Wurmbone’s End [Advanced Solo]

Discussion in 'Test Server Forum' started by Lalala, Jan 29, 2013.

  1. Mohee Active Member

    If you're going to do this to 1 zone in the game, might as well do it to every zone that exists in the game... Who seriously complains about this kind of junk anyways? Hey, don't like the fact that monks FD through it? Roll a monk... or buy some tinkered FD items and a Signet of Slippery Feet, and Totem of the Deadly Sabertooth...
  2. Estred Well-Known Member

    The issue with WBE is they probably never intended you to "flop" past the named. It was a mistake, now they are correcting it and as usual those who had become accustomed to the easy method, are speaking out. I kill the All-Blocker and Necromunger without too much issue and you only have to get Necromunger to 30% and crystal him.

    Spawn him and just slowly kite him down the ramp, there is a ramp on the backside that you can use to keep going in a circle to prevent him leashing and to keep the adds away. Necromunger is a moving fight in a sense just like Taranis Gazzera was a moving fight. Just in a different sense.
  3. Mohee Active Member

    Would be cool if just the Necromunger fight gave a buff when you engage him that allows you to cast while moving :) like some fights do. But this one would actually make sense lol.
    Guiscard likes this.
  4. Draylore Well-Known Member

    Yeah.....really seems like a waste of Dev time 'fixing' junk like this. I can go back to release and compile a mile long list of zones, mobs, etc that have something about them that allows them to be done in 'not as intended' methods.

    I am no idiot......I knew the WE mobs were probably broken considering how all the other solos work but there comes a time when you have to prioritize what actually is impacting the game in a negative way and needs to be fixed.

    They took time to 'fix' this so called massive issue and all they really accomplished was turning 5min into 10-15min. That is it. I ran WE HM last night without skipping any mob, without using any clicky and the only difference was about 10min longer. Nothing else is going to change....except perhaps cause some of the lesser geared players to have issue completing their Sig quest.

    Kinda sad when even SOE fails at designing time sinks.
  5. crazyeyes321 Active Member

    The only issue I have with this is the red crystal being unusable on HM boss. The fact that pretty much every named in all these zones drop these and only these, while preventing them from being used on the only boss that makes sense to use them on, is a bit lame.

    Truth of the matter is though, once a person has done the solo quest line, there is little real incentive to run these solo zones for anything other than transmute fodder. One has a better chance of getting a similiar loot drop off trash in heroic zones, while also having the chance for greater spirits, essences, and obols.

    With this change, would it be too much to hope that killing the nonboss names in these zones at least drop 1 base obol as well as the crystal that only gearing up first timers MAY require?
  6. Estred Well-Known Member

    See that may make it fun, it also puts Mages on even turf with Fighters and Scouts during this fight, thus removing part of the pain on the fight.
  7. Blambil Active Member

    We all have to admit being able to spend 5 minutes (with the right class/potions) to get to a mob that when killed 5 minutes later drops (3) chests, compared to a 30 minute SINGLE drop like Chelsith:AS, is inconsistent at best, whether you can directly use the loot, or whether you were muting it all. I loved it, ran it as often as I could, but we all knew it would get "tuned" sooner or later, just like DM:RSB.

    Honestly, if the devs were going to spend Time & Effort on COE:AS zones, I just wish they'd tune the "anti-class-specific-drops" engine.. WE:AS best highlighted the problem by getting (3) chests on hardmode. I can't tell you the number of times all (3) chests are unusable loot across both characters.. Last run of the night last night is the perfect example:

    Fighter : (3) WIS/INT drops + time potions
    Healer : (3) STR/AGI drops + time potions

    I sort loot into WIS/INT and STR/AGI. The Fighters WIS/INT bag is full, while is STR/AGI bag has 4-5 items. The Healers STR/AGI bag is full, while his WIS/INT bag has 4-5 items. Far too often, far too intentional to be accidental.

    Drops in COE;AS zones is a common discussion thread btw, on the [1-9] channels.. I've even /petitioned, and they respond "you're right that's not right, but we can't fix it". (By the way, if you put "only present when mob was killed, 48 hrs, blah blah" tradable rules on it, that would at least be better that now..)

