favorite race

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Tachyon, Apr 17, 2024.

  1. Tachyon Augur

    favorite race, not bonuses just look, human for me.
  2. code-zero Augur

    Drakkin despite some goofy animation
    Tachyon likes this.
  3. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Vah Shir
    Tachyon likes this.
  4. Kraked Augur

    Gnomes are superior in all ways =D
  5. fransisco Augur

    I Want to love gnomes, but the problems of being a small race in eq are significant. I always wear a taller illusion on my enchanter.
    Whats fun is being an illusion of another race, then eating the appropriate cannibal treat:
    Sosando takes a bite of blackened teir'dal or hot-n-spicy toelings
    Sunawar and Tachyon like this.
  6. Xhieron Elder

    For me it's always been kind of a toss-up between iksars and frogloks. The lizards always come first, but then there are froggies for everything the lizards can't be. The froglok armor and animations have always been my favorites, especially since the lizards lost their incredible swimming animation with the Luclin model update.
    Tachyon likes this.
  7. Zansobar Augur

  8. Chopsuey Augur

    Froglok animations are bis. You ever see a froglok roundkick? It's beautiful.
    Gnome if frog's aren't available.
    Tachyon likes this.
  9. Roxas MM Augur

    100 meter sprint
  10. Genjo Lorekeeper

  11. Celatusp99 Augur

    I agree gnomes tastes best I thought we were talking favorite to play not eat though.
  12. CdeezNotes Augur

    Wood Elf, Froglok, Drakkin
  13. Tyranthraxus Grognard

  14. Relyn Lorekeeper

    Gnomes, always liked seeing through walls.
    Kraked likes this.
  15. Fluid Augur

    More of an "anything but" I just don't run a lot of Trolls or High Elves, Froglok. I seldom run Wood Elves just because people used to always start female Wood Elf Bards for prurient purposes for begging and being invited to groups. I've got something nice to say about all the others.

    There are some reservations. All if not most of these can be circumvented. For instance, Gnomes and Halflings have trouble with stairs/steps, Ogres with squeezing in tight places. Easy way around this is just buy an illusion from Market Place for something bigger or smaller as the case may be.

    Origin is mixed blessing for race too. I mean start a Gnome or Erudin SK and enjoy the run from Origin to any place you would rather be. Not a big fan of the Dark Elf Origin either. It works in favor of some classes with a Qeynos start and Gate. You can travel back and forth across the world every eight minutes or get to a hub.
  16. jeskola pheerie

    Erudite cause they are one of the least commonly played
    Rijacki likes this.
  17. Yarteb Elder

    Gnome. gnome gnome.......
    Appren likes this.
  18. Chanaluss Can spell Doljonijiarnimorinar, Iqthinxa Karnkvi

    I am married to my lizards. I jumped immediately on an Iksar SK when i saw how cool looking they were and how hard the game said they were (back when difficulty ratings were listed)
  19. Erekai Journeyman

    Ever since my very first character, it's always been Wood Elves

    Close 2nd is Dark Elves. Then Froglok.
  20. Manafasto Augur

    Gnome heroes unite!
    dwiguslowater likes this.