Player Studio items I've created

Discussion in 'Norrathian Homeshow' started by Rawl, Mar 5, 2013.

  1. Rawl Well-Known Member

    I looked on the Player Studio Submission Status Page and it indicates the Gnomish Elite Stove is "Complete" which mean it will show up on SC whenever they add the next batch of Player Studio Submission. WooT! Touchdown!!! :)
  2. Tasharia Member

    Hi Rawl,

    I really love seeing your stuff. I log in every couple of days just to enjoy seeing the new stuff you've put up. Here are a few particulars:

    - I love the latest gnomish fridge. Really like the gear detail on the sides. I don't think it needs a window. Early fridges didn't have such things.
    - Like the new metallic patina on the last pump. To me, it looks a lot more like distressed metal rather than wood.

    I wish SOE would ease up on their rejection of basic building blocks. One thing I've noticed is we need more Asian themed stuff. I want to build a Japanese tea garden. Everyone uses the back side of the Knight's painting for shoji screens...we need something better. And the same for tatami. Also, I don't know if SOE has nixed designing plants, but I would LOVE having something like a cherry tree with some petals floating down.

    Anyway, keep up the good work. I really enjoy it! :)
  3. Xillean Well-Known Member

    omg /bounces I love that stove and ill def be buying one :D...or more then one lol
    Rawl likes this.
  4. Rawl Well-Known Member

    I got a lot of approval for the cast iron version of the water pump, so I worked on it and here is what I've submitted tonight: (BTW, I think they might only sell one version, whichever one they like best. I still haven't gotten feedback on the copper one.)
    Cyliena and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
  5. Tyrus Dracofire Well-Known Member

    oh yes! look better, stain add more realistic texture
    that awesome job!
    Rawl likes this.
  6. Karrane Well-Known Member

    I love this new pump! It's old looking, but not nasty dirty. Any noble would have one in his house =)

    Grats on the stove Rawl!! I will be buying one for sure..
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone and Rawl like this.
  7. Kamoj Well-Known Member

    This stove Rawl? Yay!
  8. Rawl Well-Known Member

    yep that's the one! I was told by someone who's had a couple of items appear in SC that it could take a couple months to show up, but then again it could show up next week too. I look forward to having one or more for my toons too :)
    Cyliena and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
  9. Estred Well-Known Member

    See, told ya a bit of "time ware" helps a piece fit very nicely in EQ2 and it can be done without making it look "dingy" :D

    Ok, my silliness aside. Tinkerfest is coming up. I have an idea and a suggestion from a guildmate of mine.

    My Idea: Gnomish Watter-departalazer 5000
    - Basically a dehumidifier that consists of cooling coils with an top-fan to draw air in, collected water is used as a partial source of energy through steam. See the redundancy is that it adds water via steam while removing it, hence it is not a 'watter/water' remove but rather just departicleizes it (turns in from gas to liquid).

    My Guildmates Idea: Gnomish buzz-o-cuffs.
    - Brawler weapon consisting of spinning sawblades or gears mounted on the back of metal hand-guards.

    Any thoughts? I was going to re-pick up some of my Dark Wizard's set work but I realized with the event coming up, perhaps it would be fun to do a special item.
  10. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Very cool! My Provies'll love this. :)

    Congratulations! :D

    Rawl likes this.
  11. Tenchigirl15 Well-Known Member

    this look's awesome! :) well done. I requested a water pump a few months ago and end up seeing one with a stump with the April fool events early last month. but I rather like this version better, I hope they accept it. ;)
    Rawl likes this.
  12. Rawl Well-Known Member

    Thanks Uwk, but just to be clear, this isn't a functional crafting work station. It has fire animation in the box, but you won't be able to use it for crafting recipes unless they'd add that as a function, and I don't think they did.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  13. Rawl Well-Known Member

    Considering it that's several months for items to make it through the pipeline, I don't think making something now would be released by time Tinkerfest comes around. When is it anyway?
  14. krizet Active Member

    OMGoodness! I don't care what it's made of or who has to die to do so, but I NEED IT!! :eek:
    hehehe, Awesome job Rawl
    Rawl likes this.
  15. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Oh yeah, I know, but there's a lot of really cool looking "non-functional" Provisioner house items (like most of the food; I loved the old fashioned Frostfell foods/drinks that let you take a sample, so long as you ate/drank it there [were No-Zone]) that look great. :)

    Cyliena and Rawl like this.
  16. Truian Member

    Rawl, this popped up on twitter on Friday. You can #PlayerStudio and see as well:

    Tinkerfest usually runs the end of July into August so if there were Tinkerfest specific items perhaps they will shorten the pipeline. :)
    Rawl likes this.
  17. Estred Well-Known Member

    Hence my post. If I get some feedback I may know which to make, if not I may just make one or both depending on my whims at the time of creation.

    I am working on designs atm for the De-watterlizer (yes it's name keeps changing as I keep thinking up new ones)
  18. Alanducar Active Member

    I really wish they would finally put Rawl's stuff up on the player studio. Everything i have seen from him is something i would go out of my way to purchase because it just looks that good and well done. I just wish SOE would put it up for sell. Sadly that has not yet happened and i am still waiting for all these wonderful house items so i can use them in my projects /sigh. Sad to see such a deserving and very creative person being held down because of item limitations :(
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone and Rawl like this.
  19. Rawl Well-Known Member

    Thanks Truian for that information. I don't use twitter so I'm not privy to what is posted there.

    I might rework the Grapes on the Vine Kitchen Cabinets to turn them into Gnomish cabinets since I can't use the bas relief I was using in them. Or maybe, I'll just start from scratch on some Gnomish Kitchen Cabinets with similar styling to the Ice Box.

    I wonder if they will wait to release the Ice Box and Step Stool until Tinkerfest? They aren't approved yet, still in "valid" status and they would be excellent candidates for being released around that time. They could also release the countertop water pump then too, but I haven't received SoE dev feedback on them yet.

    Thank you Alanducar, but I don't think they are necessarily picking on me and being any more critical of my stuff than they are of everyone's stuff. And honestly, it just takes them a long time to move stuff through the process. When it comes to getting stuff, "out the door" I think they think in terms of yearly quarters as being their production flow through arc rather than weeks or days. (That is purely speculation on my part.)

    In the last feedback I received on what initially was the Halasian Everyman Throne which became the Stone and Wood Everyman Throne, I think they will be moving forward with those items because he indicated they are being more accepting of toilets and related items. So those everyman thrones and TP Stand could be released at the same time as well.

    The kitchen cabinets seem to be the sticking point as they want all the surfaces to be decorated rather than just plain wood textures. I don't know any kitchen cabinets that are as highly decorated as they require here. Simplicity just isn't acceptable to them.

    So, I will keep putting stuff out for them to consider as best I can because that is about all I can do.

    Estred, I don't do weapons so I wouldn't pick your tinker weapon idea, maybe one of the other guys who is good with weapons would go forward with that?
    Estred likes this.
  20. Estred Well-Known Member

    You may request them to do this.

    Everyone receives plenty of declines. I average 2-3 per item accepted I just do not have as much time as Rawl does so it seems he is getting more "flak" simply because he submits more.

    Actually those were me asking for what everyone here wants me to make. I do weapons and house items and I am working on a shield and my hairstyle hopefully will pass it's inspection this time around. I basically do everything but I wanted community input on what they may be more interested in. After all, I am looking to sell more.