Best chance to raid velious--PoP?

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Hinastorm, Feb 4, 2013.

  1. Hinastorm Elder

    Hello, i'm looking for some advice on where I should go to raid content roughly in the velious through PoP eras.

    Seems like I have 3 options:
    1. Fippy, try to find a guild raiding in this range
    2. Test, join a progression group on test
    3. Live, find a progression group on live.

    Does anyone know where my best chances lie to meet my goal? Thanks for any help.
  2. anthraciteMT Journeyman

    Might be more productive to search the Guilds that fit that criteria in the Guild Recruitment sub-forum, as I have read several Guilds that fit that theme.
  3. Silv Augur

    Don't forget the Mac server, Al'kabor, where the last xpac is actually PoP. Maybe someone can confirm this but since they are capped at PoP I would imagine people/guilds are still raiding most of that era. If anything, drop a post in the Mac forum here on the board and see what people say. They have an awesome dev/community guy as well.
  4. Zogimer Journeyman

    I'm in a Progression Guild on Live (Trakanon server, 'Immortal Evolution' guild) and we're in PoP at the moment. I'm having a blast with it so you may want to check us out.

    We're pretty up there in PoP content though so if you want to go through Velious and most of PoP you'll need to look for a newer Progression Guild I guess.
  5. dario New Member

    Forget about raiding Velious-PoP in Fippy, those days are almost over there. Check the "guild recruitment forum" and look for a locked progression guild in any other server, there are a couple.