Tormax - Let the players decide

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by PDXPCFL, Apr 5, 2024.

  1. PDXPCFL New Member

    It's become very apparent very quickly that the majority of players are not interested in the Tormax server in its current form. The Teek server (even with its much sillier name) will be the heavily populated server. Tormax will struggle from the beginning due to its outdated rule set for a TLP server. (Just because something was popular in the past doesn't mean that it will be popular now.)

    So for the 25th anniversary why not ask the players what they'd like the Tormax server to be? Provide multiple options for players to vote on. Do they want FTE or do they not want FTE? Do they want free trade or do they not want free trade? Do they want Legacy bonuses or not want Legacy bonuses?

    Allowing players to vote and decide what Tormax will be would be the coolest thing you could do for a 25th anniversary TLP server.

    You could even do some kind of cool donation drive as part of it? The players donating to a good cause to buy the rules for the server?

    Do something fun. Don't just make this a vanilla server that starts in Kunark has true box from the start. That doesn't make it feel special. If nothing else at least make Tormax have the same rule set as Teek, but with FTE that way the servers could be merged eventually with minimal impact.
    Vetis, Sanduleak, Krizem and 3 others like this.
  2. Serona Elder

    I will donate at minimum $13 to vote on the Tormax ruleset.
    Sanduleak likes this.
  3. Exmortis_MT Augur

    While interesting idea, and certainly be interesting to see what comes of such an idea, you are dreaming in technicolor unfortunately.
  4. Tulisin_Dragonflame Augur

    Just have 'em put their money where their mouth is and let the people who dropped $1500 on the fancy Fippy tickets vote on it.
  5. Intercept Augur

    Tormax will do very well as it's literally the closest ruleset that has kept people playing this 25 year old game, there isn't some new player base coming out of the woodwork to play this game vs anything else on Steam or some other MMO
    Sanduleak likes this.
  6. jeskola pheerie

    Is that you jchan?

    Literally no one has committed to tormax. It's pretty much as bad as when they called Selo the Casual Server. Totally out of touch and making a decision off a few specific data points without consideration for other factors that influenced those data points or how things have changed for the TLP community in the last 5 years.
  7. Tyranthraxus Grognard

    This is a great Idea. +1
  8. Zansobar Augur

    Look there is nothing wrong with a Mangler server ruleset. The issue is you can't put that ruleset up against a Mischief ruleset. Mischief was the absolute most popular TLP ruleset in EQ history. If Teek was just another Oakwynd for example, then Tormax would do ok, but that isn't the competition for Tormax. So instead of waste precious server resources on a server that will be DOA on release, please add another version of the Teek server ruleset, maybe with FTE enabled instead.
    Chanaluss and Tyranthraxus like this.
  9. Horus New Member

    It's hard for me to believe that they would bring back Aradune under the assumption that it was the ruleset that drove engagement. It's very clear that the population of Aradune was a direct result of COVID restrictions keeping everyone indoors and playing games. Look at every single game's population numbers at the same time - it's all the same.

    What even was the ruleset on Aradune? A generic Phinny clone where we got smoke blown up our about a "dedicated GM" and a 2 box limit that was almost completely unenforceable? There isn't really anything here worth copying.

    Unless they're planning to re-launch COVID with the server, I don't see how this is going to work.
  10. Varyk Lorekeeper

    Step 1: Join the Official EverQuest Discord server
    Step 2: Navigate to #guilds-tlp-servers
    Step 3: Press Ctrl+F
    Step 4: Type Teek and hit Enter
    Step 5: Repeat Step 3
    Step 6: Type Tormax and hit Enter
    Step 7: Rethink your comment.
    Appren and Tyranthraxus like this.
  11. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    They are not going to merge 2 servers with different rules one without FTE and one with is enough of a difference to not let it happen.

    Those who want FTE are kicking up enough of a stink already, imagine if they got what you ask for and then merged to Teek and it didn't have FTE.
  12. Tulisin_Dragonflame Augur

    I'm one of the people who'd like to see Tormax as Teek+FTE and I'm 100% fine with this. FTE's biggest impact is before everything gets heavily instanced as the game goes on. Merge 'em at PoP or whatever and have the combined server be non-FTE. Or, if it's really that contentious, do a vote.
    Ogamuk and Zansobar like this.
  13. Tyranthraxus Grognard

    Set a Concrete Merge Date, higher population servers ruleset continues! Let the spice flow!

    Search and Rescue likes this.
  14. Zansobar Augur

    This. As long as it is stated up front that the merging will happen and the final server will either have or not have FTE enabled, I see no problem at all. But as you just pointed out, after a certain expansion, FTE is less important anyway as everyone is just doing instanced content.
  15. CdeezNotes Augur

    Go to server listing. Find those that are FT. Find those that aren't. Tell me the majority ruleset of this game.
  16. PDXPCFL New Member

    I just think it would be really cool if they let us vote because it would show what the players really want. Truthfully I don't care if the money would go to charity, if the company would keep it, or if we could somehow bribe the people in charge.

    When you talk about wanting to do something special for the 25th anniversary this just doesn't seem special. A lot of people have been asking for another Mischief so I get that, but adding a second server with a standard rule set doesn't really do much for most players. While Oakwynd wasn't everyone's cup of tea, there are a lot of people who did enjoy it. Some people liked FTE and some people didn't like FTE. At least it was something different though. The issue here is that for something that's supposed to be the 25th anniversary and supposed to be special Tormax just doesn't fit the bill. It doesn't feel Giant and if you're going to name something after Tormax it should be something big.

    The biggest mistake the developers could make is to not listen to the players and the feedback they're getting on this topic, because it will cost them a financially in the long run. Having two popular servers is great, but having one server that's essentially dead just costs you money in the long run. It's entirely possible to have two popular servers with two different rules sets come out at the same time. It's better to walk something back and be successful then it is to launch something that you know people aren't interested in.
  17. Soriano Augur

    Free Trade is rarely offered and extremely popular when it is...

    Most players never liked the concept of no drop...makes zero sense that after I upgrade my sleeves I have to bank or destroy the old ones....
    Search and Rescue likes this.
  18. CdeezNotes Augur

    I guarantee if they turned FT and/or random loot on live you'd get a lot of unhappy players.

    And why doesn't it make sense?
  19. Juskov Lorekeeper

    I think the allure is more about novelty than assuming everyone hates no drop and loves FT etc. Hard to argue with 25 yrs of success. Maybe they'll keep Mischief instead of rolling it into another server when it reaches live and maybe they'll roll Teet into that someday and keep this separate silo going every 3 years or so. There's still demand for basic TLP, or other variations. It was just a bad call to release basic TLP next to a Mischief ruleset with all the pent-up demand.
  20. Soriano Augur

    No drop is a completely different thing...random loot I see the allure but not a fan. although the thought it makes many unused camps more relavent seems like something to consider.

    A better question is how does NO DROP make sense...

    An item that drops randomly off a mob being no drop makes no sense...

    An item obtained by completing a quest being no drop that makes sense.

    The way EQ does is make ZERO sense.

    Guess it is a role playing thing.
    Search and Rescue likes this.