Why change unlimited target AoE spells after 25 years? And which spells are still unlimited?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Bonemelter, Apr 18, 2024.

  1. JetZeppelin2h Augur

    So with the issues on taking forever to level persona toons due to no achievements so the change is to make it so killing mobs faster will reduce the exp you gain even more??? This sounds like a flawless solution to the problem.
  2. toxicsmell Journeyman

    at least give chanters AE MEZZ back . there's raids where i keep more than 30 mobs mezzed. wanna cap stun so people cant stun lock a zone and PL fine i get it . as this would be the second stun nerf on chanters. first was putting all stuns on the same timer. . wanna limit AE damage to 30. fine. do it. mages got hit to 4 a while back. but AE MEZZ? cmon. chanters dont have a reason to play as it is. nerf em harder. theres a handful of everquest players out there compared to newer games. and seems the past few months daybreak has been on a " no fun allowed " streak. guard blevens got nerfed. AE spells get nerfed. yall GMs should be giving us more reasons to play. not less.
  3. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    What raids are you keeping more then 30 mobs mezzed at a time? Would help to know which ones this would cause an issue on.
  4. toxicsmell Journeyman

  5. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Rijacki likes this.
  6. toxicsmell Journeyman

    why mezz em at all than? ill just sit in the corner and buff. chanters mezzing things in bulk like this make the raid go faster. now were even more dead weight. bottom of the parse, and now the mobs we kept mezzed the whole fight and didnt have to kill. now we gotta kill em.. that just added 30 minutes to a fight.
  7. E'ci - Knight Errant Lorekeeper

    I never said it was. The post 110 XP grind is unacceptably bad. It is merely overseer at this point that is largely used for XP gains, and most especially after the 'main' character has the 1-time-only achievement XP.

    My point is for DP to be more transparent with their specific goals.

    E.g. is it server lag from mobs chasing, from mobs dying all at once, from 'zone disruption' for other players, from the proliferation of 'pay to be PLd' services?

    That game is too complex at this point for blanket changes to effectively address a 'problem' (without creating others) unless that problem is very specifically stated and the side effects of potential negatives are discussed.

    More... "this is what we see as a problem" and less "we have changed X".
  8. fransisco Augur

    There is no raid which is not doable with this change. The "but muh raids" is the same as "I can no longer farm any tradeskill stuff if I cannot kill an entire zone at once". Its all disengenuous objections that hide the real problem - this will hurt their bots exping while they aren't at the keyboard.
    Rijacki likes this.
  9. toxicsmell Journeyman

    im a red carpet raider. i show up at raid times , i raid , i log off. this is how this change effects me.
  10. Svann2 The Magnificent

    As a raider Id say this is a good direction. They shouldnt be designing raids with 30+ mobs anyway since clearly the servers cant handle it and it doesnt look like they ever will.
    Kaenneth likes this.
  11. Sissruukk Rogue One

    I remember back in the day, when we walked in the snow to school, uphill, both ways, they "nerfed" the riposte on a missed attack. Now a melee couldn't mass pull a zone of grey mobs and stand there riposting everything to death without turning on autoattack. Many of us, myself included, raised a stink about it. However, life moved on, we all adapted, and the world didn't end.
    Rijacki, Velisaris_MS and Svann2 like this.
  12. fransisco Augur

    Again, name the raids which are now undoable. While a raid with 31+ mobs has been listed, no raid has ever been mentioned that is not beatable with this change. The only real effect for a raider is that they will have to actually play to gain AA/evolve items instead of botting it.

    Not saying raiders are all the botters, just that hindering botting for afk exp is the only real effect on raiding.
    Nennius likes this.
  13. Windance Augur

    The change shouldn't really mess with people botting. They will adapt and overcome because who really cares if you have to afk xp for twice as long.
  14. fransisco Augur

    It won't stop all botting, but it will reduce the impact on servers and slow down botting. Don't let perfect be the enemy of good
    Rijacki likes this.
  15. Nennius Curmudgeon

    Well put.