Persona wishlist

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Draste, Apr 2, 2024.

  1. Draste New Member

    Things I would like to see regarding the persona system. Please keep in mind that some sections are more relevant to the “live” experience, than the TLP experience:

    1. Remove the restriction of swapping personas in only non-combat zone, while implementing other restrictions:
      1. Allow swapping when “out of combat” is available
      2. Implement a cooldown for swapping toons while in “combat” zones (i.e 5 , 10, or 30 minute lockout) to mitigate people who would abuse free swapping,
      3. Keep the current unrestricted swapping in non-combat zones.
      4. Freeze cooldowns on inactive persona’s (that are unique to that persona) while not in non-combat zones.
      5. Add a premium consumable in the marketplace that instantly removes your swap timer in combat zones. (more money for Darkpaw).

    1. Give us a better reason to play persona’s. On live, we’ve had 25 years to make alts. We have alts. We have lots of alts. Personas feels like a great way to progress your single character, we just have no incentive to do so. Two half-baked ideas below, but in any case, I would want SOME incentive.
      1. Add a small, passive bonus for the personas you progress. Can make them visible in the ”special” aa window.
        1. i.e. Cleric Persona 0/5
          1. 1/5 required persona level 50, increases outgoing healing by 1%
          2. 5/5 required persona level 125, increases outgoing healing by 5%
        2. i.e. Berserker persona 0/5, increase crit damage or crit chance
        3. i.e. Paladin persona 0/5, increase incoming healing
      2. Add an activatable aa or a clickie that gives a short term or instant benefit relevant to the class you have progressed:
        1. i.e. Warrior clickie: reduce incoming damage from all sources by 3% (casting time 1s, duration 5 minutes, recast time 20 hours)
        2. i.e. Shadowknight clickie: all spell damage returns 5% of their damage as lifesteal to the caster (casting time 2s, duration 2 minutes, recast time 8 hours)
      3. Options like these will drive higher interest in persona’s, including the premium services for additional persona slots AND 85 / 100 heroic character purchases (more money for Darkpaw).

    1. Make persona equipped gear stay equipped to the persona inventory, and not dump them in the bags. Inventories are already a mess on live. If the concern is making bag space / weight limitations in TLP, unlock this at a certain expansion (HoT?). Bag management is not fun, nor is it necessary on “live”.

    1. Make all augs lore equipped, our persona’s do not have access to any of our good augs without having to remove them entirely from our mains gear every time we switch. While it would be nice if there was a way to share these across personas, at the very least, we should have the opportunity to farm additional augs for the persona.

    1. Enable evolving gear to cycle through the different class versions.

    1. Bonus experience options to make up for being unable to collect experience rewards through achievements, since these have been claimed by the “main” / original class. A LARGE amount of experience was given through these achievements, making the grind from 100 to 120 completely miserable.
    02/09/24 03:23:48 PMYou gain party experience! (0.046%)
    02/09/24 03:23:48 PMA reborn warrior has been slain by Morty!

    1. Share aa’s across persona through:
      1. General AA’s: shared amongst ALL personas
      2. Archetype AA’s: shared to enable highest rank available to the persona that has been learned across all personas.
        1. Pally has 92/92 of burst of power. Beastlord has 97 ranks available. Make me work for those extra ranks I haven’t bought yet.
        2. Opposite direction: Beastlord has 97/97 ranks of burst of power. A persona pally should have 92/92 (as long as the level requirement is met)
        3. There are some class specific aa’s here, but for the most part, these are already given through the autogrant system. If not, sure, make me work for them.
      3. Class AA’s: share none! I am more than happy to aa, skill, and learn more about the class specific aa’s.
      4. Focus AA’s: Same deal, these are grindy, but it’s fair that we should work for these, even if there is overlap across classes.
    DeadRagarr likes this.
  2. Cicelee Augur

