PBAE spells on test now only hit a max of 30 mobs

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Kahna, Apr 9, 2024.

  1. Blastoff Augur

    I'd be afraid to use it open world, who could resist the urge to break my mez.
    Doze likes this.
  2. coltongrundy Augur

    An attempt to keep aoe groups exclusive to dedicated PL sellers.
  3. Demetri Augur

    Pickzone thresholds would disagree with you.
  4. Demetri Augur

    I've done Redfang numerous times with numerous guilds including public raids - none of them mass AE'ed the adds. Do guilds run around with 1 enchanter and 2 tanks for raids or something?

    Because with raids with a more normal split where there's like 8-12 tanks and 3-4 ENCs that absolutely is not even an efficient way of managing the adds on the encounter.

    This sounds like people that haven't experienced the game outside of Faceless raids where the hubris of "this is the only way to do this" is often expounded as fact, rather than what works best for the composition that you run.
    SnapVine likes this.
  5. Demetri Augur

    Eh, I'm too lazy to run the math on them to double check my memories, but I seem to recall conversations with AE loving number wonks that said that AE's don't become efficient until around 8 targets.

    So limiting to 10 would give a razor's edge band where they're even worthwhile if that is correct. And considering that xtar is designed to go up to 30 mobs as well, it seems like a nice parity point to use that as the intended limit.
  6. Demetri Augur

    Easy to not be when you already are that AOE group...
    SnapVine likes this.
  7. Demetri Augur

    Well, actually, as someone that has clearly never been in a beta - the devs actually DO give hints about general concepts that they believe should be used in their encounters if the players don't start figuring them out in the first few tries.

    So for anything with the modern beta testing methodology, which has been in place since OoW. (Possibly sooner, earliest I knew of it - makes sense it would've been the start with the GoD issues from minimal outside testing though) There should be people that were present in the beta tests of the raids that could state that if the devs had guided players towards using PBAE Mezz.

    Which for the record, I never saw - but then again, not an enchanter, so also not instructions that would've been something I paid much attention to for beta raids.
  8. SnapVine Augur

    great change, look forward to seeing it on the TLPs
  9. Doze Augur

    Well well well, just look at you gaslighting left and right - lol.
    Choosing to do Redfang the "hard way" or the "smart way" is entirely irellevant when comes to whether the encounter was designed with PB AE mezzing in mind.
    But why bother assigning tanks to grab the mezzable adds individually at all (you'll need more than 12 tanks for that btw)? All those adds need is to be rooted and they are gone. Far less painfull to just mezz them all and let the AE rooting druids do the rest.
  10. Doze Augur

    We are talking about a TLP here after all and while people are still leveling up there is no way that there won't be multiple picks of whatever popular zone that they might choose to use for a fairly long while.
    On top of that then there aren't that many PL AE teams and they can't be everywhere at the same time.
  11. CdeezNotes Augur

    You ae mezzed unmezzable mobs? Brilliant
    Demetri likes this.
  12. Demetri Augur

    Tank for a second then use a 24 sec mezz is a new concept to you? Never heard of offtanks (esp with stunnables) holding adds for mezz?

    Gaslighting lol... I was part of the beta for Redfang testing specifically and I don't recall enchanters using mezz at all, although they weren't nearly as much of.a threat in initial beta form, I remember offtanking them as a top end ranger with faked full blockers in the beta, suicide on live for the same though (DP AE wasn't active for any of the beta raids I did for DP)
  13. Demetri Augur

    My experience with Sebilis would disagree with you.

    I would often cycle 5-10 picks to find a single one where top floor was available.

    SolA is another that is consistently fully occupied by 6-10 man sets.

    Heard of similar experiences elsewhere but outside of my typical preferences to quote how warped those were first-hand.
    OldTimeEQ1 likes this.
  14. Doze Augur

    None of the bat adds that spawn during the Refang encounter are stunnable - otherwise full PBAE take down would be the way to go.
    Already on the second Redfang despawn then 14 mezzable bats spawns. Why bother mezzing them one by one when 1 or 2 PB AE mezzes can do the job (and then root them to death) - especially when you also have 4 non-mezzable/stunnable/rootable bat adds to handle at the same time?

    Are you telling me that you supposedly had equally top-end enchanters on the raid that didn't immediately go for PB AE mezzes or stuns when suddenly faced with a lot of adds spawning?
    Yeah, I'm not buying that.
    It honestly sounds more like that you simply didn't notice that they did and are now trying to fill the blanks/rewrite history to support your narrative.
    Although, suiciding when you finally went against the live version of that encounter could mean that mezzing was not used (which doesn't really speak very highly of the enchanters that you had with you ... if that was indeed the case).
  15. Arclyte Augur

    I've played a lot of MMOs, and every time someone found a way to AOE a huge number of mobs, it was nerfed.

    You can be upset that they made the change after allowing you to do it for many years, but you shouldn't be surprised.
    Rijacki, Bobbybick and SnapVine like this.
  16. AzzlannOG Elder

    What MMO's are you referring to, and what does that have to do with EQ? Did these hypothetical other games have pvp or some other reason that the balance matters? I cant think of the situation or game your mean, but games like ESO, WoW, that are constantly nerfing and trying to balance things are worse because of it.
    Doze likes this.
  17. Doze Augur

    You can find PBAE PL crews in all of those zones for sure, just not in all picks. I never had any trouble grabbing the camp that me and my group wanted in any of those zones myself (or when running around on my own to hunt for nameds).

    Having said that, then I agree that the PBAE PL crews can most certainly be a nuissance sometimes, but not to the extent that everyone else should suffer in all other valid applications of existing PBAE spells just to "nerf" their XP farming "business".
    The PBAE XP farmers will still be there regardless of this nerf and everyone else will be left with reduced options for playing the game.
  18. Demetri Augur

    On live wasn't with the same enchanters... it was a random assortment that I didn't inspect a single one, regardless with Absor IIRC dropping suggestions which was generally in GM shouts don't recall them getting that direction.

    And wasn't saying they were just stating the general concept.

    also it's not impossible viral mezz was being tested by them without instruction.
  19. Demetri Augur

    Shrug, a friend of "Aplus" who does a PL business has stated that they're doubting they bother anymore if Test version goes live from how their results testing over on there.
  20. Doze Augur

    I've never heard of an enchanter worth a damn that didn't immediately tried to mez the first time they were in an encounter with multiple adds spawning (unless they had specifically been advised not to).