2 things TLP Guilds don't need to succeed

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by SnapVine, Mar 27, 2024.

  1. Larsen Augur

    Last time I played in a serious raid guild, the top tank weapons in each expansion (BoC, BF, BoW, DBotW) were set at a fixed and reasonable lowish DKP price that warriors could bid and then roll to see who amongst them gets it for that price. This was to prevent a bidding war where warriors have to spend half an expansion's worth of DKP on just a weapon, leaving them unable to afford good armor which the other plate classes that depend less on weapons can outspend the warriors on.

    There was a few warriors in the guild who refused to pay the 50 or 100 DKP or whatever the fixed price was, and that caused some drama, but the end result was that they just never got these weapons and were relegated to backup tanks. The alternative would have been that the first few of any of these weapons would have gone for like 250 DKP and then whoever got them would be unable to get much else for that expansion, which doesn't serve the guild well as they will be a worse tank.

    Could also just have distributed these weapons without any DKP cost at all, but then there would have been cries of class favoritism. In the end, putting a lowish fixed price on them seemed like the solution that created the least problems.
  2. SnapVine Augur

    yeah i mean, it sounds like the guild did as much harm as good if the tanks didn't get their class restricted aggro weps because they hated the loot system so much they refused to participate lol. none if this seems necessary. the BoC needs help because it has too many classes on it, but after that it will work itself out.

    my hot take is that if the guild was that super serious then they would be getting enough drops that none of this would be an issue. tank loot modified dkp is a crutch for mid-tier guild leadership that loves to micromanage and has visions of grandeur
  3. Vlorg Augur

    it's a crutch for AOC-only guild who get little loot during an expac and have to make sure it goes to classes who actually get value out of it... IE not an AC ring to casters. As I said, warrior-loot only exist because out of the 70 people you raid with, there's bound to be a bunch of idiot and you make rule for those people.

    Honestly I wouldn't even put the aggro weapon on that list ( the very few of them who aren't war-only). If a non-war want to spend DKP on an BOC, it's time to let that person go.
    Flexin likes this.
  4. Tyranthraxus Grognard

    Thats an amusing solution to the ranger or bard winning the boc, grats on your, oops where did you go? oh well BoC goes to the warrior who came in 2nd.
  5. Osangar Journeyman

    I agree 100% other than agro weapons. Make your guild responsible for their own reagents and there's still plenty of loot to subsidize the more expensive ones. Other than that special loot rules are lame, unwarranted, and usually give tanks an unfair advantage in DKP that lasts several expansions. If you have a** hats that regularly loot gear that's not really class appropriate boot their a**es out. For info SK is my preferred class.
  6. Fizon Augur

    Yall worry about the dumbest stuff. Who cares what a guild does with a guild bank. I have literally never thought about it
  7. SnapVine Augur

    oh are you using 100% of your brain power to cast CH or something?
  8. OldTimeEQ1 Augur

    You are right, but you got to remember - for some people the guild bank looting, and the RMT of pre-sleeper stuff is serious business (I kid you not, why do you think there is one guild which buys keys etc. in game and awakens sleeper in every TLP ASAP?)
  9. Fizon Augur

    102% I always give more than 100%
  10. MileyVyrus Augur

    As someone who's been in a handful of guilds over my EQ days, and spent time on the officer side (mostly against my will, as is the custom)....

    Anyone complaining about a guild's loot system is usually gone within 3 weeks. Yeah there is the odd occasional exception you get treated to in genchat when some Z tier guild had the officers disappear in the cover of night with guild banks never to be seen again... It's like the ol' Penthouse forum. Sure its probably happened once or twice ever, but by god theres 20 sus letters a month, each month, keeping the dream alive.

    Anyone panicked over the guy face tanking the boss mob getting a small preference in loot distro over the army of bards and knights spending most encounters half afk and a quarter of a dps.... I mean, bless your heart. The same reason BOC needs to be flagged as warrior special is the same reason 'DO NOT USE IN SHOWER" is plastered on hair dryers. Never take any amount of common sense for granted as the 50 people follow the 5 that know what they are doing and call it raiding.

    Yes, you have to hand people healing and resist potions because they almost never meet the bare minimum to justify their existence. Yes, there is a master looter because otherwise you have rogue mains and monk alts 'needing' on spell scrolls and mage main needing on no drop melee only shields.

    These systems are in place because the bottom 75% barely paying attention on raid night completely destroy any hope and prayer of any form on socialism that requires someone who's chosen to main a rogue to also have the talent level to apply and modify their loot filters.

    It's why people who 3 box find one other person who 3 boxes and makes a group quicker than someone who one boxes and tries to find 5 other people who fit specific roles, have a decent amount of time to play, and doesn't suck.

    Is the world fair? No. But don't blame management for main looting gems and supplying potions and port stones and resist gear and crap instead of praying for the sudden competence and attention to detail a few dozen people watching Bad Girls Club marathons while forgetting to hit pet back when nagafen is incoming are able to bring to the table...

    Its called the path of least resistance for a reason.
    Celatusp99, Tyranthraxus and Dominate like this.
  11. Owch Crotchety SOB

    Rogs are OK though, right?
  12. Ishbu Augur

    A TLP guild does not clear Underfoot in era without somehow prioritizing loot to tanks, period.
    Tyranthraxus likes this.
  13. Kahna Augur

    My guild just fined them DKP, they stopped pretty quick after that.
  14. coltongrundy Augur

    imagine thinking EQ is hard on TLP servers
  15. SnapVine Augur

    I concede that if the guild is full of literal idiots then my claim does not apply and I appreciate you providing a home for all of them.
  16. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Loot is the root of all evils. It causes more arguements than everything else put together.

    If the guild feels they need a guild bank so be it. If the guild wishes to prioritise some loot, as long is it is not all, so be it. There is usually plenty of loot to go around. Loot isn't something I'm going to complain about as long as the right targets are dying every week.

    I am a strong believer in karma....could be why I want to be a druid in classic and a shaman in Kunark...
  17. Riler Devour New Member

    Concerns about the guild bank are so silly they don't even warrant a response.

    Casual guilds are often plagued by the "everyone is equal" mentality. At worst, it holds them back from completing content efficiently. At best, it forces a few players to work extra hard outside of raids to gear themselves and carry all the whiny casuals through endgame content...which quickly burns out the good players.

    No, your Druid is not as important to gear up as the Warrior being CH'd by 12 Clerics in a 0 delay chain. Neither is your Paladin or SK or Bard.

    Funnel early tank gear to the MTs. Charge them some set amount that reflects the average price of premium gear in your guild. Enforce minimum raid attendance to be classified as a prioritized MT. Whatever you do, stop whining that your useless class being dragged through endgame raid content isn't getting their "fair share" of loot you didn't really do anything to deserve anyways.
  18. Celatusp99 Augur

    I honestly would not want to be in a guild that does not do both of those things. I run more toward the hard core though
  19. SnapVine Augur

    shoulda just stopped there and spared us the rest of that. why do you guys all invite "useless players" on their "useless classes" to your guild anyways?
  20. SnapVine Augur

    doubt it