    All of these are amazing ideas that have never been shared before. Thank you for all of these amazing and brand new ideas on how to make personas better than what they are.
    Vumad, Rijacki and Roxas MM like this.
  3. error Augur

    If it provides a permanent increase to combat ability it's not a "bonus", it's character progression and therefore participation is mandatory for anyone serious about the game. AP is not in a state where it should be mandatory, and it should never be mandatory is do the 1->125 grind 16 times to max out your character. Maybe at some point when AP is in a much better state than it is now it'd be reasonable to have players select one active trait based on their leveled personas, like a watered down version of a subjob, but AP needs a lot of work before that.
  4. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    They really need to do something about gear storage, maybe tie it to Persona achievements.
    Barton-Vox and Captain Video like this.
  5. Conq Augur

    Stop making new broken and spend that time fixing old broken .
    Nennius, Vumad and Owch like this.
  6. CrazyLarth Augur

    Does Auto Grant affect Persona AAs
  7. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Some of those ideas turn an optional feature into a required one.
    Kaenneth and Rijacki like this.
  8. Cuzon Elder

    This is what most players who use and enjoy the persona feature have been asking for since it was in beta. I am not sure I like the idea on number 5 here though.

    This would take way to much time for them to code. They already said they arent planning any big changes or expansions to this system.

    Dear god please! As someone who has all persona slots unlocked and has all bags at 40 slot or larger inventory is a freaking nightmare. This is really something that needs work.

    If gear was locked in the inventory of the persona it was used on, this wouldnt be an issue. I could see some conflicts arising from actual lore items though.

    I would pass on this idea. If you want the item for a different class, I would think you should get a new version of that item for that class to use (especially if gear gets locked to persona's inventory).

    Do you mean like how alts get bonus exp on Oakwynd? I would be down with that.

    Doesnt Autogrant take care of this for you?
  9. Draste New Member

    I wouldn't see it any more mandatory than other time sinks we've been given over the years, the Artisan's Prize being one example. There are plenty of people who are serious about the game that still don't have this item.

    The specific bonuses I threw up as an example probably have lots of inherent problems I haven't thought through. If a better argument is heroic stat increases to mirror something like Artisan's Prize, then I'm board with that too. My true argument here is that we need to be incentivized in some way if they want us to actually make these personas.
  10. daBlubb Elder

    In my eyes, the whole systems could use an overhaul to make personas beeing fun.

    In other games classes have a main stat. Example: Warrior = Strength, Cleric = Wisdom.

    So you play the warrior all your augments are strength based, you swap to cleric persona(its called different in other games) and strength automaticly changes to clerics main stat wisdom. > No need to swap augments.

    With personas such a system would be helpful.

    To reduce inventory space, and above all frustation, i would like to see something like augment tabs, working like tribute or key rings.
    Augments will no longer go into your armor, they go into that extra tab and dont need to be touched while swaping armor or chars around.

    Slot 5 augs from missions: You have to farm them once every year to have a full set. Then you get a button to klick, where you choose if you like to use Agi or Dex etc. for the current char/persona today.

    Slot 3 augs: Remove the upgrade to single spells:
    No more: Your spell true north, gives 3% more nording and you have to swap the aug, cause your warrior doesnt have exactly that spell.
    Instead: General Upgrades:Your dots have 3% more DPS, your discs have 2 secs less downtime etc., no matter which class you just use.

    Evolvings could be ALL ALL.

    Give people one big extra Bag for Personas, like EQ2 players got an extra overseer bag for overseer rewards. (btw. can we copy the EQ2 overseer system?)

    I bet most things are too hard to implement and would have been different if personas where planed right from start in EQ.

    While EQ is still my favorite game and i dont want eq to be like game x, i still wonder about a few things.
    In most other games if you swap class or make another char, you get a bonus to level it faster or you have some better start gear, abilities till they are max level.
    In EQ its the opposite, the personas need longer to level, cause we already got the one time xp boosts from quests with our main.