Rogue hide ability inconsitant in LS zones

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Spiffy Duu, Apr 9, 2024.

  1. Spiffy Duu New Member

    When the hide key is pressed it is not giving the 'you have hidden yourself from view' response and therefore not hiding. The (parentheses) around your name flash briefly and you are indeed not hidden. The button stays in the depressed mode.

    This is not consistent, but the other rogues in my guild have noticed this also once I brought it up. We could not determine a cause.

    Silent Redemption, Cazic
  2. Knifen Augur

    I have had this happen quite a bit lately. and it dramatically increased with this newest expansion. In Laurins Inn I can do my hide/sneak 15 times before it actually hides and sneaks. One of the few zone I have to come to a complete stop most of the time and play with hide and sneak until it works. The brackets just drop off or sometimes stay on but you can con things and tell your not sos.
  3. Fennemin New Member

    Yes, this is very annoying. I'm not sure it depends on zones, though. It seems to always happen right after combat, and my thinking was it might be tied to using certain disciplines. That said, it's very hard to draw that conclusion definitively, since I'm always spamming disciplines, and post-combat is the most common time for me to hide.
    It's especially hard to follow a fast moving group that needs invisibility to move. I have non-rogue invisibility blocked in most cases, as invisibility on rogues has been plagued with bugs for, oh, twenty years or more. Now my own invisibility is unreliable as well, at least without constantly taking time to manually check my nameplate and correcting the failures.
    For what it's worth, I find that breaking hide with a clicky, then hitting it again usually works the first time.
    Knifen likes this.
  4. Cairbrae Developer

    Invisibility vs hide skill issues were fixed recently so buff blocking them shouldn't be necessary any longer.
    Nennius, Rondor and minimind like this.
  5. Velisaris_MS Augur

    I've been leveling/AA'ing my rogue alt for the last 3 weeks or so (to take advantage of the bonus xp). I have not had any issues hitting hide/sneak. I use a hotkey that that does both..I also frequently hit the hide and sneak hotkeys individually. I have not seen hide drop unless I'm accidentally moving at the same time I'm hitting the key.
  6. Knifen Augur

    Flip it, Sneak than Hide and you can do while moving.
    Velisaris_MS likes this.
  7. Velisaris_MS Augur

    Good to know.
  8. Fennemin New Member

    I appreciate that devs are looking into the issues and making an attempt to address them. But these issues have been going on for a very long time and I'm going to let some other rogue be the guinea pig on this one. So far I haven't spoken to any other rogues who have volunteered.

    In any case, stealth is a class defining ability for rogues. A rogue should not be in the position of depending on someone else's buff for basic invisibility to be able to move freely without training his group or delaying them with the need for rezzes and rebuffs. That button should reliably work as intended.
  9. Velisaris_MS Augur

    I've tested it. I've had both invis and ITU on my rogue and gone's fine. I swapped it around, putting on SoS first, then get an invis...still works, even on named. Obviously I haven't tested it on EVERY mob I come across, but the trash and named I have tried it with, SoS worked fine with someone else's invis.
    Cairbrae likes this.
  10. Fennemin New Member

    Simple experiment here... I stepped out of the anniversary tower on Test, into North Ro, and grouped with my ranger. I conned an undead trash mob in the zone (nothing that would see SoS), without hiding first, and had my ranger cast his group camo AA on me. Conned the mob again. The mob was still scowling, and I got a message saying, "You suspect this being can see you.". To be clear, I think this is the correct behavior, as the ranger's invisibility is not IVU. I think someone reading your post might expect something more, though, and the actual important point here is that someone else's invisibility is not the same as the rogue's own invisibility and is not really a substitute for it.

    At the end of the day, I trust that the developers legitimately believe that the particular ticket that the comment in the patch message and that Cairbrae is referring to is actually fixed. To take that as "the problems are fixed and we can all move on" is a bit overbroad, though. There are definitely other problems associated with hide, and depending on someone else's invisibility spell is not a reasonable solution. The problem brought up in the original post in this thread is one such problem, and it's compounded by another long standing problem that the state of the hide button does not always accurately reflect whether your character is visible or not (just turn an item in to a quest NPC and watch the buttons not update).
  11. Velisaris_MS Augur

    I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. You had a normal invis cast on your rogue without SoS, and an undead mob could see you? Well...yeah...that's normal. You didn't have ITU on.

    What I was saying is that if I have normal invis on from my ranger and con an undead mob, it'll say that it sees me. If I leave the invis on and go SoS, the mob no longer sees me, so the regular invis doesn't affect anything...I'm hidden regardless. So, they actually fixed it so there's no conflict with having normal invis/ITU and then putting up SoS, like there used to be when it was unreliable.
    Cairbrae likes this.
  12. Fennemin New Member

    I said exactly the point I'm making:

    The original poster reports a problem, which I have recently experienced many times myself, that he hits the hide button and it fails to hide him. Picking up on me having other players' invisibility spells blocked and saying, in effect, "Oh, you can unblock those now" suggests that that's somehow a reasonable workaround. It is not. Those spells do not have the same functionality as the rogue's own class defining abilities. I was fine blocking them, because I shouldn't need them. Fixed or not, there is still no reason why I should need to unblock them to function as a rogue. You're defending a red herring.
  13. Velisaris_MS Augur

    You keep saying that you have to block invis spells...I'm saying you don't have to because the invis/SoS stacking wonkiness is no longer there. You can have SoS going and have invis/ITU cast on you and the SoS works, or get the invis first then hit SoS...either way, it's fixed.

