What a puzzling event!

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Angeliana, Mar 23, 2024.

  1. Conq Augur

    OMG, is this real? Free pizza for a year?! What social media was this posted on? I shall open an account post-haste!
  2. looffy Journeyman

    Ah yup you did win day 3 but for some reason you got filtered for mature language and i had to enable some option to even see it. (if forgetting the puzzle piece isnt a dq)
  3. Mitsune Elder

    Hahaha .. the whole setup is just a mess. No idea why I might got filtered, I have never written anything questionable on twitter...
    Anyway, at least TrueboxSucks assigned as winner for yesterday.
    And today TrueboxSucks is again first, 4 seconds ahead of me.
  4. looffy Journeyman

    Looks like youre getting filtered everyday, maybe its having a dagger as a profile pic?
  5. Mitsune Elder

    Omg, this would be a hillarious explanation. After all my Norrathian occupation is catching up with me.

    Update: I have now changed the profile pic and the link to my tumblr as that also contains the word "blade"... (mischievousblade.tumblr.com). Can't wait to see if this makes any difference.
  6. looffy Journeyman

    Not filtered today so it was one of those.
  7. Mitsune Elder

    Yep, and I did win yesterday, thanks.
  8. looffy Journeyman

    Yaa bad news, filtered again today.
  9. Numiko Augur

    Just curious as someone who does not use social media, what are you guys "winning"?
  10. Mitsune Elder

    Guess so, I should have won yesterday again...

    Anyway, I noticed something even more fun
    Puzzle reveals from today: [IMG]

    and here is the scoreboard: [IMG]

    - 11 pieces on the puzzle
    - 13 wins on X
    - 14 wins on Facebook
    - 13 wins on Instagram

  11. looffy Journeyman

    They cheated and gave everyone who finished the word search puzzle a point so things wont add up.

    @trivial_notions 2024-04-04T21:00:42.000Z
    and looks like he did win by 14 seconds