server merge?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Bailen, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. Simone Augur

    What's insulting is that you choose to denigrate the achievements of other guilds We were definitely killing Velious Era bosses during Velious and Luclin bosses during Luclin. We never beat the final boss of those expansions before the next expansion this is true but that had more to do with the fact that said bosses were rarely, if ever, up during the hours that our guild was raiding(Chinese Prime Time). The thing that stopped slowed us down the most in PoP was the loss of Dafat as guild leader, who in his early 40s decided he was going to move to New Zealand to back to school, which put the guild is some sort of limbo for a number of weeks before Cesk took over and got us going again but at a slower pace than before. Dafat was a very ambitious guild leader that hoped to eventually take our guild into the #2 spot ahead of your guild of LoGA. He hoped that we could get Vex Thal before LoGA and PoTime before LoGA and if he had not of quit I have no doubts that we would have been able to.

    Prime time server population was irrelevant for our guild since we mostly a Taiwanese guild. At our peak we were running raids with 50-60 characters in them and even toward the end we were still running raids with 30-40 chars. On our last real raid occurred on May 21st(Diablo 3 released this day) where we downed Angarr, the Storm Lord with 39 in raid. Very next day we were going to to HoH trials and Mithaneil Marr but we didn't even get 20 in raid so it got cancelled pretty much ending raiding for the guild outside of a couple of Vex Thal clearings. Had our guild continued to raid we would have been elemental flagged prior to the release of Gates of Discord and likely PoTime flagged not too long after GoD release. Our guild had sufficient numbers and the talent to do it; only reason we failed was because Asian players like Blizzard games too much and chose Diablo 3.

    Classic is what almost 2 years gone now? Why let events from a long time ago prevent you from trying diplomacy now? If you don't want to raid under the same banner you could always try co-op raiding or some other solution. There are options you can take to improve the raiding experience for all involved without waiting for a server merge that may or may not come. You shouldn't let pride get in the way of doing what's best for your guild.
  2. Progress Augur

    Or merge the servers so that there are guild options for all, a thriving bazaar, and less "merge server" posts on the website.
  3. Soluran New Member

    All I have to say to Soe is rather than telling us to stop with this thread or that thread, why don't you listen to your customers. You know, the people who are the reason you have a job in the first place? /waits for the forum lock and banning now.
  4. Sinestra Augur

    Well we all knew that someone would be stupid enough to post the "We pay your salary" comment, but I too am impressed it took two pages for it to happen.
  5. Toquillaw Augur

    I also pay your salaries!!!

    I demand a strawberry Sunday and a foot massage. :D
    Sinestra likes this.
  6. Oberon Augur

    I could see desire affecting any time table, that's why I mentioned it. If everyone in your group is on the same page and the only thing stopping the server merge is the "a lot of work" that you mention then there is no reason for us to make more 'noise'. However if there are people in your group who don't think a server merge is necessary, either at all or not at this time, then the only thing we have left is our 'noise'.
  7. Sinestra Augur

    I think the "noise" is only the multiple threads. Keep a thread alive rather than making a new one and it drives your point home better.
  8. SnapVine Augur

    I don't pay your salary. I unsubscribed because you didn't merge the servers.

    Keep being dismissive of the ones who do pay though. I can see its working out great.
    Dexar and DirtyGurtie like this.
  9. Soluran New Member


    As one of the former guild leaders from Vulak who watched the debacle that has ran rampant since classic and been summarily dismissed by GM's and CSR's, etc. yes I am going to make a 'our subscriptions are the reason your company exists' comment. If Macy's started selling tires and wrenches and stopped selling clothes and housewares despite that being what the customer wants, I doubt very much they would stay in business. But I see SOE has a different business model.

    As a board admin, if you see people make the same posts over and over, try stickying the post with some sort of a formal comment. That would forestall the other continuing threads. If people see that their comments are being noted, they are less likely to complain and challenge the establishment. But hey what do I know, I'm just a mage.

    Also Sinestra, if you are a paying customer and don't expect certain levels of customer service and product for your money then you're quite the fool. My comment wasn't a "I personally pay your salary therefore bow to me" type comment. When you are continuously ignored and dismissed by the GM's and CSR's, you tend to become a little trite. After all this time, my courteous and respect levels have diminished.
  10. Toquillaw Augur

    I don't pay your salary, so I dismiss your silly posts as well.
    Sinestra likes this.
  11. Toquillaw Augur

    What's irritating is self righteous people demanding that "they pay the wages!!!!!!" therefore they demand their needs be met, when not everyone feels as strongly or even agrees.
    Wizadress Senlainae likes this.
  12. Progress Augur

    I would understand if there was a small difference in population between the two servers but it is definitely black and white. Just log on to Vulak and check out how many people are online (even during prime time) and how many people are traders up. Then log onto contest. When I signed up on Vulak I don't remember anything saying I would be locked into the server until it was completely dead, but that is what it feels like. Of course votes will keep passing if people on Vulak have no choice but to vote YES, not vote in new content (until who knows when devs decide to merge), or reroll on Fippy. I guarantee that if you tell Vulak players that you will merge servers after two failed votes then there will be two failed votes.
  13. jagarr Augur

    Doug don't get trolled, mang. Frustrated forum replies are a hallmark of Blizzard's whiny- CM team, as are their inevitable under-pressure public emo meltdowns and the vague resignations that follow.

    You're better than that dewd. You're better than that.

    Stop replying to wee-taws and drop a new TLP on us, already! ;)
  14. Sinestra Augur

    I do expect certain levels of customer service, from customer service people and for things that they promise. I don't expect to go to a movie theater and tell them I want them to play a certain movie and then when they don't and I scream about how I pay their salaries, I certainly expect to get dismissed. You don't reward that type of behavior and more importantly, when someone tells you the best way to be heard and the best way to be dismissed and you continue to do the latter what does it really say? Not posting multiple threads on the matter has been expressed for as long as these boards have existed and the reasoning (that it doesn't do anything other than irritate people and create more noise.

    What is more impressive, 1000 separate protests at different times in just your city each containing 20 people, or 20000 in one place at one time?
  15. Oakenn Tigerspirit Augur

    Word is they decided to delay it a month every time a new thread about mergers is posted.
    Machen likes this.
  16. Malachi Augur

    Funny. I've heard the opposite. ;)

    But seriously...

  17. Krizem Augur

    Pro - I like the a dev made a comment, even if doesn't say a lot, it is better than silence.

    Con - I'm not sure about the noise comment, I think people would give up and never look at the forums or plan to come back if they didn't see some like minded folks hoping for... {insert variation of classic/progression server here}...I've actually heard a lot of interesting ideas that I never would have considered.
  18. Machen New Member

    Again, no reason those interesting ideas can't all be placed in one thread on the topic instead of 1000. He isn't asking you not to discuss it.
    Sinestra likes this.
  19. Machen New Member

    You realize, don't you, that he's not a board admin? Not part of a developer's job to sticky threads. (Though it would be nice if an admin stepped up and did this.)
    Sinestra likes this.
  20. Malachi Augur

    I doubt they are prohibited to communicate with each other what is for the best interest of the forums.
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