Champion's Oath/Reavers Bargin

Discussion in 'Tanks' started by Ozon, Apr 10, 2024.

  1. Szilent Augur

    I would love for a paladin that's actually used it to chime in on what they're thinking.
  2. Warpeace Augur

    Maybe it's because they could have just tweaked existing spells and abilities and we didn't really need Champion's Oath?
  3. Krazzi Elder

    Reaver's Bargain has always been a crap AA. Paladins, said they wanted a version of it, and grats, that's exactly what you got. Both AA basically just destroy your End and Mana.
  4. Galvanize Lorekeeper

    Old Reaver's (Current live version) could absorb quite a bit of spike damage before it broke. Not an awful button and in current gear SK have infinite mana and endurance unless multidotting heavily. Would make way more sense to give each button a niche role rather than waste dev time making *2* useless buttons.

    Dev's just had a comment in cleric threads about how much overhealing/how abundant healing is then they give paladins more healing. Would be better if it procced a groupwide rune or something that would actually smooth spike damage,
    Syylke_EMarr, alanus and Zeelot like this.
  5. Szilent Augur

    no one commenting has activated these abilities in combat
  6. Galvanize Lorekeeper

    I've played an SK for awhile, and if you can read what the paladin Oath does it's pretty obvious. Please don't pretend like there's some hidden up side. If you think a rotating 100k absorb on an 18 second cooldown is mitigation get real
  7. Warpeace Augur

    Your making assumptions you can't back with this comment multiple times.
    Allayna likes this.
  8. Warpeace Augur

    Let's be honest, Paladin already have abilities that do what Champion's Oath does and if they felt the class needed the additional defensive ability they could have done a few things with the existing kit. Examples are either extending durations, increased the heal mod value, mitigation %'s or even a combination of those three. Instead, we get a new ability that rehashes old Spell/AA and Disc's we have in a new Frankenstein ability. Additional over healing is just not something that's needed in the kit. Mitigation is nice as long as the hits taken meet or exceed the threshold.

    I can appreciate they finally followed through with their word on making a Paladin version, it just seems to miss the mark. But I would much rather make the buttons I press have meaning and not just spam.
    Velisaris_MS likes this.
  9. alanus Augur

    I just /testcopy'ed and tested out Champion's Oath 4 against a puma in Pallomen. It's complete trash.

    The rune proc lasted about 7 seconds on average. Granted, I wasn't using Gird (which in hindsight was a mistake for realism) but still, if it's draining your mana this much, it should do a lot more.

    [Sat Apr 13 09:26:53 2024] You are protected by a noble oath.
    [Sat Apr 13 09:26:57 2024] The oath's protection ends.

    [Sat Apr 13 09:27:12 2024] You are protected by a noble oath.
    [Sat Apr 13 09:27:22 2024] The oath's protection ends.

    [Sat Apr 13 09:27:30 2024] You are protected by a noble oath.
    [Sat Apr 13 09:27:38 2024] The oath's protection ends.

    [Sat Apr 13 09:26:57 2024] You healed Alanuse for 32618 (171040) hit points by Oathbound Gift IV. (Lucky Critical)
    [Sat Apr 13 09:27:22 2024] You healed Alanuse for 134370 hit points by Oathbound Gift IV. (Critical)
    [Sat Apr 13 09:27:38 2024] You healed Alanuse for 134370 hit points by Oathbound Gift IV. (Critical)

    For example, a burst heal did more without a crit:
    [Sat Apr 13 09:27:28 2024] You healed Alanuse for 155957 (162022) hit points by Burst of Dawnbreak Rk. III.
    [Sat Apr 13 09:27:41 2024] You healed Alanuse for 167514 hit points by Burst of Dawnbreak Rk. III.

    And this was a single trash mob from a t2 zone.

