Changes I would have made to the TWO rulesets to better serve the population split

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by MMOer, Apr 4, 2024.

  1. fransisco Augur

    Umm.... no, kronos enter the game because people buy them. You have to spend real life cash for them. Bots cannot "farm" kronos. People need to pay money to create a krono. This idea that "All the krono farmers and bots" are magically producing and trading kronos? That everyone who deals in kronos are the bots? Words like "bot", "farmer", "boxer", and such are just applied to anyone else who isn't the person saying it. It doesn't even make sense to say the farmers are making kronos. Someone has to pay real money for each krono, and the fact that EVERY tlp is a krono banaza means that VERY MANY real players are spending money on kronos
  2. Kahna Augur

    Meh, most kronos have been floating around for ages, just getting passed around. I have had mine for 5-6 years. Mine actually came from EQ2. They could have come from other servers, or other games entirely. Just because there are a ton of krono on one TLP doesn't mean the folks playing there are dropping hundreds of dollars to buy krono so they can get a piece of gear. Most folks aren't whales. They might add a krono to the market every now and then for a plat infusion but most folks spending lots of krono on gear never paid a dime for the krono.
    OldTimeEQ1 likes this.
  3. CdeezNotes Augur

    Isn't the point of randomized to get that chaos though? It's supposed to bring more excitement than standard loot tables. Similar to seeing a HR or desirable unique drop in D2 randomly in the pit.

    People hyper focused in getting BIS everything probably aren't the target audience for random loot? But then again, the way random loot is coded, everything is a loot pinata (which is dumb in my opinion).
  4. Exmortis_MT Augur

    I think his point is that every krono was original bought and paid for by real cashie money.

    I agree with you that a large portion of krono are just recycled by the same players TLP server after TLP server, however each of those Krono were bought from the same source with their inception into the game.
  5. Lejaun Augur

    There are too many TLPs to split them up. The population is getting stretched. Should have done Teek and Teek.0 with a planned merge in six months after the hype died down.
  6. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    I am sure people would love the idea of a mob dropping a bunch of items that no one in the group/raid can use (or they already have it or better) and they can't even be looted to sell because they are no trade.
    Demetri likes this.
  7. Lejaun Augur

    Doesn’t that already happen on every server? Items drop all the time that can’t be used by a group member.
  8. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    On a normal server you at least know what items will drop from a given mob/raid event but that isn't the case on a random loot server. With free trade you have the option of looting an item to sell/trade it for something you need.
  9. Intercept Augur

    No it won't, Teek has one servers population to pull from while Tormax has every single other server.

    You think there are more people on Mischief than all the other servers combined? If so then by all means keep humming that melody
    Skuz likes this.
  10. Kahna Augur

    What makes you think Mischief folks will even leave? My whole guild is happy there. They have no intention of leaving. Teek isn't pulling from Mischief, it is pulling from everyone who missed the Mischief boat, saw how amazingly it held up, and want to give that a go. Plenty of folks from Oakwynd or Aradune or Yelinak or whatever server are going to go to Teek.
  11. WeCameWeConquered Elder


    Your suggestions are bad. Full stop.
    Skuz likes this.
  12. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Teek will pull from all servers, many have been playing on other servers (or not playing at all) while waiting for a fresh mischief rule set to come around.
    Celatusp99 likes this.
  13. Krizem Augur

    I have a feeling that this will be the most massive launch in recent TLPs. A bust last year due to economy issues (and well... and FTE hate). Less than stellar Yelinak the year before. Pent-up demand for a Mischief replay. Mangler nearing the end and people jumping ship finally after a really good run (best in TLP history pre-Mischief?)

    And it's obvious 99% are headed to the launch queue on Teet. What could possibly go wrong?
  14. Crackers Augur

    No one wants to play on a server where you're queued up for 50% of your playtime. Teek will be too populated. I'm all for high population servers, but given the choices I would imagine it's going to be a 90 / 10 split on players going to these servers.
    OldTimeEQ1 likes this.
  15. MMOer Augur

    bad for krono lords who want to focus everyone to a FT server and increase their profits.
  16. MMOer Augur

    Very negative perspective.

    Opposite of that, you can obtain that no drop loot on ANY mob within level range. Now you can join ANY GROUP and not have to focus on a specific named camp. No longer being blocked by krono lords perma camping spots.
  17. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    I consider it a very realist response, sure you can kill any mob in that level range to get the item you want but it is also possible you can kill it multiple times and get nothing but items no one in the group can use. Just because it is possible to get the item you want from more spots doesn't mean you are actually going to get it right away and you might get a lot of stuff that no one wants before you get a usable item.
  18. WeCameWeConquered Elder

    I'm sorry FT hurt your krono business and now you have to try to run interference to make people think it is the other way around. Ok, no, I'm not really sorry - FT hurts the krono lording hard and it is beautiful.
  19. Kahna Augur

    And? You could camp the Ghoul Lord for hours upon hours on a regular server and get nothing but hats. At least this way you might get something useful while waiting for an SSOY. GEBS, Squallsurge Shawl, Loam. Heck casters might actually want to join the camp and not take your SSOY so they can sell it to buy gear they need. Or you can load your inventory up with loam too and sell/trade it for the thing you wanted.

    It is not a realistic response. EQ always had camps where you could spend hours getting the thing you wanted. This is no different, only now the things you got that you didn't want are a whole lot more varied than a million and one Skull Shaped Barbutes.
    OldTimeEQ1 likes this.
  20. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Correct, but with a non random loot system you at least know that the drops you get will be the ones you want. There is a big difference between camping a known drop and not getting it versus camping a random drop and getting something no one can use. There is a reason why they made the random loot server free trade.