Returning player with a question.

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Odelilyeo, Mar 27, 2013.

  1. Odelilyeo New Member

    Hail all! I am thinking of returning to Everquest after a very long absence [around Omens release], and while looking through threads I noticed something. Almost every single one of them mentioned boxing. My question for everyone is this: Am I going to HAVE to box in order to get myself along on this game again?

    I did fine without it back when I played, was able to get into the top 10 Shaman on Vallon Zek, but if everyone is boxing now that leaves me with little grouping options.
  2. Yther Augur

    It depends on how much you want to do by yourself. Now, in today's game, you'll have to level up some and get some AAs mostly by yourself, but that's just because it's so quick. With a guild helping you out, you'll have more groups, but that depends on the guild also. There are still groups in higher levels, but alot of those are guild groups, not so much pick up groups any more. Also with mercenaries, you can still do a large majority of stuff without boxing.

    Yther Ore.
    Sangcreux likes this.
  3. Sangcreux Journeyman

    This covers the basis. You can solo a long way, but like Yther said, it's quick. Although, I haven't had any issues finding groups. There are plenty of guilds willing to help out other players, as well as people with alt characters. In addition, with all the returning players, there's bound to be someone your level.

    I don't box. It seems like it could make things easier, but I've been back for about two weeks, and I'm already level 65 with over 200 AA's.
  4. Tachyon Augur

    It depends on the class you choose, but a Shammy should have no trouble!