Tower mount stats are too weak!

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Metanis, Apr 18, 2024.

  1. Metanis Bad Company

    For 375 of the new Timeless Tokens you can buy an Argent Clockwork Boar Saddle which is a "Fast" mount and comes with mount blessing Azia-Beza. That's not cheap and represents performing many quests/missions especially if you want to also use the currency for some of the gear and augmentations.

    So, that is an incredibly weak reward considering you can get a Beza mount as part of a level 85 Heroic character.

    It should be bumped up to something like Heda and Very Fast which would match the reward for EoK.
    Barton-Vox and Herf like this.
  2. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    What impact would that have on TLP servers that don't have EoK opened yet?
    Kaenneth likes this.
  3. Alnitak Augur

    First - the boar mount is cool and worth every token just for looks.
    Second - 11 missions grant 110 token reward and can be ran through in an evening, and in 3-4 casual evenings a group can collect enough tokens for mounts (I am talking coming November time). Or as off today you can collect enough tokens in a week from 4 active missions if done daily.
    Third - as with other mounts, which have tags "Heirloom" and no "Prestige" (i.e. clickable by f2p and tranferable via shared bank) the mount benefit is "Beza". A few mounts with those tags have higher benefits chiefly Anniversary mounts. But Prize and Marketplace mounts are limited to Beza.

    So, Beza on the boar is on-par
  4. Riou EQResource

    Believe you can buy the mount at the lowest gear tier level of 25 or whatever, so they probably wont make it stronger
  5. CdeezNotes Augur

    Speaking of's really annoying how the augs scale. It skips from 95 to 105 on Aradune. There are no level 100 augs and we've been in level 100 content for the last 15 weeks or so. The level 95 augs are pretty terrible for most classes (low stats and not the best heroic bias for a majority of classes) and the 105s aren't available.

    April has been the first month I've bought an aug (hwis) alt.
  6. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Is there anything worth buying?

    I did the first mission and haven't done any since, not seen anything that would be worth my time to get points.
    Metanis likes this.
  7. Alnitak Augur

    April item:
    better than LS TS, not as good as raid gear.
    So far: charm, neck, face, shoulders

    My alts/second-string characters are enjoying the easy upgrades
  8. Fanra

  9. Kalamos Augur

    On a live server at the current max level for fully raid geared players? No, outside of a type 7 aug or two, the mount or maybe some weird ornaments.

    On a live server at the current max level for group geared players? Yes, for sure. The vendor items, when slotted with a type 25 Aug also bought from the same vendor, are slightly better than LS T3 crafted gear.

    On a live server at the current max level on a FTP (non-prestige) account? 100% yes with a side of super awesomesauce. Not only is the gear non-prestige useable and meaningfully better than LS T1 non-prestige gear, the pieces have Luck. T1 non-prestige gear typically doesn't include Luck so this is a nice bonus.
  10. dentalplan lisa needs braces

    The mount should at least be selo speed for the amount of effort it takes to get imho.
    Metanis likes this.
  11. kizant Augur

    Jboots speed would be too fast for the amount of effort for this mount.
    manglered and Nennius like this.
  12. Eaedyilye More stonehive bixies.

    How about hobby horse slow, a mount that doesn't move.
    Nennius and kizant like this.
  13. Nennius Curmudgeon

    Or goes backward.
    kizant likes this.
  14. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    Hey, I have a couple of those! Hobby Horse via a free Bristlebane quest and it does not move but has ENA buff.


    When you factor what the mounts from the Anniversary merchant provide and the cost for those, which is really high and takes forever to run those quests and earn enough, then this is right in line.

    Seems its meant to be more of a skin anyway. After all that is the buff that came out on Verdant Hedgerow Leaf and Bracelet of the Severed Hand which were good sellers just for the visual.
  15. Sam Hyde "You're" on ignore

    "I chose to limit myself to using old gear by playing on TLP and now I am upset I cannot have modern gear"

    Wasn't the whole point of you starting over on a TLP to make things harder like old EQ? And is a slightly better aug going to be game changing?
    Nennius likes this.
  16. Sam Hyde "You're" on ignore

    FYI you can't see the items that unlock each patch until you do the corresponding mission.
  17. CdeezNotes Augur

    Do you read what I wrote or did you wake up choose to be the way you are? I don't even know what you're rambling on about, but it's a dumb and useless comment.

    They designed augs to only be available every time a char is x5th level. Even on live before my char was 125, the only available one was useless 115 augs.
  18. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    imagine tower prizes that are only 4/12ths of the way through unlocking...
  19. Nennius Curmudgeon

    Having hit unmodified on the charm I can easily predict what it will be.