Returning player leveling question

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by JonothanStarsmore, Apr 27, 2024.

  1. JonothanStarsmore New Member

    Im returning from a pretty big break from the game (10ish years) I run a 96 ranger with my wife playing a wizard and my boxed shaman. What’s the best leveling path 95 to115 now? Not using a lot of acronyms as I don’t know the new stuff, a lot to relearn and catch up on :)

    We have been doing Call of the Forsaken heroic missions and general grinding on mobs in the first zone of the expansion. Running mercs, wiz and sham are heroic 101 geared and gar is end game Thule geared atm. Is there better xp to be had or are we on the right track? Thanks for any info!
  2. Iven the Lunatic

    Check my website for the Leveling Guide. I don't think that there is generally a best path. You would start in Veil of Alaris and continue with Rain of Fear, and The Darkened Sea. You can also visit the House of Thule end zones like Morell's Castle (T3, T4).
  3. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    As Iven referenced, you can start with VoA and continue on up through the expansions do the various Partisan tasks, Mercenary tasks, and the group missions and Heroic Adventures (HAs), and typically that will get you a fair way there. It is more entertaining than grinding the same missions over and over. If you would rather do some grinding stuff, then there are also some HAs that you can do starting as low as 75 in The Broken Mirror (TBM) that will get you gear that you can upgrade as you level doing those same missions. The missions scale with level.

    All the time be doing the /Overseer and choosing character XP, as well as doing the Teek tasks and Adventures for bonus xp.
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