Not A Bug Mana Regeneration issue

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by Juzam Djinn, Apr 18, 2024.

  1. Juzam Djinn Elder

    Category: Other
    Date/Time: Thu Apr 18 12:02:56 2024

    Character: Level 65 Necromancer (Main)
    Zone: The Plane of Knowledge
    Location: -182.90, -113.68, -156.87, 319.03

    Description: Mana Regen Same when sitting or standing
  2. Gialana Augur

    What are your sitting and standing mana regeneration values? What buffs/debuffs do you have that affect mana regeneration? I think you're probably not mounted but am asking just in case.

    I'm currently on a low level character in PoK and have no buff/debuffs that affect mana regeneration. According to the mana regeneration value on the stats tab of the inventory window, my mana regeneration is 3 when standing and 15 when sitting. This is on a cleric, but I can check on a necromancer, too.
  3. Juzam Djinn Elder

    they are at 37 standing and sitting voq is the only mana regen buff on me atm
  4. Gialana Augur

    Thank you for the information. I tested with a level 104 necromancer with voq, and there was a difference between standing and sitting.

    Are you by chance out of food and/or drink and getting hungry/thirsty messages (even if they're filtered to a hidden window)? That might negate the effects of meditation, which is the only effect that changes your mana regeneration rate between standing and sitting. Even if you are hungry/thirsty, you should still be able to enter fast regeneration mode when out of combat.
  5. Juzam Djinn Elder

    plenty of food .... doh no drink lol that did the trick ty so much
    Gialana likes this.