Champion's Oath/Reavers Bargin

Discussion in 'Tanks' started by Ozon, Apr 10, 2024.

  1. Ozon Augur

    Pallys have it on test, SKs got 2 new ranks of the AA, I assume we both can hit rank 16. Much appreciated that it went in, hopefully it goes live.
  2. Razorfall Augur

    I think the pally version only has four ranks atm

    I haven't gotten a chance to test it out yet, but I'm hoping that it's good. On paper it sounds like a proc that grants a Reaver's Bargain effect to your target's target, but in practice who knows.
  3. Ozon Augur

    That would be significantly different than RB, so good there. Didn't realize Pallys only got 4 ranks I assumed they would start at same level as SKs.
  4. Syylke_EMarr Augur

    They also nerfed Bargain into the ground, apparently.

    They left the basic mechanics alone, but reduced the maximum mitigated value, with the new ranks, to 500,000. Down from 1,500,000 on Live. Sure, increased the amount of damage absorbed by mana, but that's not going to matter.
    Ozon likes this.
  5. Ozon Augur

  6. Ozon Augur

    Agreed the old formula, with increased end cost and a cap at 2.5-3M would have been appropriate. Nerfing it to 500k seems unnecessary
    Marton and Syylke_EMarr like this.
  7. Razorfall Augur

    Yeah I'm wondering if someone didn't miss a key when they were creating the new rank. Pally version maxes at 100,000, but it's mechanics makes it so it fires every 18 seconds up to 3:30. I'm not sure the heal when it wears off is good enough to justify that. 18 seconds can be an eternity when trying not to die. It's also got a pretty hefty mana cost at 27k per proc.
    alanus likes this.
  8. Syylke_EMarr Augur

    Yeah the balancing around both of these abilities is very weird
    alanus likes this.
  9. Galvanize Lorekeeper

    The new pally Champ Oath is super poorly designed if its meant to be a pair or opposite of Reaver's Bargain. Its sort of like a rolling buff? With about 1 second of uptime before it instantly pops from a single melee round...then 18 seconds of nothing then repeat. That's not really a defensive cooldown so much as spare random runes
  10. Warpeace Augur

    Did you expect Paladin would get something good?
    Allayna and Wulfhere like this.
  11. Szilent Augur

    Did you expect Paladin would even click the ability once ever in battle before deriding it?
    Petalonyx likes this.
  12. Lubianx Augur

    Yepmetoo mentioned on the test forums that a couple of Betas ago, the devs said Reavers was getting a nerf.

    I recall them saying the Risk v Reward wasn't where it should be for Reavers and when they sorted it, pallies would get Oath.

    Looks like the sorting is a nerf to Reavers and a rune and small heal every 18 seconds for a pally.
  13. Tuco Augur

    They should just delete Reaver's Bargain and Champion's Oath instead of having these 10 second abilities cluttering up the player's ability bars. (Along with a few spell lines / AAs for every class).
    Krazzi and WeCameWeConquered like this.
  14. Velisaris_MS Augur

    I expected the devs to prove they have an ounce of knowing WTF they're doing. I expected too much because this ain't it.
    Tach200 likes this.
  15. Syylke_EMarr Augur

    I recall the exact opposite statement from beta, so... grains of salt all around.

    If this is the new vision for these abilities, guess I'll be removing Bargain from my hotbar.

    For posterity, here's the dev (Ganzito) post regarding these 2 abilities back during NoS Beta:
    Tach200 and Petalonyx like this.
  16. Razorfall Augur

    I don't see how either of these are high-risk, high-reward abilities. All I see is risk.
  17. Warpeace Augur

    Which Dev is actually working on Champion's Oath?
    Allayna likes this.
  18. Galvanize Lorekeeper

    No real risk for Reaver's since the 'Bargain' will end so quickly it can't drain any substantial mana. Paladins get some the equivalent of a 20k~ mana drain on themselves for 12 ticks for little to no viable mitigation upside
    Syylke_EMarr, Ozon and alanus like this.
  19. Tuco Augur

    Like Galvanize said it's unlikely to deplete mana, so this is mostly a low-risk, low reward ability. Speaking as a ShadowKnight main, it's best just to delete these two spell lines instead of pushing them to live. SPA451 belongs to the Nords warriors!
  20. Velisaris_MS Augur

    I would love for the dev that did this to come here and explain what they were thinking and just exactly what situations they think these abilities (as they stand) would be useful, beyond "hey, everything else is on cool down, might as well mash this button!".
    Tach200 and alanus like this.