    The Advanced Solo zones are intentionally dropping loot your class can't use. THAT is worth fixing.
  8. Mae- Well-Known Member

    If it only dropped loot you needed, you'd only need to run it a dozen times and be geared up. Enjoy the RNG, it gives you mutables to adorn the gear you need when it finally drops. And FWIW, I run this zone almost exclusively on mages and priests (usually just my necro, occasionally on my warden or mystic, NEVER on my scouts) and my healers and mages are fully geared where my scouts and fighters are still waiting for a piece or two each.
  9. Draylore Well-Known Member

    Its beyond lame.......it begs the question......why not just remove those crystals completely if they are no longer useable on the only mob they were ever needed for? I already do not loot the green and blue ones.
  10. Thand Well-Known Member

    i tried him on live he spam procs a root + stifle and will summon you if you get to far out of range. Also if you use a totem or ability that makes you Immune to his Stifle he Stoneskins and becomes immune to all Damage until he is able to stile you again.
    Guiscard likes this.
  11. Blambil Active Member

    From the patch notes today:

    While not solving the problem, it's at least a nod that something wasn't right..
  12. Kuulei Well-Known Member

    actually you 'snipped' that wrong and has nothing to do with the solo zones..
    Chains of Eternity Raids
    Basepop armor tables have been weighted to drop less leather, priest chain. Scout and Mage drops should be slightly higher.
  13. Nebula Member

    All trash mobs have a chance to drop exquisite. Seems like you've been lucky. But I want proper chests from named mobs.
    Shouldn't they have an even higher chance to drop exquisite than the trash...?
  14. Nediam Member

    Exactly the issue, there is no possibility or chance that killing those two names will give you anything of value, they are simple a time sink to get to the one mob in the advanced solos that drops enough to make it worth doing.
  15. Alenna Well-Known Member

    and if you have an Alt running through Drinal's sig questline you will be gated at that point since you need to kill hte Necromunger to get the last mob to spawn who gives you one of the Updates you need for it
    Guiscard likes this.
  16. Guiscard Active Member

    The problem is that they hooked this into the questline. So a player who only like to quest in the overland zones it blocked from Obol due to the mandatory signature quest and having to do the instances. Instances should not be part of the questline to get to Obol. You should be able to do the Obol quest without doing the instances. That was a purely stupid design. Look at Kunark you never had to do an instance to do the overland quests - they should not throw this concept away.

    If they insist on the instances - then the ones for the questline should be easier and simply not drop look - just quest objects. It really is a question of programming with some IF/THEN/ELSE language and then let peeps run past necro munger if they want. just to do the quest for the questline.

    These developers have confused the questline to get to do the obol planes with instance difficulty.==
  17. Cinnder New Member

    WBE remains a 5minute time sink (at worst) for ANY semi-competent player. I can solo on all my alts (non raid geared) but generally take a guildmate to speed things up and get 3 cheats for two!
    The fight you are complaining about involves a minor script (moving!) and has been clearly explained to you by several players on several threads. Take their advice, use 3rd person perspective and move!!!!
  18. Guiscard Active Member

    The issue is the quality of the design. It is a poor design -- it means a lot of my alts will not be able to Obol planes quest lines - Remember there are several other PITAs in the instances as well as the Necro. They need to seriously look at their design and design philiosophy if they expect to sell other expansions instead of lying to players about what to expect. WL sucked - it wasn't difficult but the loot was pretty trash. For an expansion COE is just plain junk -- not worth money. The things that are worth doing, like the TS Presige skill - they nerf -- this whole expansion has been about NERFS not about enhancements.

    I am saying that as a design principal you should not lock out overland quests and force players who aren't interested to do instance zones. They aren't fun for everybody - that is why Kunark was so great - you could do ALL the overland quest lines and you never had to enter an instance zone to do overland quest lines. The same was true of SF and DOV - I am not sure how this set of Devs lost their mind and lost their way and failed to understand the basics of good design,.

    And WBE is not 5 minutes - it is pita with all those planks.
  19. Cinnder New Member

    Ok - I am being trolled.... "PITA with all those planks", I kind of guessed he couldn't be serious!
  20. Guiscard Active Member

    Actually being up on those planks make me very dizzy - I know it is not realy - but just the fact that I am up so high and the planks I get really dizzy an nauseous.

    I am allergic to heights and just being that high in the game and the planks etc. just really makes me very, very dizzy.