrug*
  3. Arieste Well-Known Member

    Uhm.. there are already Achievements for Collection threshholds. Are these new ones? Will they be awarded retroactively for those of us that are already over 700 collections?

    Also, any chance that the 600 collection achievement can become a title (The achievement is called "Will Wipe Groups for Shineys", many people would LOVE LOVE LOVE to have this as an actual wearable title! (much better than "Magpie").
    Feara and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
  4. Thoreandan Member

    Yes that would be a fun title, I hit 600+ collections a little while after ToV came out and got the "Collector of Shiny Things" title. Looking forward to seeing what nice achievements are rolled out for collections.

    I would also like to see achievements tweaked and improved for quests completed, afterall 'Quest' is in the name of the game. I'm in the 5000 quests plus club and heading towards 5500 done, its taken a crazy amount of dedication down the years, something that I have slacked off on over the last couple of years though. I think its definitely worth incentivising achievements of this nature with a really decent reward, even if its of a fluff nature, as that kind of dedication with a tantalising carrot on the end of the stick keeps players logged in to EQ2 and not wandering off to lands elsewhere, though Norrath in EQ1, Landmark and Next are obviously fine :D.

    Also would echo the sentiments with regards to overhauling guild hall styles. Ideally I'd like to see each starting area have access to the first 2 tiers of guild halls, and a number of new styles / layouts being added for them.

    The T3 / T4 guild halls are way too big for our tinpot guild. We could upgrade to T2 right now, but we prefer the small / cosy feel of the T1 guild hall, and furthermore we don't wish to move from New Halas to Qeynos as much as I love Queen Antonia ;)

    However, what I'd really like to see are an increase in item count capacity for T1 guild halls maybe as an amenity, only when the guild has made it past level 60 say. It would be ideal for those who don't wish to switch to the bigger T2 hall. I've heard others mention the same thing too, so I know I'm not a lone voice in the wilderness on that.

    I prefer this new cycle if you can stick to it. I think many people at end-game, by and large, tend to rush through the new content as quick as they can on their mains, and then maybe their alts, then start wandering off to other interests, whatever you do, there will still be a number of those players. However, there are others who you could hang on to by keeping 'em playing with regular new content, even if not especially long / in-depth, and whilst they're playing, they might be inclined to spend. Theres no point in hiding you are a business and not a charity. So it could well be a win-win situation all round. And as a quest fan, I would definitely be appreciative of quests being added in ad-hoc here and there that aren't part of a major update, and that may take place elsewhere outside of the current 'end-game' areas - revisiting old places that don't get a look in much nowadays, or even entirely new places, even if they're just reusing mashed up current assets.

    Also. Isle of Mara PRESTIGE HOME. It is time! And you all know it! K? Thx! You could have made SOE billions of $ from this already! Well, maybe not billions, but I'm sure it would be an extremely popular choice.

    PS - must do better for EQ2's true 10 year anniversary veteran rewards later this year. The mercs from the 10th year anniversary last year (which was really the 9th) were abysmal - an ok enough appearance, and I liked their names, but beyond that really poorly thought out and definitely a case of 'meh' - really disappointing. So, please endeavour to make the true 10th anniversary of EQ2 this year a lot more special. It's quite the achievement for the game, for the developers, for your company and for us loyal players and fans of the game who have stuck around and trumpeted this game through thick and thin on what imho has most definitely been the best MMO over the last decade despite the success of the one who's name I shall not mention, EQ2 has always been the most superior in my book.

    So go to town with it! Start preparing now!
    Feara, Barral and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
  5. Wingrider01 Well-Known Member

    sounds like you are putting it in the eq2_recent.ini
  6. Ariven New Member

    Are you running something like the Profit UI updater? It can wipe the EQ2.ini file and replace it with its own, you have to tell it to ignore that file.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  7. Naramsin Well-Known Member

    Some want prestige homes from the Isle of Mara. Excellent idea, but better yet, Forsaken City/ Nizara prestige home. And while were on the Isle of mara, let's get a portal reactivation world event going where we help reactivate that druid ring lying dormant in Mystic Lake
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  8. DreadRoberts Active Member

    I'm pretty sure it's not the recent.ini, but I'm not half as clever as I think I am most of the time. ;)

    And I don't run profit. I do use the EQ2Map updater, however. I'll test that. Thanks. :)
  9. Thoreandan Member

    Good suggestion. I would love to see the return of public events and quests, be it along the lines of what we had in DoV, or the building stuff that we've had in years gone by like building the Griffon Towers / Guild Hall construction. Such a sadly underused feature of EQ2 in recent years and I'm guessing they presented too many technical challenges and that might be why we haven't seen them so much in recent times..
  10. Zookeeper Active Member

