Polar Bear now spawning for Broken Key of Frost

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by YellowBelly, Apr 18, 2024.

  1. YellowBelly Augur

    Investigate the Blackburrow crevasse and place the Deepwater Redfish 0/1 (Everfrost Peaks)

    I'm at the location but the Polar Bear is not spawning. I've been here 40 minutes. Any ideas?
  2. Knifen Augur

    Perhaps wrong spot or missing the fish that spawns them. Did you do this solo or with a group?

    /way -1238, 1099, 29
  3. Brickhaus Augur

    When I did mine yesterday, someone else was waiting outside the nook (or is it a cranny?) and said they were having issues getting the update.

    I of course just ran my 6 guys in the offshoot until I got an update and a bear.

    This was on Xegony.

    I believe eventually the other person got his update, but not sure how he finally got it.
  4. YellowBelly Augur

    Ugh. I found out the problem. The map I was using did not have this particular crevasse drawn. The map maker must have missed it :mad:.Thank you for the /loc Knifen. It saved me.
    Metanis likes this.
  5. Angahran Augur

    Also, did you try clicking the fish?
  6. Conq Augur

    One of six characters did not get this update on this quest. Invis was the culprit. Ran in again with that one guy UNinvised, and quest updated.
  7. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    Clicking the fish does nothing. And if you have said fish in inventory then you did not step in the right spot to trigger the update which triggers the bear. The fish is auto consumed on that update step.
  8. Sheebea Augur

    /waypoint is your friend.
  9. Angahran Augur

    I wasn't getting the bear to spawn so I clicked the fish, got the update and killed the bear.
    If clicking the fish does nothing then why are the fish clickable?
    Silvena likes this.
  10. Soulbanshee Augur

    You probably dropped invis when you clicked it.
    CatsPaws likes this.
  11. Angahran Augur

    Nope. No invis, no lev, no bear.
    Clicked the fish and immediate update and spawn.
  12. Silday New Member

    I'm having the problem of not spawning bear on 2nd (middle).