    Revered Guardian discipline makes a far bigger impact than Champion's Oath does and it doesn't make you useless for the rest of the fight
    fransisco likes this.
  10. Galvanize Lorekeeper

    Was the mana drain pretty noticeable on one use of Oath?
  11. alanus Augur

    I think was around 5% per tick on mana. So not overly bad. I also wasn't watching mana too much though
  12. Klucifer Master

    As it currently stands, it's one step above Act of Valor in my book -- i'll use it, but it's not a class-making AA, nor one that is particularly useful. This needs to get re-evaluated. Alanus' testing of it alone shows how little impact it actually has.
    alanus likes this.
  13. fransisco Augur

    Yea, I gotta say that huge mana/endurance drain and then if you get low setting you to zero is abysmal design. It literally turns your character off, you cannot tank with no end/mana. You can't use any abilities or anything. Its REALLY bad game design.
    Even if this the most OP tanking ability in the game it would be bad. Mid fight you can no longer play your character because all your resources have been removed.
    alanus likes this.
  14. Krazzi Elder

    So basically every 18 seconds your proc will absorb up to 100k damage, and when it fades heals you for 66k plus heal bonuses, and it lasts for 3:30 minutes. Anything make it wear off early, other then going low mana/end?? That's actually pretty strong, since you can stack that with your other discs. Even before the nerf, Reaver's Bargain would wear off in less then 30 seconds, now its going to be like 6secs.

    Slot 2: Cast on Fade: Oathbound Gift IV
    Slot 3: Absorb Melee Damage: 81%, on Hits over 29000, Total: 100000
    Szilent likes this.
  15. yepmetoo Abazzagorath

    Meh, not sure there are many situations this is worth the mana cost. Its not bad, its just the mana loss isn't worth it in most cases. Better than nothing though.
  16. alanus Augur

    The problem is that the heal when it fades is less than our burst spell, and after CO wears off, we won't be able to heal anymore. It'd be worth it towards the end of an event but otherwise I think the loss of mana and endurance wouldn't be worth it

    Although when I did test it, I didn't have my normal setup or anything like that (I was too lazy to setup my UI on Test) so I will see how it works on actual live raids before I say that it's totally useless.

    Maybe they're trying to make us run out of mana and endurance so we will have a reason to Act of Valor?
    Cadira and fransisco like this.
  17. josh Augur

    I commented this in the test forum post but I'll post it again, the main issue with both of them is they are not balance for raids and groups and they can't be because SPA 451 doesn't have that capacity. It is a very good SPA when it can prune damage off the high end. that 100k damage cap is better than a 100k damage cap on an spa 162 disc IF the 451 buff can be tuned to only trigger on large hits.

    They are currently tuned well for group mobs but raid mobs hit way harder. The SPA needs to differentiate between raid mobs and group mobs and the threshold for raid mobs needs to be upped to something like 60 or 70k It would require some testing to dial in the number but 30k makes it a rune for one round on raid mobs which isn't very useful.

    It would be best of it actually could get the mobs max hit and use that to determine its threshold because to be tuned for a raid boss it would need to be like 100 - 120k. and needs to be re-tuned every new expansion.

    Even if that is adjusted it's still too much mana though.
    Szilent likes this.
  18. Krazzi Elder

    Eqresource has this for the in game description... Is it self only?? Your target's target? good heal for the warrior tanking the boss.

    In Game Description: Consumes #1 endurance per second to grant your melee attacks the ability to bless your enemy's target with *#3%N every $1 seconds for *@%Z. Every activation of *#3%N triggers *#3*%R%N, which consumes *#3*%R#1 mana.
  19. Szilent Augur

    The protection & heal are HOTT, but

    the heal is, uh, "probably" not good enough value to run Champion's Oath for a warrior MT who is presumably chaining their own SPA 451 protections for ~10 minutes

    Related to Oath, though, the warrior SPA 451's could use updating on their thresholds, too. They're still set at their Broken Mirror levels for the progressive ability, and Ring of Scale for the clicky. If you could go ahead and get those fixed same time as your Oath, Josh? that'd be great, m'kay?
  20. fransisco Augur

    A huge fix or two would be allowing it to be ended early, instaed of punishing the paladin for using the ability. As well, why is it designed to completely empty mana and endurance? So it again punishes the paladin for using it.

    This is very original eq design, where everything was shaped to punish the player, not encourage them to have fun.
    alanus likes this.