EQLogParser questions

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Windance, Mar 8, 2024.

  1. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    Maybe this is already posted someplace and I missed it.

    Is there someplace we can donate to the EQLP cause? This has been a great help to many I'd like a way to give back.

    Thanks, Kizant!
    kizant likes this.
  2. Sprooce Lorekeeper

    Yes, thanks very much, Kizant! Love your parser and use it all the time, much appreciated.
    kizant likes this.
  3. kizant Augur

    Yeah searching the main Pattern and Name of the trigger is fine. Like some of the others you then hit enter and it searches for the next result. Although, I may not implement shift-enter to search backwards like some other search boxes. We'll see.

    Also, for everyone else, the old installer is a nightmare to work with and gave up on trying to make it only copy desktop shortcuts if something changes and having it uninstall correctly. So, I switched to Inno Setup and it produces a .exe installer. So, expect to see that soon too. I just hope the check for updates code doesn't break.
    Angahran and I_Love_My_Bandwidth like this.
  4. kizant Augur

    Version 2.2.11 has these updates. If the auto installer thing doesn't work right just go download it directly from the main link the README. It's an exe installer now and I had to do a workaround for auto update which worked when I tried it. But who knows.
  5. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    Thanks for all your work and effort on EQLP, kizant. The fact you put your own time into this and ask for nothing in return is a blessing on the community. Your work is appreciated!
    Conq, Metanis, Fenthen and 3 others like this.
  6. Fenthen aka Rath

    Kizant with EQLP and his numerous Caster DPS guides are one of the few folks really keeping this game afloat. I've been using EQLP for triggers for about a year now and am happy that I made the upgrade from GINA.
    I_Love_My_Bandwidth and Metanis like this.
  7. Marton Augur

    Aside from Kizant's EQ Wizard/mage DPS Tool I'm not aware about any caster dps guides. Mind linking them here?
  8. kizant Augur

    I've posted some details on guild forums but they're all outdated now. Sancus is the one to go to for recent guides for sure.
    Marton likes this.
  9. Marton Augur

    Ahh I see.

    I was curious if I missed some Kizant's super secret guide for wizards!
    kizant likes this.
  10. josh Augur

    Gina has the option to use just regex capturing groups like:

    search (this|that) text

    text in parens would be captured and you can use gina to say it using this syntax


    It will say this or that on a match, the minor benefit over {S1} being if the text was 'search other text' or whatever, it won't match.

    If eqlogparser has this option i am guessing the syntax is different. If it doesn't will it ever be implemented or should I just adjust triggers to work without it.
  11. kizant Augur

    You can use normal regex to capture the value to a variable. Then ${s} or {s} would work.
    search (?<s>this|that) text

    I didn't see anything about using {$#} to specify the capture group in the one post on the GINA forums that explained what it supported.
  12. cauldrongirl New Member

    Love your work on this and I've been using it for a long time now. Thank you for making it!

    In regards to the trigger system; do you have plans for including separate character colors for text and timers like GINA does? It is the missing link holding me back from switching over.
  13. kizant Augur

    How would that work exactly? I can add a color picker to the character edit screen easily enough. Then in the overlay I could have a checkbox for user character color or something. But then there's also a custom color on the triggers. If you have both set it would probably use the trigger color. So like trigger color > character color > overlay defined color in order of how it would pick the one to use.

    If that's all it is then I could prob add it.
  14. josh Augur

    Yeah this does not appear to be documented on the site, but it does work as i described.
  15. chinger New Member

    GINA timer overlays also have a 'Group by character' option, which sorts each character's timers and makes them easier to distinguish at a glance.
  16. cauldrongirl New Member

    So GINA has a default color for text, timer, and timer font that you can set per character log file. This way when an alert goes off for me to run away on my enchanter I can instantly identify it based on color alone. Same for timers, which I mainly use for cooldown tracking.

    Yeah, that sounds great!!