    You seem to be talking solely about the Hide ability...I'm talking about actual SoS from hide/sneak.
  14. Fennemin New Member

    No. I'm saying I have them blocked because they have historically been buggy, and it's not the central point, as the main point of this entire thread is not that, but rather a current bug with pressing the hide button randomly failing to hide the player. That bug clearly exists right now and is not connected to player cast invisibility in any obvious way.

    Maybe I will unblock player invisibility buffs when I'm convinced that they're not going to cause me a problem. Maybe I never will, as I do have my own invisibility functionality that should work absent someone else's ability in any case. With respect to your point, I'm saying that the devs putting something in a patch message, and a dev coming here and saying it's fixed doesn't convince me given the degree of past breakage. It looks to me like that claim is made based on a single addressed issue, when I know there have been and likely still are many issues surrounding this functionality. Being bothered by my lack of faith in the devs having implemented a complete solution is causing you to miss the entire point of this thread, though.

    And I'm saying that's a complete red herring as it relates to the original poster's issue, even if it's true. The original poster (or I) shouldn't need someone else to cast an invisibility spell on him in order to be invisible. He shouldn't have to ask for one because the hide button frequently doesn't work when pressed, like it's supposed to. And in fact it should be completely unnecessary for him (or me) to permit any of those spells to land on him as he has his own functionality that, if it was working properly, is superior in any case.

    Now I think you're demonstrating that you don't know how this functionality is supposed to work. Well, you did say that you had a rogue and didn't stipulate that it was your main. The SoS functionality is tied to the hide skill, not the sneak skill. Since you mentioned doing some testing, try it out. Hit hide without hitting sneak, and con a see-invis, but not see-SoS mob. It will not see you, assuming you have the appropriate AA's and aren't afflicted with the bug this thread is about at the time. The basic sneak functionality is about not being seen while behind a mob, though for a rogue it has the additional functionality of allowing you to remain hidden while moving.
  15. Velisaris_MS Augur

    Yes, it was...but the stacking issue or whatever was causing a problem is fixed.

    You want to keep wasting a buff block slot on something you don't need to block anymore, be my guest. I've tested it...SoS works just fine with or without an invis buff on my toon. And it works just fine for me in LS zones, so I don't know what to tell you.

    Anyway, I'm done arguing about it.
  16. Fennemin New Member

    I'm happy for you that you're satisfied with that. Though you have focused in on the issue brought up here by Cairbrae and mentioned in a prior patch message, that's not what's at issue in this thread. I'm more skeptical, and frankly you should be as well, as "whatever was causing a problem" suggests a lack of knowledge as to what the problem was, and strongly implies you don't have enough information to know for certain that the problem was fixed.

    Not the issue in this thread, but I'm not short on blocked buff slots anyway. I doubt it has anything at all to do with LS zones, except that those zones are more crowded and it may be some sort of lag related issue. It doesn't seem to be purely lag related, as it only affects hide and not sneak done at about the same time. Good for you if you haven't experienced this issue. Others have.

    Just in case you're not clear that this is a different issue from the one you're focused on defending to distraction, here's what the real topic of this thread would look like if it was affecting a level 100 magician rather than a rogue:

    1) Magician hits his AA group perfected invisibility ability. (equivalent to hitting hide)
    2) Magician sees the message "You begin casting Group Perfected Invisibility I" (equivalent to "You begin to hide")
    3) Randomly, the magician does NOT see the message "You vanish completely." (equivalent to the hide success message)
    4) Magician sees the buff for invisibility in his buff list (equivalent to the hide button in the down position on a rogue, though as mentioned before this is not very reliable because of other issues)
    5) Magician is NOT invisible, and will get ganked if he isn't constantly verifying his invisibility through other means.

    I don't think a magician experiencing this would be satisfied with the answer, "Well, you're fine as the ranger in your group can invis you and thus there's no problem." He shouldn't be. His abilities should function reliably according to the design intent. Neither should a rogue experiencing the issue brought up by the original poster be accepting of that answer, which is a very real problem whether you personally have experienced it or not. You show a cleric avatar in this forum. Imagine if your heals updated the tank's health bar on your display, but you could never be sure if the heal actually landed without additional checks.
  17. Wulfhere Augur

    I did some testing on my rogue. Hide never failed for me while in the Bazaar. I traveled to Laurion's Inn and went into the inn. While there, hide failed in the way described 3 out of 10 tries. Sneaking isn't required either and if you move then you still get the no longer hidden message. Here is the bad sequence:

    [Sat Apr 13 23:08:45 2024] You begin to hide...
    [Sat Apr 13 23:08:46 2024] You have hidden yourself from view.
    [Sat Apr 13 23:08:47 2024] You have moved and are no longer hidden!
    [Sat Apr 13 23:08:53 2024] You begin to hide...
    [Sat Apr 13 23:08:59 2024] You have moved and are no longer hidden!
    Knifen likes this.
  18. Knifen Augur

    That zone is the worst for me, I just dont bother anymore when it fails just train aggro to where I am going than escape before I get there.
  19. Spiffy Duu New Member

    Thanks for those that looked and tested things. This has nothing to do with spells or anything blocked. This is a rogue function (yea rangers and bards can too) that was causing problems. It was simply not returning the hidden from view response when pressing hide, and therefore not really letting me be hidden. Sometimes it would work again after a few ticks, sometimes more, sometimes not. I have not been on to test it again.
    Raccoo likes this.