Anyone notice people really want tormax to fail?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Rothj, Apr 19, 2024.

  1. Rothj Augur

    I'm just browsing the forums for something to do until server launch, I'm not even playing right now. I'll probably play tormax but I could go either way - have no idea really. I just think it's funny to see people constantly trying to convince everyone tormax is gonna fail, it's already dead, the only purpose is to alleviate queues from teek... whatever. First off, teek is a dumb name. That's enough already for me to want to play tormax over it. Secondly, I think overall the crowd will be less sweaty and annoying on tormax which means it will be easier to find good farm spots. Third, I actually like everquest as it was originally released so I don't really need or want a full random ruleset forever.

    I remember when miragul was coming out and we all knew it was gonna be dead, but no one CARED enough to point out it would be dead. We had our regular server so literally no one cared. If tormax is just a boring normal server and teek is so amazing, shouldn't people just not really care about its existence in the first place? It just seems weird that this time people are so obsessed with trying to prove that tormax will be dead.
    Taladir and Magneress like this.
  2. dentalplan lisa needs braces

    The very first EQ progression servers launched 18 years ago at this point. This community has been playing through new iterations of them for long enough that children born at the time the first ones came out will be able to vote this year. Very few people from this community are going to be first time TLP'ers with this current round.

    Everyone has already played the phinny/mangler ruleset at least once, probably twice or more at this point. Daybreak needs to come up with something more inventive if they want this server to have a draw of any kind. They should be getting more creative to keep things interesting rather than treading water.
    Brontus likes this.
  3. Rothj Augur

    Okay and they did - you have teek. So why are people obsessed with the fact that tormax even exists?
  4. dentalplan lisa needs braces

    Teak is also a retread, just a slightly less stale one.
  5. Rothj Augur

    This is also the first time we had a kunark release ever. Is that not good enough either?
  6. coltongrundy Augur

    That is correct, I do want Tormax to fail. We've had enough phinny clones. It's time for something new. I didn't want to play on Miragul but wasn't against its existance because at least they were trying something different.
  7. Indigo_Quarmite Augur

    What dentalplan said.

    No one wants it to fail, but it will in fact fail in it's current form.

    18 years of TLPs. Let's review essentially basic TLP progression..

    Agnarr (standard TLP release progression up until pop/ldon)
    Mischief/Thornblade (yes standard TLP progresssion in terms of expansion release format)
    Oakwynd (yeah some variants but still classic progression format)

    So yeah man, if you missed the boat on 15 classic experiences that is 100% a you problem. We don't need more of this non-sense. They need to stop immediately releasing classic progression servers until they finally are sunsetting the game and release the last one or restrict it to every 5 years they can try one so it at least gives you some feeling of running it back with some nostalgia.

    Servers with alternative progression formats.
    Mayong (this would be something awesome to build off of if they removed mercs / restricted the era etc just a little love and this was super fun place to be)
    Miragul - just too deep into the game - people want to maybe get to this point but we want to progress their quickly through the first 6 expansions or so then slow it down at 75.
    Selos (again perfect with a little love based on player feedback)
    Vaniki (needs a lot of love and probably won't ever happen)

    Soon to be Teek/Tormax

    To be fair a Kunark start isn't even a huge deviant. it's just classic slightly condensed.

    Aradune was my last time starting a TLP on launch day. 4 years ago - and my body and mind are still not interested in grinding classic/kunark. So yeah it's too soon for more classic retreads. Most players fit this category which is why Tormax is DOA currently. - Teek might be the same progression but like Mischief it's just not boring with random/free trade loot so you live with the traditional progression.

    I think people were hoping tormax would offer something more. Accelerated Exp, Velious launch, double loot/faction, free trade, no randomization, boxing allowed - any combination of things could have made Tormax attractive to enough people to be a stable server. They opted for nothing and that is how many people are interested in it.
    maxisbored, ForumBoss and lob2014 like this.
  8. Doranur_Aleguzzler Filthy Casual™

    I don't want either server to fail. I don't want ANY server to fail. I want the game to continue to thrive and even *gasp* grow! I want EQ3 to be a fantastic modern version of EQ, with a better and sensible crafting system that rewards dedicated crafters with the ability to make all but the most legendary of items. I want it to have a thriving player-driven economy.

    But as I've said before, being the 25th anniversary, the servers should have been something special. What we got was the lowest effort copy/paste thing we could get. I'm not the least bit impressed.
    Wolfaen and Brontus like this.
  9. CdeezNotes Augur

    All you have to do is play beyond the first 4 expansions and I'm sure you'll be playing something new.

