Tormax changes to make teekers heads explode

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Ddezul, Apr 22, 2024.

  1. Ddezul Augur

    1) Bst and Bers at launch
    2) access to Baz from the shadowhaven NPC in EC tunnel
    3) Enable 2 accounts per machine from the start. Then relaxed truebox on schedule.
    4) Heirloom and the other oakwynd goodies besides FTE.


    Magneress likes this.
  2. auto21 Augur

    These have all been asked for over and over. Not sure what makes you think DBG will change their plans this close to launch. Wishful thinking. Good luck with that.
    Kahna likes this.
  3. Basak Augur

    I like the ideas except FTE above all else. One of the best mechanics added to the game in my opinion. It has bugs yes, but the benefits far outweigh those bugs.
    Magneress likes this.
  4. Chyron Lorekeeper

    They've made changes to announced servers before, so I don't think its extraordinary to expect them to see feedback and make a change.

    However, it is far too late in the development game for them to do something new. 1, 2 and 3 on your list would take new development, and as we heard from the AMA, none of that is going to happen in a tight timeline. I also think Oakwynd bonuses and heirloom is probably too soon from Oakwynd's launch to provide that.

    Realistically, I see them backtracking and saying the initial interest in Teek is so great, that Tormax will now be a copy of Teek, rather than a Mangler copy. That doesn't require new development and just allows them to switch the ruleset.

    I'm interested to see how a Mangler clone does with Kunark opening, but I'd rather see it in a year where it isnt paired with a Mischief clone. I think that will lower its success quite a bit.
  5. Indigo_Quarmite Augur

    People don't really get it. Heirloom server will never exist again. It's counter productive to persona sales. Why give everyone free shared banking for alts when you can buy personas.

    Heirloom was the test for popularity purposes which then evolved into personas.

    Everything is about monetization.
  6. splitpaw New Member

    I thought you were in the "tormax is fine" camp?
  7. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    All but 4 I can see them doing, if they have the time. It was said they don't want to use anything from Oakwynd.
  8. Intercept Augur

    Tormax is going to be awesome as is, thanks tho : )
  9. ayoforYayoh Augur

    It’s only “fine” on the forums because some people are innately against something that is too popular.

    They’ll all be on teek with the rest of us come launch.
  10. Intercept Augur

    Free trade - while not ideal I can deal with
    Random - not a hope, never going to have my time dictated by that ever again

    I'm happy many people are excited for Teek, I'm excited for Tormax, as is.

    Enjoy your crazy server, I'll enjoy mine
    Magneress likes this.