favorite race

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Tachyon, Apr 17, 2024.

  1. Vlahkmaak Augur

    Troll eats them all! Err, beats them all.
    fransisco and Celatusp99 like this.
  2. Exmortis_MT Augur

    Personally I have a special place in my hearty for DE, as my first character was a DE SHD. However a close second is Iksar.
  3. Crimson Violet New Member

    All about that Iksar. I would play all Iksar if they could be every class.
  4. Celatusp99 Augur

    I see way to many people saying froglocks. Worst day in history was when they were made a player race. Frogs are for killing and eating.
  5. Laberintica77 Journeyman

  6. Doze Augur

    I love the Guktans as playable race myself, but "froglok monk" is for sure an outrageous abomination that goes against the lore about and description of Guktans ("clumsy on land" etc.).
  7. CdeezNotes Augur

    It also says they are study and can cross great distances with each leap, meaning they have very strong legs which would be good for kicking. Well, guess the lore makes sense.
  8. Doze Augur

    Guktans should for sure have the innate racial ability to make long leaps (a'la Impel).
  9. Doranur_Aleguzzler Filthy Casualâ„¢

    It really depends on the class. Barbarian for shaman. Been liking frogloks lately.
  10. fransisco Augur

    drunken master?
  11. Doze Augur

    Those aren't actually clumsy - even if they might appear to be.to the untrained eye.
  12. Vetis Augur

    Should of been Bard instead of Monk. Imagine the singing of a Froglok.
    Doze likes this.
  13. Lejaun Augur

    Depends on graphics. For both classic and Luclin graphics, I choose barbarian. I just like 'em.

    For classic, ogres are awesome. Just big, massive, sacks of flesh. The slimmer, beachbody version of Luclin isn't as good in my opinion. They are followed by trolls and barbarians.

    For Luclin, I think trolls WOULD be best, but their stupid 1-handed swing for 2-handed weapons annoys me. Instead, I think barbarians are the best.
  14. Hekkthebank Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds

  15. OldTimeEQ1 Augur

    Anyone who posts / posted Gnome, should report their own post.

  16. Doze Augur

    Gnomevision ftw ...
    Kraked likes this.
  17. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Doze likes this.
  18. Kaimora New Member

  19. code-zero Augur

    If I ever made a Monk I'd be strongly tempted to go Froglok just like I'd make a Wood Elf Beastlord just for the visuals
  20. Kraked Augur

    We used to have a old guild mate whom would create a bunch of gnome illusions and pass them out to everyone during raids.
    Was byfar the funniest crap you would imagine having 50 + of them.