    I would like for Options / Alternate Models to be permanent unless you go back into character looks
    with the Barber item, and that would render that look to everyone after you have accepted it.
    Now, you have to put check marks in the alternate looks you want, but that does not mean that
    everyone else sees the character that you created as your appearance if they don't have the same
    selections checked... or unchecked.
    Once we choose a character look, that should be saved to server and everyone including yourself
    should see that same look.
    Occasionally, characters I spent time tweaking suddenly revert to the old form. I don't know why.
    I did not go into Options/Alternate Models and click anything.
    Once we choose a character look, it should be the code that gives everyone the same appearance
    model when they see your character. There should be no reverting to basic form unless you choose
    to do that.
    Lately, some of my characters have had hair colour changes that are abrupt, but which do revert to
    the colour palette that I chose. Odd. I don't know if others see these changes. They only happen in
    specific places, most often on the porch of the basic home in New Halas, or running to the Banker or
    Broker, or the character's hair changes colour approaching the NPCs, or running towards the New H exit
    in the housing area. All of this happens in the housing area, so far.
    Odd, that. It makes me wonder what colour hair other people see on my characters, or what characters
    other people see as the appearance look.
    Some of us spend a lot of time tweaking our character's faces, hair colour, size, expression (based on
    eyes and mouth positions), etc. I hate to spend all that time getting a look I want and then others who
    have Alternate Models checked or unchecked will see something entirely different..
    The code set for the look should be the same code everyone on the server sees.
    Cendres and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
  11. Naramsin Well-Known Member

    Tradeskillers should be able to acquire the ability to add adornment slots or extra adornment slots to their equipment and the equipment of others. The lvl 90 crafted gear has only one white adornment slot, which make it a waste of anyone's time and money buying and/or making them
    Barral and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
  12. Amoara New Member

    Personally, I think that's enough of the new end game content. You have players that are just joining this game for the first time ever still. Not everyone wants to be power leveled through it all. Offer up new/better content/info for the ones just starting out. This game used to be about grouping together and learning the characters as they learn the game. There is nothing left for people starting new toons or just starting the game anymore because it's all about end game content at this point. You're even pushing people to buy level 85 characters to get to that point and quite frankly it pisses me off. When you create a game, it's supposed to be about content for ALL players involved, not just the 'get to this point and hope someone lets you raid with them.' There should be a sort of 'Queen's Colony' for every tier. And for every expansion. And for every chosen profession. Also, fix what's broken before you keep introducing something new that will probably need to be fixed as soon as it's launched. I'm sorry. I don't ***** about this game ever but damn. Listen to players that are telling you to fix things and stop trying so hard to put out something better for end gamers every week.
  13. alQamar Active Member

    Last time i checked you could still run all content before end game on any new character. That is the base game and seven (!) expansions before you'd be even able to get to max level. If you don't turn of adventure xp you will out level content even on your second character (and probably your fifth) without seeing everything those areas have to offer.
    Demanding that a ten year old game is anything other than top heavy is just silly when there is a thing like levels involved.
    ramblinrod likes this.
  14. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    You are to the Forums, if you haven't posted before. :)

    Welcome! :)

  15. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    I'm willing to bet you have the exact same problem I had: too many memory and graphic demands on an older computer. My WinXP got to the point where I couldn't even get in a 700+ item house (my own) or guild hall, let alone what demands will be on machines now with the Building Blocks counting and having their own separate counts. While I like the idea as a decorator, I'm glad I no longer have the old XP system to kick around any more, and can completely sympathize with anyone who doesn't have the top of the line, uber-doober mega-box yet. :-/

    who thinks "if computers are Recession-proof, then what the heck were we just in...?"
  16. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Absolutely amen! Even if it's just the occasional bone--hmm. Why not break up the new schedule? Why not do new little things in the old zones weekly, or bi-monthly, and save the big things that take time to develop for the more complex areas (end-game)? And, of course, fix the bugs, all at the same time...but that's what Test Server's for, to help do part of that with/for you guys. Remember? ;->

    kitty of many worlds ;->
  17. Valzen Well-Known Member

    1. This game is not new user friendly. I can't even count how many of my friends told me n the past who've come and gone in less than a week, because little things like not even being able to figure out how to chat in the windows, drove them away. Regardless, I decided to try it. If it hadn't been for someone I knew, who'd been here for over 8 years, explaining everything to me, I would've left, too. Please revamp starter content and give more clear directions on everything. Heck, I even had to search Google on where to download! Put a big download game button on the front page.

    2. Camping for Kenny/Perrin is ridiculous. Just let us buy him already. Or give us an epic quest line to get the elites. They've been in the game for how long now? I think it's time something with that changed. People are selling spawn times, for crying out loud.

    3. Add XYZ axis to in house decorator mode! And, give us triangles, glass and most other things that people have asking for in this thread: https://forums.station.sony.com/eq2/index.php?threads/homeshow-wishlists.73/

    4. Up the factions earned for gold members.

    5. Tell us when we can /claim SC every month.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  18. Barral New Member

    We would be nice to do something like that. I remember when, Crafted gear was good and now it's useless.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone and Valzen like this.
  19. Kaedian66 Active Member

    In general it sounds like a nice change. However I would say weekly content is a bit much. Monthly content additions and perhaps an expansion every 6-9 months of a size concurrent with previous expansions (Kunark, Sky, Faydwer) would be optimal. I personally would be happy with bug-free yearly content. Perhaps an incentive-laden reason to play on the test server and assurance that feedback from the process would actually be utilized.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone and Feara like this.
  20. Feara Well-Known Member

    Your entire post was right on Thoreandan but especially this.

    ~The Vet Mercs need to reevaluated and I feel a Healer Merc should be added for all those righteous Veteran tank players out there. Or ~ a reason given why their not gonna.

    ~10 year Vet... Wow, now that's an awesome player right there who totally loves their game.

    Show'em some love.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.