Bag Sorting

Discussion in 'Test Server Forum' started by Terrogaunt, Jan 14, 2013.

  1. Buffrat Well-Known Member

    Also, a NO-VALUE tag option and an option to destroy all contents in the bag at once would be great.
    Lempo likes this.
  2. Xeos Well-Known Member

    YES! Those are amazing.

    I would even go so far as to have an auto-destroy feature, to stop the need for weeding out items you just get rid of. I for one don't want to see anymore skeleton reanimation cores.
  3. Lempo Well-Known Member

    There have been many requests for a destroy all option, and many people who say they don't wan't it (the type the ones that most common sense product warning labels are aimed at) nothing would force anyone to use the feature and a confirmation box provides more than enough of a safety net.
    however I am pretty sure we will never get a destroy all items in bag option becuase of them.

    If ALL items could be made to have a value of 1c then this would be the next best thing to being able to destroy all items in a bag.
    I absolutely hate the DM items that fill my bags and I have to click multiple times to gt rid of them. Being able to sell any item for 1c would not have a negative impact on the economy.
    Eradani likes this.
  4. Vagar Member

    Terrogaunt likes this.
  5. Indabuff Active Member

    Terrogaunt, I am totally impressed with the level of communication thats been going on here. Of course I
    am totally exicited about bag sorting, but how you have touched bases with us and made us feel part of the
    process is fantastic....Thanks
    ramblinrod and Terrogaunt like this.
  6. Eradani Well-Known Member

    could you please set the default for new bags to Skip. if someone decides to use this, they're going to go in and muck about setting options on their sort bags anyways. if a person has pre-sorted bags for stuff, they might only want to sort into 2 bags and have to remember to always set all new bags to skip.
  7. BaldNinja Member

    YOU CAN AUTO-SORT BAGS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? seriously, did not *edit* sorry, continued reading thread, it's only in test right now right? sorry for the initial reaction of over-joyessness
  8. Terrogaunt Developer

    Hey guys! The Bag Dumping and Bag Swapping functions are heading to Test very soon.
    I'm pretty confident that I've already nuked all of the bugs from orbit on these, so I'm mainly going to be looking for intuitiveness.

    Either way, you know the drill. Any and all bugs and feedback are welcome if you get the chance to test it out :)
  9. Terrogaunt Developer

    By NO-VALUE, do you mean you want this as one of the filters in the Bag Options window?
  10. Lament Active Member

    Major frustrations as a player that likes to replay content on multiple toons.

    1/ House Items... every quest rewards one and every single one needs to be placed in the house... manually. Please make the moving crate a "furniture sucker"
    2/ Dropped crap that is "no value", for example, DM spawners, rivervale mudslides, Totems of quickness etc ... no easy way to nuke them out of the bags apart from manually destroying. Basically, remove the NO VALUE tag from DM spawners and the random Solo mission crate trash (steaks, mudslides and totems) and make them vendor-able for 1cp
    3/ All the "triangle" temporary adorns need to be trade-able.. Hence just drop them onto the broker crate and sell them, playersw would be willing to buy them. It is perverse that the junk food / drink is sell-able and the temp adorns are not.

    These 3 things would please 95%+ of the EQ2 population IMHO
  11. Terrogaunt Developer

    When Bag Dumping gets to Test, give that a run. I've been thinking of the possibility of giving the option to destroy all contents of a bag by dragging it over into the abyss (how you normally destroy stuff) with the usual "Are you really really really sure?" popup (that you can't suppress because this one would be more important).

    Granted, all this is just speculative and isn't even pending approval yet. No idea if I'll actually be allowed to make something like that (potential CS headache, I'd imagine) a reality lol.

    And the dumping houseitems into the moving crate isn't a bad idea at all. I'll have to write that one down.
  12. Lament Active Member

    So the usual 10% commission then ^_^
  13. Eshaac Active Member

    Will be looking forward to this..

  14. Cloudrat Well-Known Member

    Relogging brougt everything back and into my overflow
  15. Eshaac Active Member

    Had just about the same thing happen to me. Except the bag went into the box in my inventory and showed as empty. The 3 items that were in the bag were nowhere to be found. Placing the box back into the none shared bank1 slot and the bag back into inventory slot 6, then re-logging brought the items back into inventory bag 6, which is where they were to begin with.

  16. Kuulei Well-Known Member

    the house vault has the bag ui and acts like a bag when you take out items, all kinds of weird messages like you can't swap an item while I am overflowed, which I am not. Also the vault shrinks in size, losing slots as I manage to actually get a box or bag out!

    ok slit loss was due to not having a home on beta, purchasing on worked!

    The house Vault still has the new 'bag ui' is that intended?
  17. Lera Well-Known Member

    Can't wait for this to go live. Now we just need a quick way to transfer all items in a bag to another bag (or the bank), and a "Drop All Furniture" option for the moving crate, like the guild depots have.
  18. Terrogaunt Developer

    Hmmm... That definitely would throw things into the overflow since the game would find them in unallocated space when it "reformatted" your inventory upon load of the character.

    This was never actually tested with bank inventory, it seems. I imagine that it should be a fairly straight forward fix in making those bags either not perform the functionality or to make sure that the functionality isn't strictly limited to inventory type slots. I'll get back to you guys soon when I have a fix.
  19. Lament Active Member

  20. thepriz New Member


    One thing that would be really nice is the ability to use the bank bag key to open the house vault when you are in your house. It is a pain to have to open the vault then open all the bags in the vault.