Another 3-Box Help Request Thread

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Remedial, Apr 13, 2024.

  1. Remedial New Member

    Hi guys,

    I know this pops up every so often, but I am looking for some suggestions.I tend to enjoy three boxing but also like adding group members to help fill in as needed for camps. I tend to play to the end of PoP, so no beasts or zerkers.

    I was kind of thinking of Dru / Pal / Ench but I’m thinking it might be too busy since I’ll have to charm to get any sort of pace. Not a fan of SK since I will eventually raid and like to stay kind of raid busy. I raided Monk last TLP as part of the pull team, but my hands get tired doing it in groups and such for multi-hour stretches.

    Does anyone have experience with like Pal / Druid / Bard or any other recommendations like 2x Monk / Sham?
  2. Celatusp99 Augur

    2 monks and a shaman would be good for chewing through xp but you would still have to pull on one of them. I'm not a fan of druids until much later when they can actually heal, ports don't interest me much as I can just buy one from one of the many taxi druids. Paladin is the weakest of the tanks imo with sk being the best group one and warrior being the only raid one until much later on.
  3. Hamshire Augur

    Gigalazy 3 box strat
    Warrior, put auto-attack then tab out
    Bard, just melody and when you wanna be lazy you don't even gotta attack on it
    Third option a healer
  4. Demetri Augur

    DRU/PAL/BRD as someone who has done that exact set a few years ago (wasn't our full set, but when the wife didn't play and I was truly solo'ing something it was the three I piloted) and it worked incredibly well - only real issue is the fact that Pallies in the early eras are missing some critical spells that make them function well in the longterm.

    But it's absolutely a good albeit slow and steady kill setup with a ton of answers to issues.
  5. Demetri Augur

    DRUs heal just fine in early eras since they adjusted their heals... this isn't P99 - not QUITE the efficiency of clerics, but the edge is quite warranted in the gains of adding snare to reduce the risk of adds in a group with tons of safe pulling options.
  6. Remedial New Member

    I know Pals are not the belle of the ball in pre-luclin EQ, but I figure their snap aggro and ability to heal would help offset the lack of cleric if I go with a Druid or Shammy healer. I figured they would also be easy to keep on top of good ratio weapons given Teeks rules. I’m not 100% sold, but I don’t know that I have quite the time to stay on top of the Warrior raid tank rat race.
  7. Celatusp99 Augur

    A warrior with bad gear is going to out damage a paladin with medium to good gear and has snap aggro with provoke. I would still go with sk but i know you said you did not like that option as much. sk/shaman/monk is one of the best 3 boxes imo, not much that 3box cant do.
  8. SoandsoForumUser Augur

    Pal/Ench/Clr or Dru is fine, the paladin can just stun and babysit charm mobs. It's just a single social macro for pet recovery (set the pet to a specific Xtar window slot when you start up so it always goes there for easy macro to mez->tash->charm)
  9. Demetri Augur

    Their aggro is poor until Luclin, their "snap aggro" is incredibly mana expensive (or risky w/ Flash of Light) until they get Cease & Desist.
  10. OldTimeEQ1 Augur

    Sadly, thanks to player power creep, snare kinda lost its value a while ago. When was the last time a running mob brought a train? For me, not since Combine :(

  11. Crashdummy Elder

    Mage, Mage, Druid, good DPS getting going, eventually add the druid buffs with some levels, druid calm spells and snare on pulls, to get singles until sure you can handle adds. Later a merc healer and a couple of merc tanks (once availabe) to keep agro off the characters, ports, evacs. The best part is that can handle almost any group targets, and can pace up or down, the fingers get tired if too hectic. I liked the combo so much that on my main server, I built a 106 crew, to be able to help others level from 76.
  12. Demetri Augur

    Not played in LDoN/GoD or other deeper expacs where personal instances become the norm for content? Yea, open world for classic and kunark in popular zones, the value is limited, but that's a small aspect of the game that is only the primary vector a relatively short snapshot.
  13. Search and Rescue Journeyman

    The best trio depends on your goals on the server.

    Do you want to be max level fast?
    Do you want to have main to raid and what class?
    Do you want to level a money making team first, and your raid main later after that?
    Do you just want to trio solo things on your own time?

    The options are endless.
    3 mages
    2 mages and clrc
    enc clrc and whatever
    2 enc and clrc
    shm mnk brd
    mage wiz clrc
    war clrc enc
    sk shm enc
    sk shm mnk

    Things to keep in mind, FD puller helps a ton.
    Clrc paci pull works as a substitute with more effort.
    Brd are very week pre lvl 61 and are not a viable puller until pop and Fading memories AA.
    Enc charm pets out dps everything
    Mage pets out tank everything (Their taunt is light years more effective than a war pre 61+)
    sk is best group tank hands down.
    War is required for mini groupable raid mobs if thats your goal.

    Many options, choose your own adventure based on your goals.
  14. Search and Rescue Journeyman

    Where do you get this idea?

    Snare is required to play in any dungeons unless you want to die repeatedly.

    My group has mage earth pet and a brd and we still get runners that train us dead due to absurd resistant blue cons all the time.

    Lguk without snare, your dead.
    Seb without snare, your dead
    Etc etc.

    Unless you have crazy overwhelming dps, snare is basically required to play in any serious dungeon.
  15. OldTimeEQ1 Augur

    Didn't have issues really with runners in those. On DoDH maybe one instance but even then, unlike old days where no snarer meant sure death, now it is almost negligible.
  16. OldTimeEQ1 Augur

    Unless you have very bad groups, or last played 20 years ago you don't wipe due to lack of snare in lguk or seb.
  17. Ultrazen Augur

    Sk/Bard/Shaman, /shrug. It's just the best box. A lot of combos can work. Palie/chanter/wiz is really good.

    It's very hard to get past Sk/Bard/Sha, snare, puller, tank, heals, slows, run speed, haste, CC, and having a bard and a shaman will turn your SK into a monster. Palie/druid/chanter is certainly doable, but it will be a lot busier and tougher to manage if you're trying to charm etc. I 2 boxed druid/chanter and it was a great combo, but very hectic, you always have to be awake.

    At the end of the day, any combo of tank/healer/chanter will work, it's all just levels of how active you have to be. Sk/Bard/Sha is great because you spend 95% of your time on the SK, the others are all macro's that don't need to position or be very active.
  18. Numiko Augur

    When they changed many of the paladin heals to be target of target things got much better. Lay on hands is also now target of target.

    I have found playing one on mischief from start to current (HoT) she has been able to self heal vs anything I have come up against with no assistance needed from my boxes to keep her up.
    Her group heals are a great help in AOE fights too.

    Bonus is the extra hate from heals helps with agro too.
  19. Tachyon Augur