Please move Kate a bit away from the crafting table in Daarspire.

Discussion in 'Tradeskills' started by Wurm, Dec 25, 2013.

  1. Wurm Well-Known Member

    Had 4 people doing the craft for this weeks daily at the same time and Kates a gnome. You couldn't even see her feather with all the drake/sokokar/pegasus butts in the way.

    Yes I know you can target her, but I like seeing who I'm talking to.
    Guiscard likes this.
  2. Athenia Well-Known Member

    I know people are just gonna suggest turning off your mounts, but yeah. Mount options are only a work-around. Moving Kate away just a bit would help.
    Guiscard likes this.
  3. Wurm Well-Known Member

    You know what though? I'm getting a bit tired of work arounds when things should be fixed instead. Moving her a few feet to one side isn't much to ask for and I hope it happens.
    Guiscard and Athenia like this.
  4. Athenia Well-Known Member

    Oh I hear you. Things should be straight up fixed without players having to resort to work-arounds, especially when the issue is pretty simple to change in the grand scheme of things.
    Guiscard and Wurm like this.
  5. Gudum Active Member

    Would help if people would notice that there are two engraving desks there - one right by Kate, and another a short distance on the other side of her.
    Athenia, Guiscard and Wurm like this.
  6. Wurm Well-Known Member

    Yes it would, but everyone this morning was using the one right next to her.

    I always do the crafts in my guild hall due to the zone being so flaky, but I guess thats just me.
    Guiscard likes this.
  7. Bregdania Active Member

    I've had similar problems both with the daily and the weekly where people have to spend even longer at the tables. Which is why I also zone back to the guild hall because there is nothing more frustrating than the lag you get in the zone when crafting and trying to counter things not to mention suddenly being dumped to the character select screen and having to start over.
  8. Meirril Well-Known Member

    This makes it sound like the NPC is broken. You want it "fixed" then turn off mounts and the problem is gone FOREVER (for you). You don't want to do that? Fine. Go into first person and walk inside of the other player and you'll stop seeing them. You don't like that? Fine. /target kate or tab-target to kate and use "f" to get her first click option (which is talk).

    This only becomes a problem when someone is standing on top of Kate. This can happen because people are using the table, or talking to Kate, or parking on top of the NPC to grief others. It isn't like Kate is unique. This sort of thing has happened a lot in EQ2's history. That is why there are multiple solutions to this sort of thing.

    You know, like a fix for some problem mentioned in this thread.
  9. Wurm Well-Known Member

    They were standing right on her. So I should turn off mounts because other people are idiots, only to turn them right back on again? No Meirril, I don't think so. Why you and Mae and a few others think its the players job to apply work-arounds for problems that should be handled by SOE is beyond me.

    *edited* to be nice. OK so moving her a few feet away from the table you have a problem with. I don't understand why you have a problem with it but whatever.
    Guiscard likes this.
  10. Mae- Well-Known Member

    Why are you dragging me into it? I just find it funny that the fixes they put in exactly for this problem you call a "work around"
  11. Prrasha Well-Known Member

    Weren't the "show no mounts" options originally put in for lag at the public quests? Unburying NPCs from max-sized ogres on rhino mounts was a fortunate side-effect.

    And people have been griefing NPC interactions since forever. Launch year, there were a couple guys on UnrestNajena who'd park themselves in front of the banker in Temple Street (who was behind a little window) and laugh at people trying to use the bank. (Of course, tab/F8 targetting meant they were only griefing people who didn't know how the game worked...)

    I prefer the look of "crafting NPCs by the tables", so maybe swap the scribe desk with one of the others? Chemistry desk is used for only 1 combine during the questline...
  12. Wurm Well-Known Member

    ATM she is one foot and behind the table, so moving her 2 to 3 feet away to the right is going to ruin your immersion? I think not. However switching out the tables would also be better than it is now.

    Like I said in my OP I know how to target the NPCs I need, but I also like seeing who I am talking to in game.

    Mae I didn't drag you into anything, you liked Meirril's post so you did it yourself. And as Prrasha said, the hide mounts option was added for the PQ, not for people playing stack on the NPC either on purpose or by accident.
    Guiscard likes this.
  13. Azian Well-Known Member

    Kate IS awfully close to the table.

    I'd like to also note just how F'ing annoying it is that people cluster around ANY npc on the large mounts. The broker, the exchange npc, etc. /grumble grumble grumble
    Guiscard likes this.
  14. Avahlynn Well-Known Member

    Of all the things I want Soe's design and programming teams focusing on? This isn't in the top fifty. Turn off mounts. Target her. It's a tiny issue and they have limited staff. I know it's a minor annoyance to deal with but it is minor. Surely we can all manage ourselves and not make a mountain out of it?
    Tariya and Cynara like this.
  15. Anghammarad Well-Known Member

    A simple fix, when inside of a building, autodismount.

    But carefull, some dungeons would then needed to be flagged "open sky" instead of "dungeon"

    And yes, I myself often get angry because of mindless players on their ginormous mounts, blocking NPC's...

    But hey, with the stability of the vespyr zone, usually after a few minutes you can see the npc again after logging back in from being kicked out due to zone crash...
  16. Mae- Well-Known Member

    So me liking a post suddenly means I "think its the players job to apply work-arounds for problems that should be handled by SOE"? Wow, that's news to me! I simply liked the post, that's all.
    Cynara likes this.
  17. Wurm Well-Known Member

    Ahhh "the poor over worked under paid devs" excuse line got old ages ago.
    Athenia and Guiscard like this.
  18. Rotherian Well-Known Member

    The issue is that the problem isn't caused by the location of the NPC. It is caused by people being chuckleheads.

    This is a screenshot of Kate without any people around her:

    (If you can't see it, I can't do anything about that - perhaps you are blocking content from photobucket, since that is where I store my game images.)

    If you can see the screenshot, you'll notice that the NPC was placed approximately one body length away from the engraved desk.

    However, if SOE does anything to fix this, I hope they replace Kate with a 20 ft tall Sarnak. :eek: :p At least then we can move on to the stuff that actually needs to be fixed. o_O

    And heck, depending upon how folks have their Tradeskill Prestige points spent, they may also have one right here:

  19. Wurm Well-Known Member

    Or they could do this...


    Like I suggested.
    Guiscard likes this.
  20. Mae- Well-Known Member

    It's cute that you think that would solve anything. It might avoid people crafting, but more than once this week while working on my crafting weeklies i afk'd right after hailing her but before i began crafting.