Incoming change to wards - ambiguous wording

Discussion in 'Priests' started by Zerikhal, Dec 11, 2013.

  1. Kiry Active Member

    LOL wut? Re-read my post my friend, I'd delete my toon if I could only manage 100k dps on Derrig. Even Templars can muster up at least 5 times that.
  2. Mktavish01 Member

    Your post didn't say you would delete your toon , infact I don't think Ive read anywhere that you implied you would consider deleting your toon.
    It seemed clear that you would happily delete their toons though for showing that parse and saying things are fine and dandy.

    But whats a damage parse got to do with the price of tea in china? Maybe they held back because of agro , or were wanting to be ready for those oh sh** moments.

    I find it funny you agreed with sizlin about the wards being a separate issue , after I said that quite a few times here already.
  3. Kiry Active Member

    Thankyou for demonstrating why posting here is a waste of time.
  4. Mktavish01 Member

    Glad to be of service :/
    But if a lot of your responses is to say "Read my post" then maybe you should consider the possibility that your not getting your point across in the words your choosing ...?
  5. Darkon Well-Known Member

    Wait, you were saying the problem is with wards. Now you're saying the problem is that you can't do enough DPS?

    So do you want mystics to have more DPS? Like you want a higher base auto attack multiplier and higher base CA damage?

    I'm just confused.
  6. Metarrah Member

    I've been resisting commenting, because honestly this was all said repeatedly (again and again and again) during ToV beta. Wards are borked. Pretty sure everyone can agree that the minor changes made to the multipliers are too little.

    Should a ward prevent all damage (to the point where playing my defiler I can now faceroll across my keyboard and still WIN)? No. I'm certain no one is asking for that, that would be in the realms of ridiculous.

    But if I look at and look up the definition of a ward...

    16. to avert, repel, or turn aside (danger, harm, an attack, an assailant, etc.) (usually followed by off ): to ward off a blow; to ward off evil.
    17. to place in a ward, as of a hospital or prison.
    18. Archaic. to protect; guard.

    I can only say that end game it's looking like shamans are not repelling danger/harm all that well, nor does it appear end game that we are protecting all that well. But that bit about being placed in a ward, as of a hospital... Guess we got that part down.

    I am still, however, loving my defiler. I am doing heroics, not raids. I have had a few raiding friends tell me to just roll a channie, so far I have been ignoring that suggestion. I can solo heal most of what I run. I love the fast paced, carpal tunnel inducing - wow my shoulder is going to need reconstructive surgery, button mash that must be accomplished to cover warding, healing, debuffing, and still tossing out some minor damage.

    However even I can see that that sort of pace would have to be nearly doubled in raids. If other healing archetypes are struggling this much, I haven't heard it yet. It's so far only shamans out of the priest classes who feel this broken. You don't have to agree with the shamans that their classes are not working as intended, that's just fine, we all have opinions... sort of like we all have belly buttons.

    What would fix wards? I don't know. Would a higher percentage on the cb multiplier do it... I'm not sure. Would increasing the base amounts of our heals make up for the lack of ward sustainability? Again, I have no idea. Would more viable debuffs reduce enough incoming damage to help us keep up? Still... entirely uncertain here. But I know something isn't right, when groups specifically ask for any healer, except a shaman.
  7. Kiry Active Member

    No LOL, Mystics can dps just fine. Although it'd be nice if there was some gear with potency and WDB on it (aside from the potent no stam bracers from dominion) since clerics and droods can use it with no penalty to healing and are getting a massive dps boost from it but that's an aside.

    My point is that someone who can't muster 110k dps on a mystic in a raid clearly is either spamming heals, wards and debuffs so hard hard they can't even autoattack or some other lameness (maybe range, which is lame) which goes back to the wards and debuffs issue being problematic, however this person claimed they were fine and "competetive" which is clearly not the case because 110k dps output from a mystic shows that something just isn't right therefore the validity of their feedback is questionable.

