No Krono EQ2 Server

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Kahna, Apr 24, 2024.

  1. Indigo_Quarmite Augur

    Good call out and interesting. Would be nice if that is in fact how it works.
  2. auto21 Augur

    This is how it works.
  3. Celatusp99 Augur

    I would not play there simply because I like to take progress i make with me to the next server if any that is i guess.
  4. xxar Augur

    That is sort of the point , the entire concept of a fresh server ... is fresh progression, everyone having equal footing and starting at zero.

    That is one of main issues with Krono , I still think this will fail though due to il trade krono on x server for gear here or the return of paypal.
    Laberintica77 likes this.
  5. ayoforYayoh Augur

    I'll be drunk on the tears of the people that get scammed out of money with 0 way of getting it back. they won't just take the L in silence.
    Rijacki and xxar like this.
  6. xxar Augur

    I can see tickets already!
  7. Rijacki Just a rare RPer on FV and Oakwynd

    Cross server trading and dealing with 3rd parties with RMT has never been sanctioned by DBG, so what do they expect them to do? If you take the chance of getting scammed, it's on you, not DBG. Would you expect someone to file a ticket with DBG if they didn't get as much XP as they wanted when paying someone to PL them?
  8. auto21 Augur

    This was pretty obvious the motivation for the blind disagreement and borderline hostility in the other thread.
  9. auto21 Augur

    EQ2 compared to EQ1 never suffered from the same need to box multiple chars. You were/are far more independent. All classes can solo to a better degree than their EQ1 couterpart. Camping also wasn't really a thing, nowhere near the scale of EQ1. Most good gear came from crafting, quests, epics or raiding.

    These (and other factors combined) reduced the need for RMT, so while it existed, it wasn't nearly as bad as it is on EQ1 now (with krono)
  10. Laberintica77 Lorekeeper

    It would be so amazing to start on a server with 0 economy = 0 kronos .. a server in which cloth armor matters!
    But.. OMG you can still trade kronos on other servers and plat blah blah .. Yeah *** but there's no plat generated on day 1, minute 1 of the new server to trade anything -- all that has to be generated, so it takes weeks for the those RMT's to sell whatever they sell , and level up their farming crews.
  11. Mashef Augur

    Because its free. They are poors.
  12. auto21 Augur

    Poor people actually think "money" is valuable.
  13. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    That is true even if krono is on the server, all players need to build up from scratch starting with nothing.
  14. auto21 Augur

    This really isn't the main point. The fact that it's super convenient to use krono as a RMT for items, PLing or sub basically changes the motivation/behaviour of large parts of the playerbase to buy krono and/or camp and/or monoplilise parts of the economy purely for-profit instead of just playing through the game.

    This is the source of most of the toxicity that's justified because DBG are incapable/unable to police their own game, unlike the private servers that are able to do so with a fraction of the resources.
  15. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Moving it to another server increases the risks by a lot but doesn't increase the difficulty of using it by much. All of the activities you are complaining about happened before krono got introduced and would still happen if it got removed.
    Rijacki and Barton-Vox like this.
  16. KushallaFV Playing EverQuest

    I don’t see how the server will be profitable. It’s also entirely standalone that requires its own patches and support. Almost seems like an attempt at a reboot FF14 style without blowing up the world.
  17. auto21 Augur

    I don't think you understand the main point or root cause of the issue.

    RMT has pretty much always been there in some form but it's got progressively worse over the years, party because there are now so many guides unlike back in the day, and krono just compounded it because it's so convenient (and safe).

    I played from launch to just past PoP and only knew a couple of people who did RMT. I'd wager 99% of the playerbase trades krono for power in some form these days.

    All forms of pay-to-win RMT including krono should be removed and policed, and move back to a sub model, if DBG want to make any impact on removing the toxicity ingrained in this game.
  18. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    And people will still be able to use krono exactly how they use it on other servers, it just adds a step to do part of the trade on another server and increase the number of people getting scammed.
  19. auto21 Augur

    IMHO, DBG should completely remove krono from every server and game - and go back to a sub model - set a date and after that all krono is converted into sub time.

    They won't though because it's become the norm and an easy cash-grab, like bags that everyone buys each year, and now persona with the expac.
  20. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Even if they did you would still have a most of the RMT that is happening in the game, it would just increase the chances of people who take advantage of it getting scammed in some way.