PBAE spells on test now only hit a max of 30 mobs

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Kahna, Apr 9, 2024.

  1. CdeezNotes Augur

    If you can't spot the difference in your strawman there's no point in arguing with you. Players are using the mechanics of the game, just taking it to extreme measures. That's not even close to buying a kitchen knife set to cut your vegetables and later one day deciding you want to stab an individual. Enough with that weak analogy.

    Simple fact is that PB AEs original design allows for massive power gaps in the game, especially when coupled with the consistent power creep players have gotten. This has gradually led to more and more game-breaking mechanics which clearly the devs finally decided they don't want anymore.

    There simply is no valid reason why certain classes can basically lock up entire zones with a single click of a button without any real danger. "just because it's been that way" is not a valid reason.

    P.S. not all PB AEs are unlimited already. It's stupid that any of are unlimited in scope as is.
    Rijacki likes this.
  2. Kahna Augur

    Except this isn't real life it is a video game and they can program the sharp knives not to hurt other people. Why would they go with the more expensive policing option? They'll deal with the bugs that inevitably occurr.
  3. sadre Augur

    Not sure things ever went that far. "Design"?

    At first simple technology prohibited ae groups. The connections got better. By Luclin you could AE Fungus Grove shrooms, and also go during off hours and do end-to-end upper sebilis pulls. Those were fun: you would run back and forth. Ae in disco, wait till respawn, run and pull mobs to chef area.

    The game was making so much money they didn't care if a few weirdos would be online at 4am est doing old content seblis ae's for AA's.

    All this "design" and "vision" talk is and was always bull. But the end users have changed.

    Games get a bit claustrophobic when you know, there are no tricks. Like booking a hotel, as an adult, and you get there and you realize someone childproofed the room. And the TV has parental lock on. And you can't reach the thermostat. The beds have been removed. There's just a baby bouncer in the corner.

    Someone is using the bathroom.
  4. ForumBoss Augur

    I'm ok with ae pler losing business, but I'd like to make sure no raids get adversely affected. And ae plers exist due to demand, DPG should capitalize on the crackdown by offering more heroic level options or better xp pots. Or just allow people to group with any level spread to play with friends.
  5. Windance Augur

    Lceanium has 3 spots the sarnaks come from. Each spot gets two waves of about 10-15 each. The ae from the dragon and the defenders tend to take out about half of that.

    If you have 30+ sarnaks all together, you're about to get over run.
  6. kain200 Augur

    They could eliminate much of the demand for PL if they would make the exp rates less punishing across all servers. It seems like people resorted to leveling this way (pulling entire zones) and the devs just accepted that as the new norm. Then they made exp rates even worse as the levels go on (75+) to account for this style of leveling.

    I feel like you should never get less than 1% for killing a red con mob in a group. When it passes that point it just becomes ridiculous and that isn't even accounting for AA grinding.
  7. Windance Augur

    I don't really think this change will put much of a dent in the AE PL process. It just means the PL team overhead gets bigger as the PL team adds more characters to make up the difference.
  8. sadre Augur

    You want to effectively end the market for AE groups? DPG: do the maths, and put a per diem cap on exp gain that will not affect anyone except ae pl'ers and pet- and charm-based exp groups.

    One stone, many birds.

    edit: The point being, if you end the mechanics of powerleveling with a simple exp cap per 24 hour period, then you can tamper with the mechanics of exp gain on a per diem basis. You can encourage at least an hour a day by making an hour of gameplay fast exp. Anything beyond an hour you hit a headwind that takes you down to normal exp gain. Then, 24 hour exp cap that only matches the kind of numbers made by extreme game mechanics. You can still play, but the exp slows to a trickle. Some such thing. Add a pupkin graphic for how close you are to turning into a pumpkin. That would be cool.

    But those exp machines probably make a lot of money.
  9. Numiko Augur

    Daybreak, all the way back to SoE days has always frowned on "unintended game play"

    I can still remember back in the day they declared that snare kiting was a exploit and reduced exp from all moving mobs by half for a while.o_O
  10. MileyVyrus Augur

    Think of the lives we could save by lowering the speed limit to 10 mph on highways.

    In all seriousness, people are begging for selos xp on Teek... I don't think any target audience is going to embrace an xp nerf, especially on a launch that has level 60 cap off the bat.

    I do like your thinking outside of the box on a way to limit AOE without murdering mechanics across tlp/live. I just don't think putting a governater on xp engine speed is going to be popular with the masses.
  11. Doze Augur

    You mean like they did with FTE?
    The problem isn't whether there will be bugs or not, but like with FTE then the problem is that such changes affect how you/we will be able to play EverQuest by effectively reducing (if not entirely removing) playstyle options that was always viable/available before the changes.
  12. AzzlannOG Elder

    It's a ridiculous change that helps almost no one. Why do the people that run this game hate fun and everything the game has consistently been. If you think PLer's are going to stop because of this youre out of your mind. Hope they go back on this terrible idea.
    Doze likes this.
  13. Xeris Augur

    It's weird that in the AMA they basically said they do very little to cater to TLP players and yet they keep making changes that literally are only relevant from classic to pop: changing ench stuns, nerfing charm, nerfing AOE, nerfing dirge for bards... Changing epic 1's... Why.
  14. Kahna Augur

    Such is life with a live service game. Things change. I can adapt.

    Pretty sure this is due to lag caused by massive pulls and the death of said pulls. I doubt they care about AE PLing.
  15. Jojogo New Member

    Next nerf charmed pets.
  16. Bartholomo Journeyman

    it will make things slightly more difficult for a PL and give the rest of us a host of issues in the long run. I hope they dont tinker with it, let us have our normal mischief-esque server.
    Doze likes this.
  17. Doezit Lorekeeper

    A 30 target limit will have little to zero effect on most. It may inconvenience the PL sellers, but otherwise not an issue.
    jeskola likes this.
  18. jeskola pheerie

    This will have zero effect on PL business
  19. Blastoff Augur

    They will probably make more Krono since people won't level out of needing a pl as fast.
    WeCameWeConquered likes this.
  20. AzzlannOG Elder

    This is a terrible change and I hope DB axes it. If the change is supposed to fix lag it is usually an issue in certain zones at certain times and doesn't usually affect gameplay. If it is supposed to stop PL then it is not going to do anything except slightly change the Pl strat. Either way it helps almost no one and changes the gameplay for the worse. Need to shut this down before it becomes set in stone.