    I'm sure you see mystics parse 10 times higher than that on Derrig yourself so I am not quite sure why you'd think I am saying that mystics can't dps, we do, even while spamming heals and debuffs, that's the point, we heal through melee as well.
  8. Darkon Well-Known Member

    Clerics/druids have a penalty for wearing WDB gear, it's just not quite as severe as a shamans penalty.
  9. Mktavish01 Member

    I guess I'm a dinosoar *RAWR* but could you enlighten me as to what your talking about?
    WDB gear?
  10. LogosZanta Member

    Weapon damage bonus.
  11. Senneth New Member

    We are broken, can't heal and aren't competitive, but we can dps while healing, and heal through melee. You can't have your cake and eat it too. You went from saying we can't keep up with the damage to clearly stating that you can heal, debuff, and dps. Mystics can successfully do their job on raid? Indeed.

    I think I posted that building dps back in, or being able to dps while intensively healing, was more of a challenge for me. Mechanics are set up in support of making us choose one or the other, and you are at a disadvantage when under-geared. Mystic solo healing Derrig gets a pass, but you're right we can do a lot more dps.

    If wards need changing on a fundamental level there will be valid math to support it. I haven't seen it yet. "Debuffs, Group Buffs, AA, Skills" makes me cringe. If it isn't easy, it must be broken.
  12. Wookin New Member

    I think what Kiry is pointing out is this:

    Healing 101 from the day we landed on newb isle was maintain your base heal type. If your main healing archetype spell is not up on your tank/group you are doing it wrong. The HOT or reactive or ward is placed then you do your other jobs.

    If one hit from today's raid mobs on your tank eats the single target, group, and specialty ward then you are watching refresh rates and spamming. Slip the debuffs in between spams of single target and group.

    Wards don't tick and don't have triggers - there's no 5-second window to hit your fun blue damage spell or reposition your character or drop an extra single-target on the reckless troub in the mage group. Balls-to-the-wall healing is fun when it's a couple of bosses per raid night. It's not fun when it's 90% of the night. It's not fun when it's trash and everyone else is enjoying the dps parse race.

    It's not the role I signed up for and invested years into as a mystic so it was clear if I wasn't done playing the game it was time to change classes, but I feel for those former shaman sisters and brothers who are unhappy.
  13. Darkon Well-Known Member

    I like having cake, and I particularly like eating cake. I don't understand the problem.
  14. LogosZanta Member

    I personally stock cake for just these moments.
  15. Darkon Well-Known Member

    Wards are fine. Good shaman are fine. You don't _need_ to spam wards to keep your tank alive any longer. At least in my experience, as a tank, I'm responsible for around 90% of my own survivability. If I die, it's because I made a mistake.
    Foretold likes this.
  16. Wookin New Member

    Aw, good thing my badly-played shaman was benched then. ;p

    Tanks' HPS is another topic altogether.
  17. Darkon Well-Known Member

    I don't keep myself alive via healing, I have abilities that prevent damage, such as Stonewall/Tsunami/Bob and Weave etc! Avoidance temps!
    Senneth likes this.
  18. Kalika Well-Known Member

    Ran picklaw with a defiler in AS gear as healer and my paladin hit points never went below 99%.Note that I helped
    her as much as i could (divina aura, crusader faith, stonewall, etc ...)
    My warden average HPS potential is at least twice the one of a warder, but damage is spiky
    and she almost never reach her full potential cause damage is spiky.
  19. Senneth New Member

    For sure, and it is important that we be balanced correctly, however, not all of the doom and gloom is warranted. It isn't 90% of the content. All Heroic can be solo healed by Shaman, save maybe Ragefire. Raid content, so far, handled fine by Shaman. I would not say it is the easiest healer to play at this point, no, but it is capable of the job it is intended to do.

    Red Velvet Cake.
  20. Mktavish01 Member

    The point is not cake ... but pie.
    With the CB nerf to wards , they receive less and less of a slice as the pie gets bigger ... period.
    But then the other factor in creating the problem , is how the damage is being dealt consistently and the health pool.
    If druids and clerics (because they have no CB nerf) are able to heal without the Oh **** moments going on. Then its out of wack .... and I hate to say it ... they might need a nerf?

    Im not very familiar with cleric , but druids should always be having the spikey problems , without whipping out some stuff with long recast timers. Falling behind and needing the group to focus and take it slower ... is just a good sign that your pushing the envelope of what you can and cannot do based on group makeup.
    And if the shaman is consistently lower on that totem pole ... it is certainly a problem. Based on the math , it is going to be the worst at higher levels.
    But there is really only so many options to fix it , without createing OP wards again , or just tearing apart the shaman class and re-building it.