6 Box Melee Dream Team - 2024 Edition

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Tuco, Apr 11, 2024.

  1. Flatchy Court Jester

    Hey I am sorry but I dont want to start a whole thread for this question so I will ask it here. I have seen people say that they 6 box and then come to find they have 3 characters and 3 mercs. To me they are just 3 boxing. What is the official stance on this?
  2. Brickhaus Augur

    x box = x characters (no mercs)

    I believe most would assume if you say you 2 box, 3 box, etc ... that they are using mercs to fill spots up to 6 because (a) you don't get extra points for completing missions with less folks (rewards are the same) and (b) few people xp in the open world anymore.
    Quatr and Flatchy like this.
  3. Alnitak Augur

    For myself and for the people I play with "6-boxing" means there are 6 accounts and 6 characters being played at the same time. 3 characters with 3 mercs means "3-boxing" to me.
    "Full group" may mean 6 characters in the task/activity with some may be being offline at the moment, say a TA situation. Or it may mean there are mercs in the group, which can not be suspended, say a healer merc. Or even is just a polite way to refuse to join. A vague term.
    But 6-boxing is definitely 6 playable characters online are active.
    Quatr and Flatchy like this.