Incoming change to wards - ambiguous wording

Discussion in 'Priests' started by Zerikhal, Dec 11, 2013.

  1. Zerikhal Member

    As per patch notes... (Link)

    What is with the ambiguity? How much is "more"?

    If it is only a partial gain (instead of getting the full amount), please tell us how much it actually is. Information of actual substance is desired.
  2. The Jones Active Member

    Phase 1) Cast a ward today and write down the amount.
    Phase 2) ?????????????
    Phase 3) Cast a ward tomorrow and compare to phase 1
  3. Ainaree Well-Known Member

    I love them for the very premise of trying to make some changes before I finished begging my raid leader to let me class change! :)
  4. Zerikhal Member

    Why should we need to reverse engineer healing output to establish the % of change to CB influence? This is hardly a national military secret that SOE needs to protect at all costs.
    Feldon likes this.
  5. Ebofu Active Member

    If you are not willing to 'reverse engineer' then why do you need to know, despite the fact its incredibly simple and would take a matter of minutes.
    Daalilama likes this.
  6. The Jones Active Member

    I do love me some specifics, but I guess in this case I don't really care because I know what my wards look like today and i'll look at them again tomorrow.

    Really I think they are smart to only give these general updates because then they don't have to deal with 50 of us trying to disprove their formulas and complaining about it the day after.
  7. Ebofu Active Member

    It's not so much intentional as it is incidental, caused by the disconnect between the 'mechanics' team and the 'community relations' team which acts as the mouth piece. To save confusion they probably just send them a generic memo so that nothing is misinterpreted and to reduce workload.
    Dethrayzin and Daalilama like this.
  8. Mktavish01 Member

    That's good their actually going to do something , but Ill bet that little bit really isn't going to do much to address how wards are disappearing so fast. I still think the squishy ward would go a lot further without making them OP.

    Ive been trying to find some clear data on how the nerf to wards is applied ... and if that .5 was always applied after everything. It for surely creates an unfair increasing gap as crit bonus gets higher. But if its just that it starts at a lower base amount , then its really no big deal. (looks to be the case with some formula's ive read)

    I guess as others said , in game , cast today then cast tomorrow is going to be the tell all (at various levels of CB)
  9. Indoctrination Active Member

    Seems like it's up to somewhere between 55 and 60% cb on wards now. Be still, my beating heart...
    Gaealiege likes this.
  10. Arieste Well-Known Member

    Comparison of wards on same toon, same gear/spec/everything done just before the patch and just after:


  11. Kcool005 Active Member

    So pretty much nothing was solved, awesome... the Gains are so minimal you wont notice it much.
  12. Indoctrination Active Member

    Pretty much. 4% increase on my ward too. Didn't figure it'd be a strait uncap (like it should) but I figured it would be noticible. Guess not...
  13. Elenna New Member

    I'm seeing a difference of only a few thousand, very disappointing.
  14. Kiry Active Member

    691 pot
    513 cb
    22467 amod

    Anc Ward 114377 ---> 118798
    Umb Barrier 211658 ---> 219799
    Oberon 185527 --->192663
    Torpor 55682 ---> 57824

    Tried a few different set ups and CB/potency combos but the full max your potency forget CB spec still yields the biggest wards and the overall increase is tiny.

    Guess I'll wait to see what happens with full raid buffs up.

    Sad panda :(
  15. Torquem Active Member

    Let's hope kander intended +40% and the patch is a mistake...
  16. Indoctrination Active Member

    I'm inclined to think it's not since if you're gonna go up to 90% cb on wards, you might as well go for broke and uncap it.
  17. Mktavish01 Member

    Well what did all you pro-CB increase people expect? They cant increase it to much without making the wards OP like before.
    Plus a significant increase would also play into catching the healing unaware ... if the wards are that big to hide the incoming damage ... its gona catch the heal side of things with their pants down.
  18. Kalika Well-Known Member

    I was afraid that the change would be too big, now it seems may be too small ;-)
  19. Agarth Member

    3.7% total increase on my not so well equiped defiler... It's not even noticable.

    According to the numbers shown here, even with a full uncap wards would be far from overpowered.
  20. Torquem Active Member

    Maybe an official statement from a dev would be appreciated. If +4% is your answer to our concerns Maybe you could make our debuffs significant ...