Lady Caroline of Thex

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Qulas, Mar 15, 2013.

  1. Qwestwic Augur

    Dzrn plz
  2. Gyurika Godofwar Augur

    Dzarn, I think Double XP hasn't kicked in yet on any Live server or Test either. Is that intentional or an accidental oversight?
  3. Qulas Augur

    This is the longest hour of my lifeeeee
  4. KarrmerXZ New Member

  5. gcubed Augur

    Sweet Tunare, the wizzies have dismantled the portal in Freeport and are erecting it in Felwithe. They say the SK's are taking too much time reducing the city to loose rubble on charred beam.
  6. Calirian Journeyman

    I HAVE A DREAM. That one day Lady Caroline will pop on the bridge and all Norrathians will be able to scramble for discoveries. I HAVE A DREAM, that this will eventually be over, so I can finally go to sleep, to have dreams.

    Dzarn if this doesn't spawn in 25 minutes you will have crushed our dreams. Can you live with that good sir? Can you?! :mad:

    Seriously though, wru quest person :(
  7. roguerunner Augur

    It'll be funnier to see how many people don't know how to get up there, haha
  8. Dzarn Developer

    Should be up now. Jchan fixed it. :)
  9. gcubed Augur

  10. KarrmerXZ New Member

    did Jchan fix ... double XP
  11. Calirian Journeyman

    Alllllmost done. Come on boats!
  12. Calirian Journeyman

    Just want to say thank you for all the work you put into these. I just finished the wizard epic ornamentation quest and it was awesome :) Lots of fun and the story was great!