Fippy Fest Swag Bag

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by weewooweewoo, Apr 7, 2024.

  1. weewooweewoo Journeyman

    Anyone that bought this know if there is only 1 claim of this or if it's like the HoT collectors edition with 999 charges?
  2. Basak Augur

    I wouldn't buy it unless it had ∞ claims
  3. Demetri Augur

    Never assume anything is multi-claim unless it expressly states it - almost nothing besides HoT CE is.
  4. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    It is in the section for items that are claimable once per account so you can only get it once.
  5. Zansobar Augur

    $50 for 100% wt reduction 42 slot bag is pretty normal cost. Especially since this will allow us to have 4 wt reduction bags on the new TLP server whereas on a normal year you can only get 3 (2 from the bag packs, 1 from the collectors edition of the expansion). But yes it is VERY clearly stated it is claimable once.
  6. Mashef Augur

    You can actually get 6.

    2 from existing bundle
    2 from the next bundle
    1 from expac
    1 from fippy fest

    Assuming you didn't waste the existing bundle on another server or that it has a fair chance to be reset and re-purchasable.
    Flexin likes this.
  7. Zansobar Augur

    I've used the existing bundle last year.
  8. Doze Augur

    Up to 7 actually - since you can claim 2 (on all chars) from the HoT Collector's Edition pack (which gives you 999 claims of each bag).

    Tbh then it is a bit cheap that you don't also get 999 claims for the "Fippy Fest Swag Bags" - seeing as even the most basic Fippy pack is even more costly than the full HOT pack and part of the 25th anniversary celebration.
    Mashef likes this.
  9. Mashef Augur

    Oh snap HoT CE forgot about it...big time energy
  10. Zansobar Augur

    Are those the 40 slot bags? Or only 20 slot?
  11. Zansobar Augur

    It appears they are only the 20 slot non wt reduction bags, no?
  12. Demetri Augur

    Yea but "infinite" claims so usable on every TLP for the rest of the game or your life expectancy
  13. Zansobar Augur

    Yeah I bought that one years ago.
  14. Basak Augur

    That is exactly what I mean, anything I pay money for should in turn be ∞ claims unless it is a consumable like those XP potions.
  15. Zansobar Augur

  16. Celatusp99 Augur

    Yeah as nice as more 999 bags would be I dont mind buying the new one since it helps support tlps.