I wanna play but the UI is so hideous and outdated...

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by MuffinPony, Mar 25, 2013.

  1. MuffinPony New Member

    is there any way to replace it with something resembling that of everquest II? its just that it's so convoluted that I can barely even figure out what im doing
  2. Sangcreux Journeyman

    I felt the same way at first, but you can organize it in a way that looks just fine. Only takes you like 10-15 minutes. I actually enjoy that I can set it up to my liking.
  3. Crystilla Augur

    To the op, the main two choices are:

    1. Reorder things, make new windows, etc.
    2. Go to www.eqinterface.com and check out various designs you like better and download them.
  4. Staphaureus New Member

    Personally I like the style, however if you know a bit of XML, you can customize a bit yourself. Or you can hop on over to eqinterface.com.
  5. Staphaureus New Member

    Beat me by that much...
    Nolrog likes this.
  6. Yther Augur

    Here's Drakah's EQ2 for EQ1 interface: http://www.eqinterface.com/downloads/fileinfo.php?id=5132 There are many other simulations of EQ2 and other games interfaces there. You'll have to leave the tutorial to change the UI, unless they have changed that, but you can get right back in by /camp to character select then hitting the Enter Tutorial button, if you less than 10th level.

    Yther Ore.
  7. moogs Augur

    I recorded a video to show new players how to make some basic changes to the UI and will post it tonight after some simple editing.
  8. Kathylynn_Unity Augur

    This is probably the single biggest thing that could be done to improve EverQuest at this point. A total overhaul of the UI, text filters, quest window, etc. would revolutionize the game. The amount of useless data the game gives to the user is amazing at this point.

    Going through and cleaning up the redundancy and condensing the rest could really simplify the appearance of the game.
  9. Danille Augur

  10. Tegila Augur

    i would hate for htem to overhaul the ui /shrug there are some thigns id like tweaking of course, and not what they ahve tweaked lately (adding minimum sizes to pet and tribute windows was jsut horrendous) but i like how it is. it's FAR more customizable than may appear to start with, you can add icons and labels to any hotkey you make now rather than jsut drop a hotkey there in same boring white text etc. you can grow/shrink button sizes, remove spinners (i never use them and it declutters things) make things seethrough or different background colors (i make a lot of stuff seethrough when the useful stuff on it stays visible, to increase my viewing area while still having everything open) plenty of stuff yo ucan do.

    i do think they need to add some more filters in to be more specific than current, and a checkmark option to turn OFF these stupid minimum sizes on windows (my tribute window is 6-8 times the size it was a couple weeks ago thanks so much /puke)

    the added advantage to not using custom uis is that they dont get messed up every patch