Rogues on TLPs - Easy Fixes

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by KronoQuester, Mar 4, 2024.

  1. Kodachi Augur

    They made the rogue epic harder because they were afraid too many people were making rogues to take advantage of the epic being easy.
    Flexin likes this.
  2. Slambit Journeyman

    30+ hours camping kobolds at lvl 70 with rare spawn bonus, i saw 3 epic items from king nothing from the other, never touching rogue epic again
  3. Mithra Augur

    It's still easier than some other Epic 1.0s even with the extra annoyances
  4. Vecsus2 New Member

    ummm...what? MOTM on EVERY mob? go away.
  5. Celatusp99 Augur

    Dont play rogues more people will demand fixes.
  6. Xhieron Elder

    I know this has already been necroed, but I wanted to chime in just to mention I really enjoyed this conversation. I've never played a rogue, so I have no basis on which to form an opinion, but like (I assume) everyone, class utility informs a lot of my decision-making for new characters. It's easy to think of rogue as a stand behind mob, turn on auto-attack, have a sandwich class, even though I know that's not really true. It's a really hard stereotype to break though.

    I like considering the hypothetical "What changes would it take to get me to consider playing x class?" and for rogue, a lot of the stuff mentioned here could easily move the class from the "not really for me" column into "might be fun". If rogues had a reliable way to drop/reset aggro pre-AA, the common sense QOL no-Backstab-cooldown-on-failure change, certainly the lifetap poison--yeah, those would probably do it for me. In any event, folks with actual experience with the class certainly know best, but even if statistically the class might be in a good or at least okay spot (and again, I've no idea), it seems like any change that makes it more engaging and more appealing, especially during early expansions, would be worth entertaining.
  7. MileyVyrus Augur

    Necroing this thread from before the Kunark tlp launch was announced was an A+ troll. Well played.
  8. Larsen Augur

    I don't like tying rogue's viability to poisons. That'd be a bandaid fix. It means against any mob that's immune to poisons, or anytime the rogue runs out of poisons or for some other reason doesn't have them applied right then, the class reverts to being garbage. It also means a tradeskill is wholly required to play the class at all, which is just annoying design. Poisons can be a neat little bonus on top, but it shouldn't be a case of "unless this temporary, expendable thing is currently active AND the target isn't immune/high-resist to poison like some 40% of raid bosses are, your class sucks."
    WeCameWeConquered likes this.
  9. Doze Augur

    A simple boost would be to make "Sneak Attack" (20) available already in Classic and "Thief's Vengeance" (52) available already in Kunark.
  10. Dre. Altoholic

    I like where you're going here, and a runspeed modifier on these would really help alleviate the snared maneuverability in Classic. Also 325 end sure is a lot for what's often double-digit damage. Would be great to see the dagger throw line extended downward, adding some endurance-efficient damage and utility.