Teek unlock schedule

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Yinla, Apr 24, 2024.

  1. Demetri Augur

    Depends on the xpac feature - Personas have a higher TLP usefulness than previous expacs.
  2. Kahna Augur

    I did. His comment is still relevant to yours. TLP players buy the latest expansion too. At least since a few years ago when DPG wised up and started putting in new features that work on the TLPs too to get us to want the latest expansion. Expect that to be the case moving forward as well.
  3. Twizle Lorekeeper

    I actually like the cadence as it is currently set out ... No point in rushing to the "end" when most people dont even want the "end"
  4. Demetri Augur

    My only disappointment (also my only part wrong in my "prediction" [which was requoting Oakwynd's]) was the Kunark + Classic start being 12 weeks vs 8 weeks.

    But it's not a deal breaker for me either - just an extra 4 weeks of eras I'd rather skip past. Velious start would be my dream if-when they ever make a "This is for Demetri" ruleset, lol.
  5. Exmortis_MT Augur

    With the exception of LoY I played through the xpacs when I did lockjaw in order. Though DoN isn't the best xpac and Omens is one of the better, I still want ample time for both. As much as I dislike GoD, I still want it as its own release. LoY is my least liked xpac, so I don't really care how they release it. I think LDON deserves its own release timeline.

    I think 6 month unlocks are a bit long but I think the 8/12 a bit too short. and I dislike the combining of xpacs, I would even live with the separation of LoY if it meant DoN and Omens were also separate. I think a 12/16 cadence would be perfect.
  6. Exmortis_MT Augur

    Well it is for me anyway, but I think if they had combined the time for both to be a 16 or24 week timeline it would be better.

    It is cool all the monks get their Iksars to start, but this means DPG does not get all the race change potion sales:) I will get my Iksar shaman on launch.
  7. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    While all expansions could do with their time to shine, I would prefer they didn't leave us raiding the previous expansion for weeks as the newest one doesn't add a lot of content.
    For example I could live with
    Unlocking PoP
    2 weeks later LoY unlocks
    2 weeks later LDoN unlocks
    8 Weeks later GoD unlocks

    Each expansion gets their own time to shine, the PoP raid scene is still 12 weeks, more group content for players who don't raid in the form of LDoNs. Adding LoY and LDoN earlier takes nothing away from PoP raids as PoP offers the bulk of the raids at that level.

    Back in the day, I can remember raiding multi expansions.
  8. Intercept Augur

    Yeah I avoid Kunark tbh, usually I play Classic for a month or so then rejoin mid velious
    Demetri likes this.
  9. Celatusp99 Augur

    bump its not to late to change some of the later stuff.