Kunark Epics #nobottlenecks?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Bartholomo, Apr 4, 2024.

  1. Bartholomo Journeyman

    Well, since its a kunark start, maybe we can get a few of the bottlenecks out of the way. the super sweaties will be at it week 1 day 1. I know they have already worked out some of them in the past, but lets face it, my SK always has an issue every server down by erudin. Fingers crossed.
  2. Chopsuey Augur

    Been a few TLP's since I did epics in era. Is the broken golem for wiz epic still a pita? Getting people to do posky for epics might be like pulling teeth as well.
    If doing the mischief ruleset some of the classic drops, especially for rogue epic, can be pretty annoying to get unless you get pretty lucky. Mithril two hander etc took me a really long time to get on Mischief and that was camping both sides of guk that could drop it.
  3. Cfuson Journeyman

    I wouldn't count on getting your epic with a kunark launch. You will have 3 months to complete it and a lot more competition and then once velious drops no one will work on non cleric 1.0s anymore.
  4. Kahna Augur

    They will if you make friends.
  5. fransisco Augur

    I'm guessing only the epics which are important will happen much. Cleric, mage, ranger, warrior, rogue... is that it?
  6. Cfuson Journeyman

    No serious guild will raid sky once velious drops.
  7. fransisco Augur

    A few classes need their epics there. Mage and ranger for example - both of which live well past kunark
  8. 25thAnniBaby Lorekeeper

    Broken was easy to get on Oakwynd. In DZ and out.
  9. Cfuson Journeyman

    Just because certain classes need their epics doesn't mean a guild is going to clear sky for them. The only epic a guild will care about will be the cleric epic, again no serious guild will touch sky past kunark and your delusional if you think other wise.
  10. MileyVyrus Augur

    So much of Sky's loot table is negated by Kunark loot. Especially when you consider the amount of invested time it takes to raid sky compared to anything else. It's actually really cool when you realize all the guild and vets are now mapping out battle plans for a Kunark launch, something they've never quite tackled before. So cheers to a new adventure!

    If I was to guess, Sky wouldn't even be tackled until people are 60, or enough of a raid force is, just for the time difference it takes to clear. I don't care how hardcore you think you are, no one is racing up at level 50 to take on bees. Even if you want the 41% knight haste belts that only require hitting up spiroc lord.. DPS is night and day if spells and procs land on him.
  11. Kahna Augur

    No serious guild would do formal raids there, sure, but you don't need whole guild to handle sky after Kunark. If you can scrape together a single group (keyed, of course) you can easily pop up and farm for mage crowns. Necro cape is a bit harder but still wouldn't take much. Never played a ranger but I doubt it would be much more difficult than the Necro.
  12. Arclyte Augur

    make sky epic drops zonewide and remove keying

    no one likes that dump
  13. Trow Journeyman

    Fideles likes this.
  14. HelpMeLearn New Member

    Why is this even a discussion. Starting in kunark changes nothing for epics, and we only had 12 weeks from launch to velious on mischief. It's not going to be a problem.
  15. 25thAnniBaby Lorekeeper

    I can only see a few epics presenting challenges but are those really worth it?

    Enchanter epic is going to probably present the biggest issue for people, followed by SK.
    Even with the changes to Ench the ground spawns alone are going to be a nightmare not to mention the others.
  16. Zansobar Augur

    Mage is only used until Pop, correct?
  17. Cfuson Journeyman

    Yes and even then most guilds wont allow mage epics in raids because of how easy they rip aggro
  18. Bobbybick Only Banned Twice

    You will probably be able to pay for some of those 1.0 pieces :)
  19. Zansobar Augur

    Thank goodness! I will get my checkbook ready!
  20. Tharvog Elder

    posky at 60 is 2 groupable though. a lot of it is super easy at 60