Best of the Best Tournaments

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Hingabe, Jan 29, 2013.

  1. Hingabe Augur

    Can we have one more? they would be so awesome now
  2. Loratex The Ridiculous Necro

    only if melee is reduced by the same amount of damage caster damage is and resists are removed.
  3. Ehff New Member

    I would recommend that you post this request on the guide forums. As guides generally handle dynamic quest such as best of the best now adays.
  4. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    Welcome to 2001.. and c'est le vie... =(
  5. Xirtket Augur

    yea, landing spells sucks in pvp. I say remove all resitrictions, and let people go at it!
  6. boukk_sebilis Augur

    Botb is class against their own class, so everything is pretty fair.
  7. Loratex The Ridiculous Necro

    landing spells still sucks... regardless of the class its landing on.
  8. Axxius Augur

    For some classes BotB would be pretty much impossible. How long do you think can today's clerics duel? Answer: forever. They will never run out of mana and will easily outheal any damage done to each other. And enchanters would not be able to damage each other at all, they can cast runes faster than burn through them. And shamans... etc etc
  9. Shang Augur

    One splash every 3 minutes ensures the Cleric one will last forever.
  10. Hingabe Augur

    well then they should make it a PVE instead of PVP, to see which player does the best with what they have
  11. Axxius Augur

    There is a group PvE tournament at the FanFaire (SOE Live) every year. It even has a big cash prize now.
  12. Trajet D'Or Augur

    Clerics had an NPC to keep alive, Enc had adds and atleast Dru/Shm got perma snared and DoTed after X amount of time had passed for BotB back in the day.

    I'm sure they could figure out appropriate mechanics for 2013 as well.
  13. SpamFactory Augur

    the gear gap between raiders and groupers is much bigger today, so basicly the contest would come down to bleeding edge raiders only. I'm pretty sure there were finalists or winners in the original BOTBs who were not in top raid guilds.

    PVP is also much more imbalanced today then back during the original BOTB. spend some time reading the zek forums. some classes can practically insta kill another player with abilities that are poorly tuned for PVP (but acceptable in PVE).
  14. Iila Augur

    There were some non-raiders and mid-tier raiders that did decent in the old BoTBs.

    Druids were perma-DoTing each other with our bracer clicks. And snaring us was the most pointless thing when it came up.

    I kinda doubt any of the priest classes could actually finish a fight in a reasonable amount of time now.

    VVVVV My last name come from winning the Innoruuk druid BoTB, btw.
  15. Trajet D'Or Augur

    Create aura, reduces healing by 80%, increases DD/DoT by 150%.

    Raid gear is an advantage and winning if you don't raid (much) brings more glory, decent tradeoff. Group Geared vs Uber Guild. Worst case for Group they lose as expected, worst case for Uber they are teased about losing for months.
  16. Liliana Augur

    Does anyone remember the name of the sk from sol ro who took off his "raid gear" and put on a suit of bronze and rocked in the semis/finals. Think he was in Destiny but may have been in Paradigm
  17. Liliana Augur

    Wish there were videos of this stuff somewhee