Restless Ice Aug at 125 for a Necro still worth it?

Discussion in 'Casters' started by bobokatt, Apr 27, 2024.

  1. bobokatt Augur

    Good day,
    Is the restless ice aug back from TOV missions, that ultimately gives a focus to spells, still practical for a 125 Necro:
    Restless Focus VI
    Slot 1: Increase Spell Effectiveness by 10%
    Slot 2: Limit Class: unknown classes(65535)
    Slot 3: Limit Max Level: 120 (lose 100% per level)
    Am I understanding it correctly that it losses 100% of its effect for DOTS after 120? I rememeber someone during beta putting out a spreadsheet showing some stats. Sadly I cannot find it.
    Thus is it now useless as all my spells are over 120 obviously?
    Thank you.
  2. smash Augur

    dont u use the combined dot, i think called grip ?
  3. bobokatt Augur

    Correct I still do use the combo which has the two pre 121 DOTS. So I guess until the next expansion where they will probably give us the new combo, I will keep this thing. Thanks.