    It's always amused when people complain about retreads but are perfectly fine rotating literally the same expansions over and over and over on a yearly basis as if some ruleset will rejuvenate boring content. It's pretty obvious you're just bored of the content and you're looking for artifical ways to making it more exciting. Here's a thought: Play beyond POP. Voila! New content!
    Piznut, Tyranthraxus and Rijacki like this.
  10. Sheila Elder

    I don’t want to see tormax faill. Quite the opposite. We are telling them what it would take for us to consider it worth playing on. I’m a paying customer and I’m telling them I’m skipping this TLP unless they change it. They, of course, are welcome to not but that’ll be their miss, and not because the writing wasn’t on the forums.
  11. Kraked Augur

    Insane that I just realized that I have played almost all the TLP to date.
  12. Zansobar Augur

    Since DPG is so out of touch with their player base, it takes telling them point blank what mistakes they are making. Tormax is a big mistake. Big mistake.
  13. Crimson Violet New Member

    Tormax is one of the better rulesets available. Yes there have been others and this is the first time I am able to do a complete run through due to being retired from work and most other RL issues that didn't let me play previous ones are mostly no longer an issue so I have all the time in the world. I played Mischief the longest of all TLP servers and do not want to do that ruleset again and my only option is to go to an older TLP, play Tormax, or wait for another year. I much prefer to play at the beginning of a server so older TLP not really for me atm and waiting another year for what Tormax has everything that I want in a server except I would prefer slower XP and slower progression but I will not likely ever get that, so yeah, Tormax for me. Any changes to Tormax at this time will possibly make me wait another year in hopes of a normal TLP.
    Taladir and Magneress like this.
  14. Sheila Elder

    I’m down to play with you if they remove truebox :) truebox is a show stopper for me.
  15. Trevalon Augur

    I am not playing Teek this time, because I am sticking it out on Mischief.

    That being said, I would be annoyed if I were a Teek player. Teek is OBVIOUSLY the most popular serve because it is following the most popular server of all time. Knowing that I am 100% gonna be waiting in Queues to play on Teek because they shortsightedly created a "classic" TLP for no good reason would annoy the crap out of me.

    Me and a RL friend may try to dabble on Teek, but if there are queues like there were on Aradune (There will be) then I just wont play. I am not waiting 2-3 hours to get in game after getting off work at 8pm at night.
    Sheila likes this.
  16. Sheila Elder

    Amen to that! It’s been amusing watching people defend tormax ruleset that want to play on teek. So many options that would help teek. Even just an overflow server. And DBG just sitting on it knowing it’s gonna be a problem /eyeroll.
  17. Raytheon Augur

    I don't think most people want Tormax to fail. They just know that will be much, much less populated than Teek and nowhere near what Aradune was because it's not getting the benefit of a global pandemic lockdown where people were stuck in their homes with nothing to do. DPG spent zero effort in picking the rulesets for their milestone 25th anniversary, not even the effort to look into why Aradune was so popular. They just picked the top two and rolled on to something else. The community largely sees the choice of copying Aradune as a giant waste of resources when they literally could have done anything else interesting and it would be orders of magnitude more populated. How many guilds are forming up as we speak preparing for Tormax? 2? How many on Teek? A couple dozen? If you can't see the writing on the wall based on that alone, no one can help you. It is a two-fold problem. It is a problem that Tormax will be under-populated and it is a problem that because of that, Teek will be grossly over-populated if they don't have a plan to spin up a backup server for Teek.
  18. Lejaun Augur

    The comments against Tormax are nothing compared to what was and is hurled at Oakwynd.

    For you, it’s time to look at the facts:

    1). Another year of TLPs. There are only so many players who will ply on a TLP. They are spread out. You can only spread out the population so much before some will start to fall

    2). 2024 TLPers have two choices: mischief 2.0 which is the first copy of that server, or yet another clone of a plain server. It’s a lot harder to cover the second when the first is so popular. People already did no special rules on Yelinak and Aradune and Mangler and Phinny and others. Teek is simply the server with the most popularity

    3). TLPs released at same time tend to have one that survives and done that struggles to find people. Once a server has been chosen as the popular one, people will choose that over the other even if they don’t care about the rules that much.

    4). 2024! Is rebounding from Oakwynd. Many vocal people hated FTE. Many followers listened and therefore hated FTEvtoo. They almost all wanted Mischief. They got it.
  19. dwiguslowater Journeyman

    Tormax simply will fail with the current ruleset. The writing's on the wall. It's been two weeks since the servers were announced and there are two guilds recruiting for Tormax. One of the guilds has 9 members in their discord. The other has 23. Teek on the other hand has 18 guilds recruiting. A Yelinak clone just can't complete with the second ever Mischief style server launch
  20. Crimson Violet New Member

    That is the perfect grind, there will be more guilds on Tormax than those two, not all guilds recruit on discord/forums. Though I prefer to be in a guild before a server launch personally so I can get to know people.